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Why can't the libs leave poor Joe alone? ?

I mean...I'm sitting here reading about how all of you idiots think he was some GOP plant or he is just some guy that the GOP is using as a tactic. Well, guess what? He's neither. He's just a regular middel-class American that happened to say in front of a camera that he doesn't think Obama will equal less taxes for him.

So what? He doesn't agree with Obama. get over it.

I actually saw a couple of people say that the GOP shouldn't be using Joe, etc and that he is being exploited. Guess what one more time.

The GOP is not camping out ion his lawn going through his garbage and tax records, etc. to demean and somehow strip Joe of ANY credibility that he has. The libs are looking at this guy like he's the freakin' Presidentiual Candidate looking for some way to create a scandal that will diminish Joe. Give me a break people...ALL he did was DISAGREE with Obama. You should be very, very ashamed of yourselves for trying to destroy this poor guy and your liberal media garbage can pickers should just back off and leave his front porch.

Leave Joe alone! He's not a plant and not GOP, nor ACORN, AYERS, WRIGHT, FANNIE MAE OR FREDDIE MAC. Get a grip and then get a life and think about the reasons that Joe (who could be your neighbor) does not agree with Obama or believe in his plan for the middle-class.


I'm sure that Joe is very sorry for bursting the masters illusion. He's probaly being paid weel for his interviews and now he is part of the American dream ("rich" over $250k) and now subject to Obama's wealth redistribution plan. Losers.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Liberals like / love Joe [Biden].

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is sad. Obama has been preaching that he wants to help the people. I guess that only applies when you don't ask him a question. The are scared. Just like when Palin entered the scene. Sad thing is how quick all the clan came after him. I thought obama was there for the middle class?

    I like how all the non-workers question his back taxes. Hey, Obama's plan isn't in place yet. Joe's not keeping your free handout (welfare) check away from you. Your reparations will come later. Meanwhile, get a job.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If "Joe the Plumber" can't take the heat, he shoulda stayed out of the kitchen and not tried to "spout off" to Obama about some shyt he's not even qualified to speak of.

    Instead, he's made himself look like the biggest fool around ...

    Here's a quick interview done TODAY in which he's all crying about the attention he's been receiving:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry dear, it was the conservatives media that investigated Joe and they were sorry they did.

    By the way Freddie and Fannie isn't the ones that cause the melt down.

    It was AIG, LB, ML and with the help of Phil Gramm so saids CNN and the Pew Report all tied to McCain.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because he dared to expose Obama's socialistic agenda.

    Regardless of who Joe is, Obama actually said it was justified to take a person's money in order to "spread the wealth."

    They can't defend Obama so they attack Joe.

  • zxc
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Obama considers him a threat to his campaign. This just shows how vindictive and hostile Obama is if someone just disagrees with him. Him getting power is scary

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you can't take the heat, don't lie as you seek your 15 minutes of fame. And pay your taxes, Joe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You just don't approach or question the great and mighty 0bama.

    Do something useful!


    McCain/Palin '08


  • Rosie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    YEAH! Now they are trying to say he was a plant. The guy was at home Obama approached him. Good gosh.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look at the comments about him. Who cares if he's not licensed? If he doesn't charge an arm and a leg and can do the job right, I'd hire him. (And yet how many Dems think it's okay for illegals to come here and work - without ANY kind of papers?)

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