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Lv 42,676 points

Christopher P

Favorite Answers24%
  • Was it a rough for night for Obama & FactCheck?

    It turns out FactCheck has their thinking caps on! This is the summary of their factCheck analyis of tonight's infomercial...that delayed the World Series Final game.

    -Increased taxes already down the $200,000 (Obama's words). Biden already slipped it down to $150k.

    -No defintive exit strategy for Iraq. His exact words "we've got to look at bringing that war to a close".

    -No universal healthcare for adults. Children only...which exists in virtually every state already.

    -His health care "decrease in cost of $2500 per family" is a hope thta computerized records will allow health insurers to pass the (estimated) savings on to premium payors...yeah right.

    -Spending plan heading for a 1 TRILLION dollar deficit in the FIRST year in office, even after taking into account any spending cuts he proposes.

    -Recently acknowledged that the next President will have SCALE BACK his agenda and some of his proposals.

    Before you the link! There's got to be something in your brain that says, "Why do I believe in him?"

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Joe the Plumber's taxes now? ?

    Looks like he just made Obama's tax bracket! He's been offered a country music record deal. Turns out his question pertains direclty to him after all!

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't it be nice to see the Obama-Khalidi tape? ?

    It turns out that not only was Obama at that party in 2003, so was Ayers. Just a couple of guys from the neighborhood I guess.

    Too bad that the L.A. Times who has possession of the tape won't release it. Oh yeah, I forgot they endorsed Obama.


    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do Obama supporters want their 401k taxed and controlled by the government? ?

    You better wake the F*** up people. Seriously.

    The House Democrats are tabling a plan to take away your 401k tax breaks and force you contribute your election to a government run fixed pension account. I'm not kidding you.

    Obama will complete the scheme by leaving the Democrats unchecked in the legislature. WAKE UP! When will all the nagging in the back of your mind be enough?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What promises does Obama have left to offer? Seriously?

    Obama promised to leave Iraq: BUSH is currently negotiating that this happen in concert with the needs/wants of the new Iraqi government - Verdict...already done. Under BUSH. Obama won't get troops out any faster. he has already flip-flopped on his 16 month timeline...that no longer exists. He would be forced to continue the withdrawal negotiations with the Iraqi government. 2011/12 is not when Bush wants to leave, it's when the Iraq government feels it can stand primarily on its own. Not only is that a withdrawal of troops, but it also called a victory.

    The economy will recover without Obama, in fact probably better without him. It is ALREADY happening. New home sales showed an increase, banks ARE freeing up money and beginning to lend and overall confidence is indicated by stock market rallies. The price of gasoline, diesel and oil products has dropped off a cliff in price and continues to drop. The DOW rose 900 points today! Wheee. Verdict...already in progress under BUSH.

    On education, do you think Obama has something to McCain wants to expand the already successful voucher program. Obama simply wants to pay teachers more for failing. Verdict…no change under Obama, only Democratic pandering to Teacher’s Unions.

    No more BUSH/Change in Washington: Verdict...done. McCain is NOT bush and although he is quoted as voting for him 95% of the time, that was last year alone, prior to that he had records as low as 77%. Obama has ALWAYS voted along his party's lines with an average of about 98%. Verdict...Done!

    Taxation: His unholy promise of a tax cut for the middle class. This all that remains folks! Of course, his record prior to running for President has always been tax & spend more ACROSS THE BOARD. Is the faint hope of a few extra bucks in your middle class pocket worth anything? Chances are this will never happen anyway, and candidate after candidate in our history has promised the same exact thing and it virtually never comes to fruition.

    My point is that Obama has nothing to offer. Everything he is promising is already happening under BUSH...not Obama. Wake up...break the spell!

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What's left of Obama's promises? ?

    Obama promised to leave Iraq: BUSH is currently negotiating that this happen in concert with the needs/wants of the new Iraqi government - Verdict...already done. Under BUSH.

    The Economy: The DOW rose 900 points today! Wheee. Verdict...already in process under BUSH.

    No more BUSH/Change in Washington: Verdict...done. McCain is NOT bush and although he is quoted as voting for him 95% of the time, that was last year alone, prior to that he had records as low as 77%. Obama has ALWAYS voted along his party's lines with an average of about 98%. Verdict...Done!

    Taxation: His unholy promise of a tax cut for the middle class. This all that remains folks! Of course, his record prior to running for Presdient has always been tax & spend more ACROSS THE BOARD. Is the faint hope of a few extra bucks in your middle class pocket worth anything? Chances are this will never happen anyway, and candiadte after candidate in our history has promised the same exact thing and it virtually never comes to fruition.

    Wake up...break the spell!

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do libs know why Obama is encouraging the early vote so much?

    It's because his campaign can sense the gloss and imagery of his campaing wearing off and people are waking up out of their glazed mental hypnosis. Gotta get 'em to the booth before it wears off!

    More and more people are realizing that he is an empty suit and simply a smooth-talking, polished party-towing politician every day. Old school Washington at it's finest!

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can the liberal media say "McCain guarantees victory" when he never did? ?

    This is just another disgusting example of the liberal media running Obama's campaign for him. Here is the quote in the article that has triggered this headline:

    "“I guarantee you that two weeks from now, you will see this has been a very close race, and I believe that I'm going to win it,” McCain told interim "Meet" moderator Tom Brokaw. “We're going to do well in this campaign, my friend. We're going to win it, and it's going to be tight, and we're going to be up late.”


    Can anyone refute that this headline that is pasted all over the web is an outright lie and twisting of the facts? He clearly states that he is GUARANTEEING a close race, but that he only BELIEVES he is going to win it.

    Again, just disgusting.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Isn't Obama the greatest POLITICIAN of our time? ?

    This is funny, and kind of revealing of what can be expected if he is elected:

    "In a region experiencing World Series fever, McCain underscored his argument by noting Obama had expressed support for both teams playing in the upcoming baseball championship.

    Standing just miles north of Philadelphia, whose Phillies will represent the National League starting Wednesday against the American League champion Tampa Bay Rays, McCain noted Obama has identified himself with both teams while campaigning in their two politically important home states.

    Obama said over the weekend in Philadelphia that while he was a Chicago fan, "Since the White Sox are out of it, I'll root for the Phillies now." On Monday in Tampa, Obama was introduced by a Rays pitcher and said, "I've said from the beginning that I am a unity candidate, bringing people together. So when you see a White Sox Fan showing love to the Rays — and the Rays showing some love back — you know we are on to something right here."

    McCain told employees at TCI Millwork Inc. in Bensalem: "Now, I'm not dumb enough to get mixed up in a World Series between swing states. But I think I may have detected a little pattern with Sen. Obama. It's pretty simple really. When he's campaigning in Philadelphia, he roots for the Phillies, and when he's campaigning in Tampa Bay, he `shows love' to the Rays."

    I swear, this guy will say anything to get elected.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why can't the libs leave poor Joe alone? ?

    I mean...I'm sitting here reading about how all of you idiots think he was some GOP plant or he is just some guy that the GOP is using as a tactic. Well, guess what? He's neither. He's just a regular middel-class American that happened to say in front of a camera that he doesn't think Obama will equal less taxes for him.

    So what? He doesn't agree with Obama. get over it.

    I actually saw a couple of people say that the GOP shouldn't be using Joe, etc and that he is being exploited. Guess what one more time.

    The GOP is not camping out ion his lawn going through his garbage and tax records, etc. to demean and somehow strip Joe of ANY credibility that he has. The libs are looking at this guy like he's the freakin' Presidentiual Candidate looking for some way to create a scandal that will diminish Joe. Give me a break people...ALL he did was DISAGREE with Obama. You should be very, very ashamed of yourselves for trying to destroy this poor guy and your liberal media garbage can pickers should just back off and leave his front porch.

    Leave Joe alone! He's not a plant and not GOP, nor ACORN, AYERS, WRIGHT, FANNIE MAE OR FREDDIE MAC. Get a grip and then get a life and think about the reasons that Joe (who could be your neighbor) does not agree with Obama or believe in his plan for the middle-class.

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should teachers be campaigning for Obama in their classrooms? ?

    The teachers union in New York is suing the city claiming that it is a violation of their 1st Amendment rights that they should/must remain politically neutral in their government funded classrooms.

    I tend to disagree with the whining teachers. Like religious influences, personal opinions, etc, should be kept out of the classrooms and the education enevironemtn should be as neutral as possible while opposing views are taught.

    What do you think?

    28 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Looking for proof of Obama's ties to ACORN?

    This is for all the people who are trying to brush off Obama's association with ACORN and the seriousness of the realationship. This news source is non-partisan and is actually an international press source. They could care less about party lines:

    And oh yeah, READ IT before you comment or you just make yourself look stupid.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Looking for proof that Farrakhan called Obama the Mesiah?

    I still can't believe that are convinced that this could not be true. Here's a clip of Farrakhan saying exactly that:

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who actually believes Obama's promise of middle class tax cut?

    It seems neither candidate is really in a position to offer a cut. It's much more amazing to think it might not actually happen after Obama clearly promises it will. Politics as usual folks? Change? Doubt least as far as his tax cuts for your vote...oops, your family go.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Isn't anyone worried about Obama's close ties to ACORN?

    They have a history of corruption, socialism, and extremist views and were just busted again for voter registration fraud.

    Obama also tried to earmark $100-150 million for them in the original bailout bill.

    Google "obama acorn" and you'll see what I mean.

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are people confused about what the bailout means? ?

    Although the source of the problem came from Wall Street and poor mortgage decisions by unqualified home buyers, it now a American public problem. It has an adverse effect on EVERYONE.

    The problem is that banks are unwilling to lend money to businesses because they need to keep liquid cash on their books to remain solvent due to the bad mortgages they are holding. When banks are reluctant to lend money, small businesses who often use short-term loans to make payroll, research & design, market, transport, etc. cannot get the funds they need to stay in business. As this occurs, jobs are eliminated and/or these businesses fail completely raising the unemployment rate and overall economic hardship for everyone. Anyone looking to punish Wall Street is misguided because only the behemoth corporations will be able to get the bridge loans needed to keep going. They will survive, it is the average small business owner (who creates the vast majority of US jobs) that will be hurt the worst.

    Also, interest rates for new mortgages to qualified borrowers will go up, further pushing the housing market down and creating even more defaulted mortgages. A snowball effect occurs and credit markets get even tighter and more businesses fail.

    Unemployment will be rising, while the number of new jobs for the unemployed to fill will be getting smaller. As unemployment continues to rise, households will be left without incomes and begin to default on other lines of credit such as car loans and credit cards. Again, the snowball continues.

    Since disposable income will decrease because of the unemployment numbers, the economy will continue to suffer because people will start to hoard cash instead of fueling the economy with spending. More businesses will fail, and so on.

    People not in the work force with retirement savings will find their portfolio values decimated, perhaps postponing retirement or making it impossible altogether. Again, creating an influx of people into the job market where there are no jobs available.

    Anyone in Main Street USA who does not believe this will not affect them are naive. the Wall Street you are mad at has already failed and has been restructured. Get over it.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who still feels the bailout is not in THEIR best interest?

    I mean, why can't the average American seem to comprehend that the rescue plan is NOT a Wall Street bailout, but a larger rescue of the general economy that effects us all?

    If you think for a second that not passing a plan is somehow punishing Wall Street and has no effect on you whatsoever, you are sadly mistaken. As bad as you may think the economy has been for you lately, aren't you cutting off your nose to spite your face?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How can so manypeople misunderstand the "bailout" and actually believe they are somehow punishing Wall Street?

    Why doesn't anyone understand that if there is a lack of credit, it IS NOT the Wallstreet behemoths that won't be able to finance a payroll. It is the smaller, privately run businesses that will be left without the credit.

    It IS Main Street that will suffer the most. Your job WILL go away. Your mortgage and other loan/credit interest rates WILL go up. Your retirement accounts WILL be decimated. Your small business WILL fail.

    Also, it is NOT a bailout. In return, the taxpayers will OWN the companies in question. The money injected into the system will free up credit for struggling SMALL businesses, and may very well turn a PROFIT for taxpayers. The government is NOT just GIVING the Wall Street firms money. For once, I would love to see the American public educate themselves intead of making emotional decisions based on media-based misrepresentations.

    The media has coined the term "bailout", when in reality (yes, YOUR reality) it is a rescue effort.

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that liberals believe that all conservatives are rich and priviledged?

    I mean, we have had more votes than them so obviously their's a bunch of us out there. We can't possibly all be rich.

    Why can't they understand that it is the inherent belief of a conservative (regardless of monetary status) that success or failure in life depends primarily on the efforts of the individual. Hard work is often rewarded with affluency, but the vast majority of conservatives are hard working, middle class individuals who have not been born into any form of wealth. In fact, it is my experience that the liberal side is usually made up of people that have been handed everything and have a sense of "entitlement". While the conservatives are out busting their backs in the workforce, the libs sit in coffee shops and universities and talk about evil the corporations are and how it's tough for them to get a leg up in life because the governemtn doesn't care enough about them. Boo-hoo.

    Also, the VAST majority of the Armed Services are conservative leaning and feel that it is an honor to serve and want to be there. Instead of fearing a draft, they simply volunteer. And they are not all poor, uneducated people either. It's just that they understand the value sacrifice. They understand and accept the dangers involved and do not think the reasons they are in the fight are unimportant.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can liberals explain how Obama's Global Poverty Act is going to reduce taxes and make our economy flourish? ?

    Obama is backing and promoting the Global Poverty Act, which will essentially result in a cost to the US taxpayers of about 0.7% of our entire Gross Domestic product (GDP) as a MANDATORY "official development assistance" global tax. This equates to stunting economic growth.

    I mean, come on, why can't libs see through this guy?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago