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What's left of Obama's promises? ?

Obama promised to leave Iraq: BUSH is currently negotiating that this happen in concert with the needs/wants of the new Iraqi government - Verdict...already done. Under BUSH.

The Economy: The DOW rose 900 points today! Wheee. Verdict...already in process under BUSH.

No more BUSH/Change in Washington: Verdict...done. McCain is NOT bush and although he is quoted as voting for him 95% of the time, that was last year alone, prior to that he had records as low as 77%. Obama has ALWAYS voted along his party's lines with an average of about 98%. Verdict...Done!

Taxation: His unholy promise of a tax cut for the middle class. This all that remains folks! Of course, his record prior to running for Presdient has always been tax & spend more ACROSS THE BOARD. Is the faint hope of a few extra bucks in your middle class pocket worth anything? Chances are this will never happen anyway, and candiadte after candidate in our history has promised the same exact thing and it virtually never comes to fruition.

Wake up...break the spell!


News flash: Obama won't get troops out any faster. he has already fli-flopped on his 16 month timeline...that no longer exists. He would be forced to continue the withdrawal negaotiations with the Iraqi government. 2011/12 is not when Bush wants to leave, it's when the Iraq government feels it can stand primarily on it's own. Not only is that a withdrawal of troops, but it also called a victory.

The economy will recover without Obama, in fact probably better without him. It is ALREADY happening. New home sales showed an increase, banks ARE freeing up money and beginning to lend and overall confidence is indicated by stock market rallies. The price of gasoline, diesel and oil products has dropped off a cliff in price and continues to drop. All under BUSH...not Obama. My point is that Obama has nothing to offer.

On education, do you think Obama has something to McCain wants to expand the already successful voucher program. Obama wants to pay teachers more for failing.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    W/e you think or say, Obama is going not only win, but in a landslide. a 7 point lead might not SEEM like its a landslide, but in terms of electoral votes of all states, its a crush.

    When Obama becomes the next president, you can get the F out of America if you don't like it, or deal with change.

    If conservatives like you had your way, our answer for everything will still be "God did it," and slavery was right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jumping the gun a bit there.

    We are FAR from being out of Iraq, so no, thats not done.

    Economy: even if it goes up again tomorrow that doesnt mean its fixed. Banks still arent loaning money and small businesses are feeling the pinch

    McCain is Bush, over 90% of the time, thats the problem.

    Tax cut: yes, we still need it.

    Education: no word from any Republican at all except for "choice" which doesnt mean anything at all

    health care: McCains plan "dont get sick" then he will tax your benefits and give those to big business. THATS redistribution of wealth.

    I could go on and on...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just get too pi*sed off in here dealing with the Liberals and Democrats who want to see America get destroyed because they have "sympathy" for the devil. In other words they pity the terrorists and blame George Bush for 9/11 and every other problem our country has faced in the past 12 years.They do not take on personal responsibility for anything they do wrong, they always blame the rich, now I am poor as dirt, but I don't want handouts from a Government that could one day betray me. And the days of betrayal are starting with Obama. Not because he is black, not because of his religion, but because he associates with the very same people who want to wipe us off the face of the planet. Why you ask? Because of the ways we live, because of the feminist act, gay rights, political correctness and most of all, our moral values.We have sunk to an all time low by glorifying women like Paris and Britney for so long that we are nothing more than just a bunch of selfish, spoiled, teenage brats, even though we are really only middle class hard working adults.We have turned our society into a bunch of whiny spoiled kids who can't do anything for themselves no matter what.And when the Government betrays them by not giving us what they promised, who will they blame? The Republicans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush wants troops to leave in 2011 or late 2012.

    So what, the economy has been rising and falling for awhile

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