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How can a poor person get a tax cut?

In this country, poor people don't pay taxes. The government has insured that. So to give the poor a tax cut would be an oxymoron.

The only thing that you can do is to GIVE them more money than they already get, through refundable tax credits. In other words take from the have's and give to the have nots (to each according to there need, half the basis for socialism).

So please How can a poor person get a tax cut?


Thanks Casey, I will hoop on that. I make 75K a year, I don't want the government to give more money away.

Update 2:

to Stop the stupidity - you must live in California. Here in Missouri a family of 4 and 65k would be comfortable.

Update 3:

Lapaturtle - people work and get taxes taken from their paycheck, file a return, get there federal income taxes completely refunded, plus get EIC. I know my stepdaughter makes about 24k per year and gets a return of close to 5k. nice try. I don't know where the cut off is put we as a people already give them money.

Update 4:

David W. - I apologize, I refer to the US

Update 5:

To those who don't get it. I am refering to federal income tax. If you have a problem with sales, or property taxes, or even parts of the gas tax, that is not a federal issue. Take it up with your state legislatures and local city councils.

Update 6:

I am not refering to my own tax situation directly, but if you want to. I guarantee you, if Obama's plans get in place, I may not pay moore taxes, but I will have less, because everything will cost more.

Update 7:

To pastor of Puppets- You are incorrect. Employers take out tax payments based on a formula toward your final tax bill. Your final tax bill is due april 15. If a person is below a certain level, based upon there family, and deductions, they get all those tax payments back, essentially paying no federal income tax. And to boot, based on certain other criteria, they can get an additional amount from the government.

Remember, the withholdings are tax payments, not actual taxes collected.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are exactly right.

    To see a politician continue to perform a multitude of hundreds of deceptive acts, which he knows about but

    we are meant not to know about, that affect our judgment and mental processes, and that manipulate us in

    ways we are not even aware of, all the while thinking he is clever enough to get away with it until he finally

    gets caught, is the height of immoral deception. It is perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American


  • 1 decade ago

    you are incorrect.

    "poor" people don't have to pay any additional income tax at the end of the year. They have taxes taken from their paycheck each week, like you and I. When they file their tax returns, and are eligible for a rebate, the money that is returned to them is money that was taken out for taxes from their paychecks, but not needed (compared to the person's income and how much has already been taken out).

    Obama's plan would, in effect, give people making less than 250k/year a larger refund of money after taxes have been taken from their paychecks.

    Source(s): [sigh]
  • 1 decade ago

    Poor people do pay taxes - sales, medicare, social security. property. You need to read the tax plans. At your stated income level, your income tax will go down under Obama. Under McCain, you will start having health benefits taxed, and the tax credit for health insurance he talks about goes to the insurance companies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Poor people do not get a tax cut because there is no tax to cut. The redistribution of wealth concept is a Republican myth. The purpose is to convince possible voters that they would be working hard to support those who do not work. This is not even true in socialist nations.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A low income worker who pays taxes every week with there paycheck and files every year will get a tax cut not the unemployed person who collects welfare there is a difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    The person does not get a tax cut. When they file their tax return the get a bigger tax credit. A K A a form of welfare. or A K A screw people that work and reward others for not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you, The Poor Wall Street Bankers don't pay taxes, yet they get a tax cut under McCain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Poor people pay no taxes? Interesting. How do they avoid paying the gas tax? Or sales taxes?

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to define poor.

    Do you define poor as living under the poverty level?

    Is a family of 4 that makes $65,000 poor?

    They would be paying taxes

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get a job and stop taking from the people who do work. You're disgusting.

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