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I'm frustrated and just need to vent...?

So my husband and I would love to have a baby but the problem is is that he works out of town Monday through Friday so the chances of me ovulating when he's home are quite slim. Although we have not been trying long at all, it just frustrates me that it could potentially take us a very long time to have a child. And while we're pretty young and have plenty of time, it just sucks to know that it could take us years to have our first baby. I hope eventually he gets a job where he's home every night. That could make this whole thing a lot easier.

Anyway, I didn't really have a question but how do those that have been trying for years keep it together enough to keep going month after month?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well im sorry to hear about the frustration, but the good news is that sperm can live for 3-4 days, so if you can BD before he leaves on Monday, you may still have a good chance of conceiving during the week of ovulation, even with him gone for days at a time. best of luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry, you won't hear any It'll-Happen-When-It's-Meant-To or any Just-Relax comments from me...I think those kind of comments are well-intentioned but extremely obnoxious. I can definitely understand your frustration... in a world where unplanned pregnancies seem to be everywhere, it's very difficult to be in a place where you actually WANT a baby but it's not so easy to conceive. It's true that sperm can last a couple of days in fertile CM, so that could help you out. But I also have another suggestion (though it's a little expensive): you could always have your hubby's sperm frozen so that if you ovulate during the week, you can have an insemination (IUI).

    Anyway, it's just a thought. If your insurance is good, it doesn't end up being all that expensive - especially if you're ovulating on your own and don't need special fertility drugs.

    BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! Hope you get pregnant soon!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My suggestion is to wait to conceive until after he gets a job closer to town. It would be so hard to be pregnant with a husband gone five days a week. What if you go into labor when he's gone? Would he be able to make it to the hospital in time? What about when the baby is born? He'll never see the baby which will be hard on all of you. If you two seriously want kids right now he should start looking for a job that will allow him to be home.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is very hard, I had to take fertility drugs for a year before I got pregnant. It was so frustrating month to month that I almost gave up. My doctor talked to me and told me to just relax, and it would happen. Sure enough when I least expected it I was pregnant. Good Luck.

    Source(s): Mommy to a 4 month old little boy!!
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  • 1 decade ago

    You will get pregnant when the time is right. Get ready for it, and jump your husband every time possible (he wont complain). Like you said you're still young, enjoy the time you have for yourselves. Once the family starts to grow priorities change and you need to be ready.

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