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Sen Obama says he will cut taxes for 95% of the working people. Yet he has never voted to do so before.?

Why Should anyone believe him now?

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No one should, but even if you do then that's worse! 40% of people aren't paying income tax. So it's just a clever disguise of wealth redistribution and welfare! It's socialism at its best, he claims it's for "fairness" which is basically what all socialists say. They say that Socialism is needed to stop the "oppressive" rich people that are paying everyone's salaries and creating new jobs and economic prosperity. People should be required to take a basic economics class before voting if you ask me.

    Source(s): COMMON SENSE! If you tax the rich so that they can't invest in new jobs then people won't get the new jobs, if people don't have the jobs then they can't spend money, if the businesses aren't getting the money then they have to do layoffs and can't give raises which can effect EVERYONE! So see liberalism/socialism comes back to haunt everyone.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I heard Senator Biden speaking whilst he pronounced this and he develop into chatting with the wealthy in basic terms.... He develop into explaining the tax place that the Democratic cost tag is all approximately and develop into pointing out that it's not top for the wealthy to proceed receiving the tax breaks that they do, on a similar time as the middle and decrease type proceed to obtain no breaks. His remark approximately paying that extra effective tax being patriotic develop into in direction of the wealthy, asserting that why would desire to they get all the breaks, and this is time they pitch in and supply back only by using fact the the remainder of the middle and decrease type have been doing for years....returned, this develop into explaining the tax place of their platform of elevating taxes on the wealthy (human beings making 250k or extra a year) and reducing taxes for people who make much less.... there is not any fake impact the tax proposals that the Democratic cost tag is working on, and after chatting with a company tax professional approximately this so i'd desire to understand the two events positions, i develop into advised that the Democratic place is the extra advantageous of the two for the country. Senator Bidens words would have sounded good to three....yet i ponder whether on the different component, they understand that when thinking "others" patriotism they're thinking all people who isn't a republican.... I have not got any concern with what Senator Biden reported as I heard his complete speaking engagement and likewise solutions to interviews in this, so understood the context of his fact.... An older Independents point of view...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How can we believe him indeed, when 40% don't even pay taxes. The math just doesn't add up. Obama must think were stupid, I heard his lame counter remark to McCain's comment about this, and this pinhead said, and this is the honest truth, "what McCain fails to realize, is there are all kinds of taxes.". Okay Obama, so your going to lower state tax, wow and just how are you legally going to do that. Maybe going to lower the luxury tax, well Obama if people are make less than 37,000 I doubt they can afford such a luxury to begin with. I could provide many more examples, but I know you are clear minded and understand the issue. Thank you for your service!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama "proposes" to cut taxes for 95% of the working people. A proposal and a promise are entirely different matters. You have to parse every syllable this guy stammers over. ...and no, he has never voted to cut taxes and he never will. It isn't the style of a socialist to do something like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe only 35% of Americans pay taxes, A larger number are not even working, they have been on welfare rolls for generations, so how could he cut taxes for 95%, he is a liar, a bought and paid for empty suit!! ya all better research before casting your vote, I myself like my freedom, and I love my country AMERICA!!

    GOD bless America!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Barack Obama has called for $1 Trillion in tax increases over the next ten years (trust me if he wins he will not do more than 1 Term) and dressed them up as tax cuts.

    If Obama gets in you are looking at paying more than 60 percent of your inc ome in taxes. If you think he is going to cut anything you are dreaming, YOU are not listening to him properly, he is not going to cut anyones taxes he is going to increase and make it worse for everyone.

  • Circe
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Cutting the income tax after allowing the Bush tax credits to expire isn't really cutting taxes for middle income. The rise in the capital gains tax along with the dem's proposal to do away with the 401k tax deduction means additional taxes for us.

    Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Obama and a Democratic Congress will lead us into a new dark age.

    My son suggested moving to Australia. I think I'll check it out.

  • 1 decade ago

    When are the Deomocrates going to wise up and ask him for his birth certificate???? The man is dishonest and no one is looking into this????When his own grandmother said she was there when he was delivered in Africa???? Come on now we all know you have to be born in the UAS to be president. What's wrong with his party????

  • 1 decade ago

    No my friend and he will not do it now. Just words for votes. Typical Obama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because all the bills he had a chance to vote on had other things on them -- I would think as an army guy you would benifit from Obamas tax cuts

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