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If you don't believe in the Bible, why don't you?

Please list specifics that cause you to doubt the Bible. Thanks.


For those of you who said that there are contradictions, what specific contradictions are you referring to?


15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I were to "list specifics", I would probably have to take hours upon hours.

    One word: Science.

  • Try an explain Noah's Ark to me without sounding like a brainwashed idiot.

    Please explain how a man living in the Middle East gets 2 of every animal, male and female? He does not even know North America and South America exist…and even if he did how does he get the animals that cannot fly, across the ocean?

    Check out this site:

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    If you mean why don't I worship the bible I would suggest that you open yours up to the twentieth chapter of Exodus and review the Commandments. As to why I do not believe it to be the Infallible word of God: I read it. I would suggest that you do likewise. And eighty-six the question begging phraseology.

  • Kimmy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't want to believe In a simple book just because people says so.

    If you believe in a book, because it 'looks' religious, then I'll dress up the toothfairy book and people would probably believe it..

    The whole concept of 'god' just seems farfetched and unrealistic.

    'God' is just another excuse to explain the unexplainable, just because you can't explain something, doesn't mean god exists.


    It's totally fictional, theres not even ONE, Yee, ONE! PROOF that he does. It's just words, no physical explaination.

    Aliens have an easier time to be believed than god!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Countless contradictions.

    God being absolutely evil and childish the entire way through.

    All the disgusting sexist stuff like 'taking peoples wives', the homophobia, the racism, the misogyny...I mean why would an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator be such a hateful, evil creature if one existed?

    It's obvious the bible isn't's a sick book.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't work that way. Why don't you believe in, say... Tom Clancy's novels? They're much more realistic.

    over the course of history, thousands of gods ( ) have been dreamed up.

    Most people think the only one that's real is the one their parents told them was real. Coincidence?

    Nobody has ever provided any evidence that any gods, much less a specific god, exist. People believe in specific gods because of indoctrination from an early age, tradition, apophenia, hallucinations, fear of torture (for gods sadistic enough to threaten it) and other similarly illogical reasons. But no gods exist in reality; these are all stories, created for people who were scared of the world long before we understood it. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

    And religious belief has caused more misery than any other idea throughout history.

    What's the harm in religion:

    How harmful the bible is in particular:

    The origin of the Jesus stories:

    So, what do we know about him?

    How illogical religion is in general:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Written over at least 80 years after Jesus' death

    2. Translated many many times

    3. Books added and books subtracted

    4. Words added and words subtracted

    5. Corrupted, screwed around with, changed..

    It's so curropted to the point where you have to read the entire Bible contextually or it won't make sense at all!

    Source(s): Hispanic Muslim
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Creation story plagarized from the egyptians

    Noah story plagarized from the sumerians

    Ten commandments plagarized from the egyptians

    Lack of any archeological support for any of the main stories in the bible.

    Those are just a few.

  • NOJ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I believe the bible exists. I do not believe the alleged author exists. If the alleged author does not exist the the divinity of the bible does not exist. Prove to me the author is who you claim it is then we might be able to sit down and discuss the validity of the bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do believe in the Bible. It clearly exists, I've read it.

    I don't believe in everything the Bible says. It's got a lot of truth in it, but that doesn't make all it says truthful.

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