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What did John McCain mean when he said that the Colin Powell endorsement of Obama was "expected"?

Any who pays attention to politics has heard about John McCain's statement when asked about the recent endorsement of Barack Obama by the Republican stalwart, Colin Powell. I fail to understand how you could expect this endorsement considering he has served in the cabinet of the last three Republican presidents and is a well known moderate Republican. Any explanations would be appreciated.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He has implied something. I am not sure what. But apprently his supporteres understand these coded messages. Everytime he gives one out they explode in a torrent of racial hatred.

    There must be some sort of morse signal sent out in his hesitations and stumbles...telling them what the "liberal media" can't be allowed to hear...."The blacks are taking control of this nation!! Get your guns and bibles and meet under the nearest burning cross!!"

    Source(s): I tell you son A change is gonna come Obama/Biden 2008
  • 1 decade ago

    Powell has endorsed Obama based on the fact that he is the man for the job to get the economy going again among other things. He has stated, "I think we need a tranformational figure. I think we need a President who is a generational change and that's why I'm supporting Barack Obama, not out of any lack of respect for Sen. John McCain." he further states, " Palin is a very distinguished woman and to be admired but at the same time we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be President of the United States, which is the job of the Vice President. And so that raised some questions in my mind as to the judgement that Sen. McCain made." " I found that he was a little unsure as how to deal with the economic problems that we are having, almost every day there was a different approach to the problem and that concerned me, sensing that he doesn't have a complete grasp of the economic problems that we had."

    With that stated, Powell clearly sees confusion, mistakes in picking a running mate and no plan for getting this country out of the hole it has been in now for a long time. This country needs someone who has the insight, ability and sense to run it efficiently and McCain is not that man.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jan 7'th 2008

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell praised Barack Obama on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, crediting the Illinois Senator for breaking barriers while running as "an American man" who can represent the entire nation

    APR 9 2008 he praised obama to ABC news for his views on Afghanistan

    Aug 14 2008

    Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol repeated Thursday that sources have told him they expect former Secretary of State Colin Powell will endorse Barack Obama


    i could go on but there have been a LOT of subtle hints over the past year that this could happen

  • 1 decade ago

    Because most of us expected that endorsement to take place during the DNC Convention. It was widely rumored that he was a guest speaker and would endorse him at that time.

    I think they've held off until they felt that his endorsement was needed. Also, it's no secret that Obama has been wining and dining Powell for well over a year now and they've formed an alliance. I believe this endorsement is meant to be a slap in the face for Bush, because he and Powell did not see eye-to-eye.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Stripped o f the McCain camp's spin, I think they realized a man like Colin Powell was not going to tolerate or be associated with the kind of vicious racial and religious bigotry the McCain campaign has resorted too.

    If it keeps up, I wouldn't be surprised if Condi Rice joins Powell. Incumbent Secretary of State or not, there's a limit to what she's going to put up with.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's trying to save face (McCain). Powell hasn't been happy with the current administration for a long time, now. This was his chance to rectify his misstep towards the war in Iraq. He feels like he got seriously played on that one and this was his chance to make it right.I always have and always will respect Powell, even though up til now I didn't agree with his politics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama offered Powell political power if he got in, if Powell backed him. All it shows is that Powell is willing to be bought. Its not surprising at all.

    Obama also cut deals with Fannie Mae and other similar companies. Back before our economy caver, there was a push for increased regulations on their concerning practices. Obama received large kickbacks to vote against increased regulations for these sorts of companies. Now look where we are. Thanks Obama.

    Obama is all about cutting deals. Its not surprising he made one with Powell.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that Powell considers himself to be badly treated by the Republican Party - forced to give that testimony at the UN (AFTER he tried to convince Bush, for two hours, to not go into Iraq) and then forced to resign. I'd be mad too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Colin Powell is the kind of man who puts color before political ideology I guess. Just like Oprah who had, until Barack, never endorsed a political candidate.

    Barack is the MOST LIBERAL Senator we have. Biden is 3rd.

    John McCain is a Moderate Republican.

    IF Colin Powell is indeed a Moderate Republican...whose views and ideology MOST match his? Whose SKIN COLOR matches his? Ah yes...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think everyone expected it. Powell has had leftie tendencies for some time now. It won't be long until he totally changes parties, especially if Obama (God forbid) is elected and gives Powell a job.

  • 1 decade ago

    It was expected, that is why he never endorsed a republican all election season, this was supose to be the October surprise that was going to swing the election in Obama's favor, which it has very little impact. A country divided won't hinge on one or a dozen endorsements. Nobody cares what or who someone endorses.

    OH< OH< code pink endorses Obama, I had better vote for him, what a gut wrenching decision.

    Or, Newt Gingrich endorses McCain, I am sure glad I found that out, otherwise I would have voted for Obama...

    Come on, get real, no one gives a hoot, who is endorsing who.

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