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Does Al Gore believe his own predictions?

Al Gore recently bought a $4,000,000 condo in Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco just feet from the sea. He obviously can't be to concerned about his own prediction of a 6m rise in sea level can he!

Can anyone take this guy seriosuly when he doesnt take his own predictions seriously?


Richard, attacking the science is simple and its unproven and based on weak data. Besides, the IPCC make much more sensible sea rise projections.

Al Gore predits a dramatic and unrealistic 6m sea rise (much greater than the IPCC's high end estimate of around 0.4m) and then buys a sea front condo. He makes sensationsalist claims and then ignores them. He clearly is ignoring the sicence for hype, probably for profit.

He does no good for the pro AGW case, and harms the credibility of science.

I do not object to renewable energy and reducing our consumption, I am an environmental engineer afterall, I object though to scare mongering for personnel gain.

7 Answers

  • NoFlox
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That question crossed several congress men's minds during the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on March 21, 2007.

    Al Gore's speech during the hearing, included these statements:

    -Human-caused global warming is a moral, ethical, and spiritual issue affecting our survival;

    -home energy use is a key component of overall energy use;

    Senator Inhofe challenged Al Gore's speech with a PERSONAL ENERGY ETHICS PLEDGE. During the same hearing, Al Gore immediately refused to take it:

    It's been 583 days since he refused to take the pledge and still counting.....

    FYI: His electricity consumption is 20 times higher than the avg american household.

    Senator Inhofe's opening statement:

    The saddest part of all this, is that some people still take him seriously. It makes you wonder a lot of things.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well Ed is real and is all about how anybody can live low impact, Al is how to get rich telling people not to live like he does. Or as it used to be said rob Peter to Paul, Peter being Ed and Paul being Al! Climate change or global warming as advertised in the AGW hypotheses does not exist and has never existed. The myth is based on a very bad misunderstanding of how the greenhouse effect functions in the real world and an even more misunderstood version of the function of Co2 in the atmosphere.

    How Co2 really works

    Well I have been looking for months for this core explanation of how Co2 works in the atmosphere. This is what I learned in school 50 years ago and why the current AGW hypotheses was so strange when proposed. Well it is strange all right because it is completely fictional, here is the true time tested way it really works!

    For more information that debunks the AGW fictions about Co2 I recommend the two articles below of which one is a PDF reprint of a published document and the other is a PowerPoint paper on what is Co2, friend or foe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he's safe. If you actually watched the movie, you would understand the predictions are not his, but science. And, they are presented as a range of possibilities. Those predictions are not scheduled within Gore's lifetime, so why would he be worried? The concentration of your ire, along with the other AGW doubters, is counter-productive and a typical political attack designed to shift the discussion from the real issue. You attack people, because you can't attack the science, and that really bugs you!

  • 1 decade ago

    The only thing "serious" about Al Gore is the amount of money he makes from selling his scare tactics to the world! Global warming is probably a real phenomena, but he has enough money from his speaking engagements and films to live like a king on a man-made island.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is unfortunate that he has become the "chosen one". He will never be held to the same standards as us "little people". My choice would be Ed Begly Jr. He would not draw the crowds but at least he is the "real deal".

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really,All he wants is publicity,I think hes all hot air,keeping his name in the spotlight,maybe hes planning to run for president agian

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no,i didnt need him to show me a graph! its gone in those cycles for eons! what,because he said it doesnt mean he invented it.

    Source(s): funny he lives by the sea! lol.
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