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How many pictures do you take of your child each month?

And are the number of pictures you take increasing or decreasing as your child gets older and does more?


Aaron's Mommy: If you want to share I'd be happy to see them. It's always fun to see other babies.

Update 2:

Connors Mommy: Personally, I take between 30 and 50 each month pretty consistently. I know the number has gone way down from when my first was a newborn. We took 150 pictures during the 3 days we were in the hospital. I think its funny because we have tons and tons of pictures of our first doing nothing more than sleeping but now that we have two kids and the DO so much we take so many fewer pictures.

16 Answers

  • What?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I say I take 25-30 pictures each month. The number of times a take picture has increased, but the amount each time has decreased.

    Wanna see them :)?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that it totally up to the parents. Some parents take tons and tons of pictures especially with their first. Some don't take many at all.

    As for me.. I have gotten them done at 2 months, 4 months and I am going to wait until Christmas to get more done professionally. I am always taking pictures with my own camera though. They change so fast I was to capture it all.

  • 1 decade ago

    I take so many pictures, i cant keep count! I'm already working on my second photobucket account, all baby pictures!

    That's what's so wonderful about having digital cameras! You can take a bunch, and there is no extra cost!

    I think I take a bit less now, just due to the fact that my son is so active, he doesnt stay in a pose for long... or he's trying to grab my camera out of my hands!

    How about you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well since my daughters were born I have taken over 10,000 pictures of them (I almost need a new external HD and the one I have is 300GB), and they will be 5 in December so they are 58 months old. So I have approximately take 172 a I think that is a lot, never realized it before.

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  • Malia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh my gosh- I take TONS. Plus we have a video camera given to us as a gift for our wedding in '02. Plus we use our phone cameras if we have nothing else with us and then we just put those on the computer and backups on disk.

    I would say I have been taking MORE than I have when she was first born.

    Source(s): mommy to 7 month old girl
  • 1 decade ago

    I take a lot but not of everything. I like to take pictures of her with family and with different outfits. I think now a days, we've taken advantage of the fact that we have digital cameras which are great!

    As for professionally, I just ask my brother in law and he'll do it for me whenever.. check out his site..

    he took this pic of my daughter when she was 4 days old at my house,,

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have an exact number for you, but I take a whole lot of pictures of my son.. probably too many. My brother said that I'm going to end up having my son's whole life in pictures.

    Source(s): Proud Wife, Mother & Teacher w/ baby #2 on the way!
  • i love taking pictures and and am into photography so i take a ton of pictures.. i would say in the past year i have slowed down on how much i take though, I used to take a picture for EVERYTHING.. now not so much lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tons and tons of pictures . The more she is growing the more the number is decreasing .

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely decreasing. In the beginning I took pictures every single day! Now I take them frequently but not all the time. He gets his pictures made profesionally every 3 months (its his first year).

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