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Lv 5
bksamz asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

How many people think the Reps. are going to try an steal this election once again?

I see more signs of this growing by the day, an this is disturbing to me that our votes don't connt, an it mite very well happen again,But I heard if people vote early it could stop some of this fraud, so I voted Tuesday of this week.

33 Answers

  • TK
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wherever you can legally vote early, that's what you should do. It stretches out the GOP's strategy of Democratic voter harassment aimed at blacks, hispanics, and younger voters of all ethnic groups at a time when their resources are already dwindling and their morale is plummeting.

    After the election is over, there will be plenty of time to convene grand juries to charge those Republicans who have criminally interfered with the exercise of any citizen's right to vote.

    So spread the word. If you get challeneged, do not take a provisional ballot. Take a real ballot and vote! If you are prevented from obtaining a real ballot, then obtain the name of the election official or officials who have denied you the real ballot, and the name and status of any other person who appears to be conspiring with an election official to prevent you from obtaining the real ballot, and contact the ACLU immediatedly. The ACLU can represent you and, if there is enough time, which is why you should try to vote early, they can sue the offending parties on your behalf in state or federal district court and obtain a court order permitting you to vote.

    Spread the word. Get a real ballot and vote. If denied, do not take the provisional ballot. Insist on the real ballot and obtain legal assistance from the ACLU immediatedly. Even if you are prevented from voting on election day, the lawsuits can be filed afterwards and any election official who unlawfully denies you the right to vote can be held liable for substantial monetary damages in addition to holding liable those who conspire with an election official to deny you your right to vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the same feeling. Just like they did when Bush's brother mess up the chad cards in Florida. I hope they get it right this time and all of the votes be counted and heard. I'm voting on the 4th so that i can help in backing up everyone else who voted early, don't worry.. i'll be there and wacthing the results on t.v, then we'll see who's cheating who.

  • John
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Frankly this time around, after the last election it will not work. Yes there is a small percentage that will get through as far as cheating however the ones that matter, is the one that will prevail and that is the honesty of decent human beings.

    Trust in the system it has learned from it's past mistake.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone accused of Voter Fraud should get life in jail.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In Illinois and Indiana they are trying to make democratic countie's votes not count.

    Democrats make up 75 percent of this country.

    22 percent of them vote.

    republicans are 25 percent of our nation.

    63 percent of them vote.

    Who is patriotic and who is lazy?

    Want CHANGE?

    Go VOTE!!!

  • Funnel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You mean like submitting thousands of illegal votes like the goofy Dems have been doing? Why is it always ok for Dems to do everything they accuse conservatives and Republicans of doing?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    In addition to ACORN Obama supporters were locking out caucus voters in Texas during the primaries

    The Clinton campaign held a last-minute "emergency" conference call with reporters Tuesday night, ostensibly to lay the groundwork for a challenge to Texas's caucus results. Clinton's Texas state director, Ace Smith, complained of "a tremendously disturbing pattern emerging here tonight." Among the Clinton campaign's allegations: Obama supporters "locked out" Clinton supporters from caucuses, filled out sign-in sheets before caucuses started, and called in caucus results before the 7 p.m. starting time. Smith, who said that the Texas Democratic Party issued two memos today to remind campaigns of the rules "as a result of the acts of the Obama campaign," challenged a reporter who labeled his assertions "accusations," saying, "These are not accusations. They're documentable incidents."

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh please. All of the cheating is coming from the Dems. Have you not been following the ACORN story? Please go back to school and learn how to spell. People will take you more seriously that way, and you might learn something about the history of your country and the nature of a republic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they tried to use ACORN to toss out any and all new voters registered this year, they do this on every new voters (knowing the base of new voters are young idealists...aka, democrats)

    Supreme court denied them this time around though...muahahahaha

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