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Is this the Curse of Billy Penn?

Okay, anyone who lives in and around Philadelphia knows that October always brings reliably beautiful fall weather. Crispy, bright, sunny with fall color.

So, here we are in the World Series with the Phillies half a game away from clinching it and we are having a typhoon. When is the last time you heard of snow predicted in October?

Could this be because of the Curse of Billy Penn? Mother Nature, give us a break. Go Phils.



All great answers.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would like to think that this is the end of the curse...go Phillies!!! But you know what they ain't over til it's over. If there's one thing I've learned from the last 20 years living in Philly...don't exhale until the last second ticks off the clock! I don't think the weather has anything to do with the "curse" because it seems that our losses are always independent of the weather. This is the closest we've ever come to breaking this 28 year drought and tasting victory. I have to believe that it will come as soon as this typhoon passes over!

    I can't wait to say: "Philadelphia Phillies...Winner of the 2008 World Series and Champions of the World!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In all my born days, I've never heard of snow in Philly this early...anyhow, it would quickly melt, so I hope that makes you happy! As I recall the last time the Phils won the pennant was with Robin Roberts--GO PHILLIES!

  • jdm
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just for the sake of saying...did you know Billy Penn is back on top of the City? They welding a small figurine to the last i-beam to go up on the Comcast Center.

  • 1 decade ago

    I tend to think the curse ended when the Soul won the championships.

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