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Is staying together always best?

Is it better to live a married life of quiet desperation, and enjoy the benefits of marriage, the stability, the presence of a significant other, a home, relatives, someone to talk to, and occasionally love?

Or is it better to risk leaving this platform of solidity, which we cling to so tightly, and cast ourselves into the seas of uncertainty, seeking to fill the lonely void within our souls, the unfilled needs within our bodies, the unanswered questions to an indifferent spouse?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Though it doesn't exist in my family I think too many endure marriage far too long, unhappy, or unfulfilled. That may not mean they committed stupidly, initially, but why would someone accept suffering on any level for just those reasons you mention? How is the presence of one you're unhappy with, any comfort? Where or rather how is stability measured? Is that a financial thing? Emotional thing, responsibility obligation thing? I'd really like to believe in the benefits, and I don't have any examples on a personal level but my own family, but even those in some assumed bliss might want for different at some point, if not more.

    Risk is a natural part of the process of life. Modest risk is something we experience every day, even walking a street. Obviously to intentionally take risks we know could degrade us, might be better thought out, but in a very simplistic sense, one cannot win a lottery unless they buy a ticket.

    Would remaining in some assumption of happy, be as fulfilling perhaps as exploring uncertainty? Another analogy. Life is a river, In the middle is a large boulder, we cling to, for various reasons one here can deduce. IF we were to let go of the boulder, allow the current to take us, not fight it, could it be possible we might land on a friendly shore?

    Apathy is lethal


  • 1 decade ago

    Always means inclusive and no exception regardless how asinine that might turn out for you. Weigh the benefits and positive advantages vs the negative. Balance love in there and how lost you would be without him or her. If there are too many issues in this staying together think about moving on. Men have a tougher time with this than women. They miss the person for companionship, but they miss the other reasons of the domesticity. Unfortunately that last reason is the one women cringe on and say pitch in Mr. tough guy and make my Super Mom status a better transition then high end percentage on the latter miss. Men seemed stuck in the by-gone era with the cavemen days. So the answer for you is no if that's all you have left to hold this marriage. You need more on the love and equal status on the relationship to balance the marriage. Anything is else is a farce and showing your club to the next women you meet......

  • ScSpec
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is a big question and there are no simple answers. Every situation is different. But realistically if you value all those things that come from marriage and there is nothing really terribly wrong with the marriage, such as abuse, then you best bet is to get some counseling to find out what can be done to improve the situation.

    When leaving such a situation, no doubt the expectation is to find real Love and a wonderfully fulfilling relationship. But there are no guarantees and you could spend the rest of your life alone. The older you get the less comfort you find in being alone, and it can sometimes feel like a prison.

    Source(s): Been there.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well it depends on the person I think. I also believe that everyone finds their road one way or the other. Some people can stand lonely just like some can stand uncertainty. Life is what it is if you set your mind to be happy you will no matter what the case. I think we all just need to fulfill our own needs. I believe happiness begins within. I know I am not as smart as you LOL, but I do have an opinion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If the Bad times out number the good times. It is time to move on and find a different change of life. Don't give up life goes on. And who knows you might wake up one morning and have every thing you always wanted a good life. Good Luck Too You Always! Take Care Have A Good And Lovely Day

    Source(s): life and other things that change with it
  • 1 decade ago

    The grass is not only NOT greener over there-but it may cost you a fortune to maintain-trust me.

    Statistics say that couples in a bored rut who decide to revitalize their marriage do fall back in love with each other and are happier in 5 years than those who just get divorced and have even gone on to new relationships

    What you lament is simply the normal disintegration of delight and joy with our spouses that comes from the complete lack of maintenance and nurturing that every relationship must have in order to survive

    It is not your marriages fault- it is your and your wife's fault and it can be fixed and fairly easily- but you must stop trying to come up with a justification to walk away. There isn't one-so if you come up with one-know that it is lame

    There are tons of marriage counselors and marriage building weekends etc that specialize in remodeling relationships-find one and attend it with a positive attitude

    Now if you have already found someone else that gives you butterflies and you are simply looking for permission, slap on the back support, or are waffling about trading in one car for the newer shinier one- just do it but do not try to wrap it up in some "Woe is me, I am a good citizen but just want to be happy before I die" bow.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the answer varies for many and if children are involved it is much more complicated.

    There would be a natural reluctance to split up a family and inflict the pain that it will cause on your much-loved children. To them, mom and dad are their world, their security, and they rely on us to always be there for them. By cutting up this safety net, we are depriving them of their security and asking them to grow up in many ways at a young age.

    On the other side of the coin, is it any better to have them 'slaves' to a house of our personal demons.

    Often the stresses of everyday living, particularly with children and the strains they can put on a relationship, can cloud judgement on such matters. I believe that it is something a person should be sure and certain of. Life is hard when there is no one around you.

  • flip
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There is no right or wrong answer.

    I just think of the expression "the grass is greener on the other side".

    Sometimes being married sucks, sometimes being alone sucks.

    I don't have a perfect relationship but I am grateful for the ups and try to minimise the downs. Nothing is perfect.

  • SuzyQ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I stayed in an unhappy marriage for way too long. Once I took the risk and left, I came out on top. I am no longer depressed, I have a great life and I feel alive again. I sacrificed a lot to stay in that unhappy marriage and it cost me dearly.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Sometimes, letting go seems like the easiest thing to do. But think about this: you've invested so much of your time and energy into another person; you've made a solemn promise; and you still know there's love, even if it's hiding underneath the surface. This website will show you how to save a marriage and avoid divorce, even if you're the only one trying

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