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Who is Jesus Christ speaking to in this passage?

Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

Somehow I don't think the Atheists are going to say, "I cast out demons in your name, Lord," nor do I think Hindus or Muslims will be calling Christ "Lord, Lord." Will the pagans tell him they performed miracles in his name?

So who is the Savior speaking to in this passage and what does it mean for us?


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24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My dear, I love your avatar!

    In my opinion, Jesus was speaking to hypocrites and prideful people. A prime example would a the rich minister who preaches the word of God to his congregation. Tells them how they should live their lives. He drives home to his mansion in his expensive car, dressed in a designer suit, wearing his Rolex watch. He cheats on his wife and taxes. He turns his back on the poor and downtrodden. When he dies, He will say, "Lord, Lord". Jesus will say to these people, "I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."

    Definition of iniquity: absence of moral or spiritual values;

  • 1 decade ago

    Saying "Lord, Lord" and accepting Jesus as personal Savior is not enough.

    We must also bear the fruit of good works.

    All those who say "Lord, Lord" on the last day will not be saved.

    They are judged by their evil deeds.

    I can not judge an atheist, Hindu, Muslim or Pagan.

    For me, God is the judge.

    And I would like to point out that many of these you have mentioned have done many good and moral things that would put some Christians to shame.

    I don't think we can explain or know what happens to someone's soul, or what they are even thinking at that moment of their death .

    As a Catholic, we can only pray.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good question.

    Reference the scripture Acts 19:11-16 and Matthew 7:13-14. These two verses help to clarify what Christ meant. Just because you come with your offering doesn't mean you will be accepted into the kingdom of Heaven. Revelation 21:6-8 also informs us who won't make it to Heaven and where they will wind up at. Throughout Paul's letters he makes many references to salvation and giving credit to God for everything. And even though he is the greatest after Christ he admits to never having attained understanding, worthiness, or righteousness: Philippians 3:12-14 (read carefully).

    My suggestion to is to read first from Acts to Jude thoroughly in at least 2 different versions. I have the OLD King James, the NEW King James, and the NEW International Readers version. Things must be placed in context before trying to gain understanding. Reading one verse does not lend to proper interpretation. However, reading the whole section of the Bible gives clarity to intent (i.e., Acts-Jude, Genesis-2nd Kings, Matthew-John, etc)

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many believers who are seen as righteous by other believers, but only God knows their true heart and motives. There are some who speak prophetically, saying it is a word they got from the Lord, when in truth it wasn't. They are called False Prophets. Some pastors are the same, they look and act like strong christian leaders in the pulpit, but are really not in tune with the Lord's spirit at all. And behind closed doors, lead a life that is not pleasing to the Lord; full of sinful and shameful thoughts and acts.

    So the only people that Jesus is talking to in this passage are the false prophets and teachers.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I knew someone would ask this. And I've been paying close attention.

    He is speaking to all of us. Not all of the people who have done things in Jesus's name will get into Heaven. And as for the will of God, I have not figured that out yet.

    But I from reading, I've noticed that Heaven is much more than just believing in Jesus and God.

    Its like, if you are afraid to die and want to live so bad, then go ahead, live on Earth again. If you don't want to give away every single possession you have on Earth for everything in heaven, that go ahead and stay with what you have.

    If I'm not answering your question, I'm sorry, its probably more that I want to get this out. But those who UNDERSTAND what Heaven is will get in. I don't think that those who can't understand or fully appreciate what is up there don't deserve to be up there. I.e. that's probably why the devil was cast out.

    Keep reading, I enjoy reading the bible myself.

  • 5 years ago

    You asking a very thoughtful and perceptive question. First, the unpardonable sin is that of final despair at the very last second of life. We attribute creation to God the Father, Salvation to God the Son and sanctification to the Holy Spirit. However, since there is only ONE God, those roles or functions cannot be excluded from any one of the Persons. For instance, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are still co efficient causes of creation despite the fact creation is attributed to God the Father. Sins against the Holy Spirit are merely sins against final sanctification which offers mankind heaven as an unearned gift. Hence, those verses deal with the subject matter of the Holy Spirit which are simply about the role or function of the Holy Spirit, but which still cannot exclude the other two Persons since there is still only ONE God.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is part of his Sermon on the Mount. Verse 28 tells us he spoke to the people. This speech is not taught to any particular person, or group, but to everybody.

    The lesson of your passages is to warn against false profession.

    Verse 21 is the Service Test.

    Verse 22 warns of False prophesy ie: verses 15-20.

    Verse 23 warns of evil activity.

    Christ teaches more on this topic in Mark 7:6, and Luke 6:46.

    Source(s): Your avatar looks fine to me.
  • Daniel
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It shows God answering the prayers of those who are not saved, even experiencing the spiritual gifts like prophecy. It's a puzzling verse that God can work in people like that who don't have a saving relationship with him. Billy Graham once said that it was amazing to him how God could use someone that's totally false to bring others to the Lord. There are people who work in Christian ministries who don't have a saving relationship. So, I surmise these are people who work in the ministry but have never attained a personal relationship with God.

  • DMG
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is talking to Christians who talk the talk but don't walk the walk, in other words the hypocrites. Just claiming to be Christian does not impart salvation. The key to salvation is in fulfilling the will of God, namely, Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and Love thy neighbor as thy self. If you live these two rules, no matter who you are, you will be following the laws given to us by Jesus. I believe that then it is possible that you will attain salvation, regardless of which faith you follow.

  • 1 decade ago

    if aperson does the will (action), faith and what is the will, well the will is when a person get so close to God, his/her will become God will, u have powers will things into existence word will say be and is . The people he says depart from me referring false prophets or those opposing the (true) living God did not say muslims, hindus. Jesus did not say he was A christian, Jesus religion is of peace and spoke hebrew and arabic call aramic and peace IN arabic means (Islam) AND Moses SPOKE Ancient arabic. Christian is not a bad name means one chrystalize into one or anointed or those follow example of Jesus Christ and muslim means those who submit entire (will) to do the will of God, become one with God, these words one in the same and it a process of purification to (become) childrens of God

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