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Nobama! asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Don't you miss this guy?

Watch the video before responding. I know it goes against the revisionist history version, but its a shame no politicians these days express these sentiments about America and the voters.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyday I mourn his loss.

    His greatest strength was his ability to make America feel good and strengthen our belief in ourselves.

    I think this is why the hard core leftists hate him so much, they want Americans to believe that they are weak and need the government to help them with everything.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I never saw him give a speach but I have read a few of his writings. I have also read and studied the constitution, the Bill of Rights. Reagan makes a point we all should know, but precious few do. The bill of rights doesn't guarantee rights to citizens. It stops the government from taking those God given rights away.

    Hayek, Mises, Rand, Voltaire, Bastiat, all predicted parts of Obama's empty rhetoric. Erm, I had to read works by all of those people in my (special) school. I had to read Marx too, although I did need a long hot shower and a very large bar of soap after reading Marx. But even better; in my (special school) we are Christian and have a Christian perspective to the subject matter. It turns out, there seems to be a real time, real life, punishment for the sin of coveting the rich man's money. You pay his taxes!

    (If you succeed in taxing the rich man more, because you believe he earns too much, he simply (and rightly) increases his prices to ensure a profit. He may also have to make his employees work harder for less.) For unions to consistently vote for the democrat party, in the insane belief it is working for them, is a modern day miracle of the opposite kind. The lord of lies has injected so much envy and hatred into society, propaganda of the slimiest kind, union workers are actually voting to pay more for less and work harder for less.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do! He made me feel so glad and proud to be an American after years of ho-hum apathy. I'm just so afraid we'll never see the likes of him again. Of course, I never expected to see a socialist, radical being the nominee of any of the major parties, but here we are. I don't know how much damage Obama can do in 4 years, but I just pray we can build it back. If we can't, it's over.

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    From Reagan you can trace most of the troubles of today: a neglected infrastructure, deregulation run amok, school-yard bully diplomacy, massive national deficit spending, the manufacture of a crisis in public education with the poorly researched "A Nation at Risk," objection to intelligent thought, and a total failure to be intellectually curious.

    Ronald Reagan may be a conservative icon, but I see little to revere in his Presidency.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yeah, people criticize him, make fun of him and say he was only acting, but i feel he was sincere and will always be remembered by most as one of the great modern presidents. and that speech solidfied what a lot of americans believe in today.


  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for referring to this video...Amazingly it's been 20 yrs since this.. How far to the left has this country leaned and has anything improved?

  • He is missed more as an actor, not a politician.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This old credence is in Hell ! So is the rest of His dead old Followers !

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