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What would a Palin Presidency look like?

Can any of her supporters (or non supporters) describe what type of President she would be if she had to take the reins? How would she benefit this country by being President?

45 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would suck.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Palin is purely no longer the 1st woman elected to the presidency. i think of Clinton stands a greater suitable threat and that i'm no longer so particular she may be the main appropriate person. Palin won't see her political destiny bypass to any extent further than truly what it incredibly is, and that's as a spokesperson. I evaluate her to be what I call, "Rush" or "Beck" status. She'll get no greater advantageous than some national interest as a verbal substitute instruct host. I propose truly, the lady quotes funds strapped colleges $one hundred grand purely to make a 40 5 minute speech. Is that truly the form of management we choose interior the main significant chair to our united states of america?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think she'd be pretty good actually. Matter of fact, she has more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain! Plus she has an 80% approval rating to add to her credentials. What's Obama got - he's a good orator (so was Hitler) and has charisma...not the strongest credentials. Besides, he's so far Left of centre he's fallen in the river ("spread the wealth around"). McCain/Palin, yes they're on the Right, but they are more mainstream.

    Palin would also be great for fighting corruption and doing away with red tape too.

    Silly Liberals think making fun of her is the way to get people to vote Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    No other country would want to deal with her or the US because the cultures in most other countries will not discuss high end politics with women. Her high strung Christian beliefs would leave her closed minded to working with other nations and religions. All women would be forced to carry and give birth to their babies...raped or not. Women would make alot less money than men. Gays would be deported to Guantanemo. And any people with dark skin would be S O L. The gov't would have to create a budget for her wardrobe. The enemies we have would lose even less respect for us and attack us for sure!

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  • Elana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, you can bet that the rights of non Christians will be eroded. You can bet that "church over science" will become a governmental policy. I would imagine she'll extend the power of the government, to track down those godless terrorists, thus continuing the trend of eroding rights of privacy.

    But hey, she'll look good at doing it .

    Meanwhile, other countries will continue to extend their lead in medical, biological and physical research, educational scores, and longevity. Companies will start leaving the US wholesale because the price of doing business here will far exceed other countries, mostly due to rising health care costs.

    The US will lead in consumption, for awhile, before all but the richest of us becomes too poor to do even that. We'll continue to have low taxes until the government cannot provide any services beyond the military, and even those will fail. We'll end up getting the draft again, not to keep a presence in Iraq, but to maintain an army capable of defending our shores.

    China becomes the economic super-power. The EU becomes the hotbed of innovation and forefront of intellectual growth.

    Other countries, perhaps one or more of the Northern European countries, become known more for their freedoms than the US. Eventually, the only power the US has in the world is the constant repetition of "Yes, but we have the bomb."

    Eventually (though long after she has gone), we'll have the same problems that they had in Russia regarding military technology: Keeping it out of the hands of potential terrorists.

    But hey, she'll look good doing it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Her first act will be to choose Joe the Plumber for her vice president. Does that give you any clue? Then she will move the White House to Wasilla, because she won't need to talk to Congress.

  • 1 decade ago

    A Palin Presidency is not going to happen for a while, since she is running for vice president. I think it is too early to know that. But, for my opinion, I think she could really clean up the waste.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A religion determines the values and beliefs of the person who follows it, and every decision that a person makes in life is based on the foundation of his/her values and beliefs. It is naive ignorance, usually by athiests and the casual Sunday Christians, who say that a person's religion does not matter. Would we let Yasser Arafat, or a Muslim Imam who believes in Islamic Jihad, be our leader?

    Palin is a Bible-believing Christian. Obama is a self-professed Muslim who for the last 20 years has followed the teaching of a radical Black Supremist.

    HITLER won promising CHANGE!

  • 1 decade ago

    I mean with all that moose hunting, the'll be enough meat, hides and furs to go around.

    not to mention the jobs that this would create, the economy will definitely be back on track !!

  • 1 decade ago

    To make her more comfortable, she'd forcively move everybody into Alaska, then she'd start outlawing science, followed by mandatory Sunday church.

    Or she'd just crack under pressure. Like, within a week.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agrigent shows whats really gonna happen, keep speaking the truth man.

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