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Religious people - why are you religious?

Were you raised in a religious family and have just gone along with it?

Did you become religious later in life because of something that happened to you?

Peer pressure?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not "religious" more spiritual. I go to Church to worship Jesus. That is my choice and I love it. No amount of drugs could ever replace the overwhelming feeling from the Holy Spirit! Starts my week off very well.

  • JoAnn
    Lv 4
    5 years ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wasn't raised in a religious family and I certainly didn't just 'go along with it'. Nothing major 'happened to me' to make me religious either. For a long time I had the feeling that something wasn't quite right with the world and I wanted answers.

    Note: I'm a Buddhist, by the way.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What is religion exactly? I wonder how many people know the difference between religion and faith. Religions are when you dot ashes on your head on a Wednesday, don't eat meat on a Friday, a bunch of man made laws to botch up a belief. I have yet to find a belief that man hasn't screwed up by adding his part to it.

    As if the ten commandments weren't good enough. Maybe if we are good enough to hold to those, then maybe we could add some more laws, but who is kidding who. There was only one who did, Jesus.

    Once we can truly follow in his footsteps without falling short ever, only then will we be good enough to add to the commandments our own laws.

    Not a single religion exists that has not deteriorated its original belief. It is because when you take something and add man's ways to it, corruption is the result.

    That's why I'm a person of faith,

    and it's why I'm not a religious person.

    Man has no place to put his two cents in if he cannot even adhere to the basics that God has given us first

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not, but I used to be.

    Many reasons why:

    - Raised in a semi-religious family.

    - "Halfway" indoctrinated through childhood and socialization.

    - The church brainwashed me when I had a hard time in my life.

    - I really, really *wanted* to believe in it.

    - It was a way to escape depression.

    - I was young, uneducated and naive.

    - Friends and peer pressure.

    - I got a community of like-minded people.

    - I got easy "answers" to all of my questions.

    - Having a god to turn to was comfortable.

    - The thought of an afterlife was comfortable.

    - The more I hung out in church, the more I got dragged into it.

    - Never read much of the Bible, so I didn't know all the cruelties and the contradictions.

    - I basically cherry-picked the parts that I wanted to be true.

    - Somehow, back then, I was just able to *choose* it.

    That lasted for two years. (14 - 16.)

    But not anymore.. I asked too many questions. I doubted a bit too frequently. I grew up and started to understand how things really worked. I felt condemned by the church and started going less often to sermons and such. And eventually I started deconverting. Long story short, I'm now an atheist. But that did not just happen overnight, trust me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Define 'religion' (the word actually means 'following rules')

    I became a Christian as an adult because Y'Shua liberated me.

    My father was not a believer. No peer pressure. No crisis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is the Truth to all the people who is on the internet...

    Religion isn't Real Life Was Created With the Big Bang.

    If the Big Bang Test Is True, There wont be religion anymore Correct?

    Without Religion Whats Stopping them going out and killing people for no reason at all?- Think Before u put stupid Posts up Like this.

    My Brain is Real Unlike yours who say they believe it and they don't even do there "worship" SP FTW WORLD OF WAR CRAFT

    Source(s): MY Farther
  • 1 decade ago

    i grew up "disliking" church and the boring sermons that my grandfather, a baptist minister, used to give for hours on sundays. in my early adult life, i did pretty much whatever i wanted with any woman that wanted to and i drank and smoked pretty much everything, as well. when i got in my late 20's i felt empty. i was married with awesome kids, but i felt like i was missing something. my parents weren't practicing christians when i was growing up, so i wasn't exposed to a lot of teaching from them and really the only sermons i listened to were my grandfathers(that were BORING AND LONG) when we would go visit. i could just feel a void. after trying several things, i started to read and study the bible and through this, God revealed Himself to me through His Word. i watched the Word transform not only my life, but the life of my agnostic wife and my children. We are now very happy and believe every word of the bible. there are specific things, as well, but i feel i have answered your question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I decided at a very young age that this God business was either a load of rubbish or extremely important. It doesn't really lend itself to indifference. I decided to choose important - at least until such time as I came across compelling evidence to the contrary. That was over 50 years ago, and I haven't come across it yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe every word jesus said. i dont conform to religion. i Dont go to church, but i believe jesus was the son of god, and through him everyone can be saved. I believe so because ive seen the Miracles that have happened in peoples lives after converting to christianity. and i believe because i have NOTHING to lose from believing, only the world to gain. and i have EVERYTHING to lose by not believing, and nothing to gain.

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