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Obama supporters and those that voted for him.?

It seems too many people may have complained about me posting this the first time, or it may not have been in a question form.

So, i will ask a question.

How do you feel about the man you voted for after reading some facts about him? Here are a few.

Im not a republican, nor am i a democrat.

But i can say if you voted for Obama, youre just blind to the real man he is.


Because everyone is all for this man to be president, but doesnt step back and look at what type of man he really is.

Lets list a few things about Obama -

His aunt is living in Boston on welfare as an illegal alien - his response to that was " I didnt know "

His affilliation with ACORN and what they do ( too long to get into ) - his response to that was " I didnt know "

His sweet deal on his house and property purchase - his response to that was " I didnt know "

His coffee time with the domestic terrorist - his response to that was " I didnt know "

His not providing his birth certificate or anything that leads to his place of birth - basically his response to that - " I dont want you to know i wasnt born in the United States "

Ya, theres a federal lawsuit going on right now against him for this one.

Other things you should know about Obama -

His tax cuts for people making less than $120,000 a year, yes he started his run for the office saying it was going to be $250,000 a year, but now Biden has been saying Obama is looking at about $120,000 a year. That means if you make more than $120,000 a year you will be taxed more. For what? Living part of the American Dream and becoming well off?

Too bad, he wants to take your hard earned money and give it to the person standing in the welfare line who refuses to work.

How about his stand on infantcide?

What you dont know this one? Basically if a woman has an abortion and the baby is born alive, they kill it. Obama supported this.

A baby already born and breathing, he supported to be killed because it should have been killed in the abortion process. Nice.

Lets move on to his healthcare.


Not much to be said on that as we all know what happens to things when the government takes over...

But. He wants every child to have health coverage, good idea, seriously it is, i agree, but, what you dont hear him say is the fact that if you do NOT have that coverage for your child he wants to FINE you!

Nice, cant afford the coverage to begin with, and now youre going to pay a fine for not being able to afford it.

I can go on with things, like him refusing to salute the American Flag, why not? I dont care if you like this country or not, if you live here and if you are running for president, you had better be saluting that flag.

But this may because he doesnt like the National Anthemn either, he wants to change that as well.

But, since you are all hung up on the fact that he is all out for "change" and can not see what type of man he really is, congrats on him winning and in a year or so when youre all poor as hell because he taxed the American Dream to death so much that you have to pay $10 for a loaf of bread because those companies making more than $250,000 a year need to make up for the higher taxes, I can come back and say " I told you so. "

Go Obama - Change the America we live in!!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Somehow many people are just so infatuated with him that it takes precedence over rhyme or reason. And you can't reason with them.

  • .x
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I feel the same way about him as I did before I read the question. I have already seen all of those points before. Some of what you're getting at I believe and some I really don't care about.

    I didn't vote for him because of tax cuts or health care or his aunt. All of these issues are secondary IMO. I voted for him because the current administration is so ridiculously fascist and crazy and unAmerican I thought we really needed a change in power.

    I would have voted for McCain in 2000 and probably 2004, but I couldn't vote Republican in this election because of all the insane (unconstitutional) laws and policies that the Bush adminstration has come up with in the past 8 years. Basically I think Obama will probably/hopefully repeal or change more of those than McCain would. Thats about it. Why people base their vote on tax policies and some incident where he forgot to salute the flag and ignore the breakdown of our fundamental national ideals I have no idea. Its sad.

    Source(s): Republican, voted for Obama
  • 1 decade ago

    I just voted against eliminating income tax in my state even though it would benefit me personally, because my state isn't just about me. There are alot of reasons I can say why don't have to pay, I don't live off the govt. I don't have any kids in school, I don't even have any kids I can write off, I'm not old or disabled, I'm not a police or firefighter or someone who gets paid by tax dollars. I'm young, single and get half my check cut in taxes but I would rather do that than be worried about how my state is to survive if I don't make some sort of sacrifice for it. If people only had to pay taxes because it benefitted them then no one would pay taxes most of the time. If you don't put into consideration the needs of others eventually it is going to affect you. So what, someone makes 100,000 or 250,000 will pay more in taxes than someone make 10,000 or 25,000 or even 50,000. People making six figures earn more than enough to support there basic necessities. They are just greedy. Is it better to have a bank account with hundreds of thousands of dollars of expendable income when there are hundreds of thousands of people who are financially drowning because they can't afford to pay a light bill or rent or mortgage? When you have that much economic disparity you have riots, crime, civil war. I know you may think like Marie Antoinette but she ended up getting her greedy head cut off.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all he was born in the Hawaii, which is a U.S. state. The rich should pay more in taxes, is not like they can't afford it. Our country is socialist , The $700 billion dollar bailout for example. The Republicans have walked over the Constitution.

    By the way I am a Independent. I have issues with both parties but the Democrats was the lesser of two evils.

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  • 1 decade ago

    "That means if you make more than $120,000 a year you will be taxed more. He wants to take your hard earned money and give it to the person standing in the welfare line who refuses to work."

    That's the reason why I was not for him. Obama wants to "Spread the Wealth".

  • 1 decade ago

    While I understand your findings and your evidence, I stand by my decision to support President-elect Barack Obama. I'll take my chances with him not because I am misinformed (which I'm not); but because I believe in the idealism of the united states and the American Dream. Realistically speaking, there's no way for me to know if I'm going to making a six-figure job annually ever in my life time. I may or may not ever see that kind of money in my life. Health care: I like knowing that I can go somewhere and not be bankrupted because of some clause in policies set in place by corporations and bureaucracies and red tape. As for who he is? I don't really care because frankly speaking, what morals he has for himself are not qualifications to be presidential, and what I mean by that is that I can't make assumptions on his character and competence in office. Not saluting the American flag doesn't have any real bearing on his competence to lead. Being a soldier doesn't make you a great leader. The list goes on!

    We've been complaining about where he's originally from, but half of these candidates could be subject to that. McCain was apparently born in Panama, if I'm correct, I may be wrong, but he was still running and nobody really cared. The issue never really got off the ground.

    Infanticide? Seriously. I think we should have a little more respect and give him the benefit of the doubt because the man has kids of his own! What was said probably was taken extremely out of context by the media and viewers alike.

    His affliation with ACORN, people have been fighting voter fraud for years; and you can't honestly expect him to know every-single-detail of his campaign. You could argue the Robocalls with Senator Clinton with the McCain campaign that were not approved but still utilized were underhanded, but it's over now. McCain's not without his affliations too, so it's a little more balanced out.

    I mean do you know what you're neighbors are all about when you go out to eat with them? How many of them are registered sex-offenders or people with records that you know nothing about? How can we honestly expect to really know these things? Most of these things happened well before his bid for the election anyway and should not really have any bearing on the outcome. These are petty issues that have nothing to do with his ability to be a Commander in Chief, to be a shining example of the American idealism in the world.

    If nothing else, I can understand where he's coming from. I'm not expecting him to answer all of my questions or to fulfill all of my hopes and dreams; but I do expect for him to make good on getting the ball rolling on changing the way Washington is run because it was never meant to be bought, but governed for the people by the people because of the people. This country does not belong to people who can afford to live the luxurious lives that they live while the rest of us struggle for our entire lives hoping to make our way in the world with sacrifice and dignity. America is supposed to be a land of opportunity, not a land where there is nothing but emptiness and lost prosperity.

    So I'll take my chances with him. I may not like them all, but I don't regret it because it was my choice.

    Obama/ Biden 2008

  • 1 decade ago

    I really don't care about the issues you raise right now because Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. However, I'm so sick and tired of ppl taking his words and twisting them into a crescent roll. Get your facts straight before you say anything. When I quote someone on something I do research and make sure I quote them correctly. If I misstep, I will recant and apologize. If you're neither a democrat or republican, why aren't you picking out John McCain's bones as you are with Obama's? Furthermore, McCain gave donations to ACORN, and he gave Shahidi's (i'm sure he's one of the ones you're referring to) program over $447,000. Me personally (as any other human being), won't give my "enemy" a dime out of my pocket. And, Sarah Palin's husband, Todd, tried to fight to get Alaska succeeded from the United States.....and your talking about Barack not saluting the flag as being unpatriotic. "Todd's fight" is unpatriotic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Their blind to reality it's called denial. Now the whole country gets to live with a baby killing, socialist President. I voted for Allen Keys

  • 1 decade ago

    Very well said.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats sad, after reading all that you have listed, even assuming it is all factual, i still feel the choice of Obama is better than the status quo.

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