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As a Christian myself, I would like to know why you think Obama is the anti-christ?

Please give the scripture references that you are basing this on. In all honesty it seems rather ridiculous. Seems to me that the Obama-bashing Christians here are making Christianity look bad. If I am wrong show me with scriptures. Otherwise you are just showing your negative side, dare I say sinful side, and on top of that you are looking hypocritical. Enlighten me ....please.


King2004... that was lengthy, but did not contain one scripture reference. Is being handsome a top qualification for being the anti-christ. How many political candidates can be described as "handsome?" At least a few.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think he is; but I do believe he's setting us up to be part of a one-world government that the Anti-Christ will rule.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Front Runners: Armageddon is Upon Us

    Barak Obama

    Be afraid: Obama is handsome and the ladies love him. He appears intelligent, charismatic, friendly and is a dynamic speaker. And what is worse is he’s a Democrat. Obama went to Russia in 2005 to check out military bases where WMDs were being stored, and may have discovered a way to launch said weapons at Israel. This single trip connects the Senator to weapons that may be used against the country we evangelicals rub as a Biblical rabbit foot. Add to this that’s Timothy Noah has a supposedly tongue-in-cheek blog about Obama entitled “Messiah Watch”, so now we have secular media referring to him as a kind of Christ. We would also like you to note Barak Obama’s middle name is Hussein. That name sounds a bit Arab, doesn’t it? Some of you may believe Obama is actually a Christian. He himself claims that he was baptized at Trinity United Church of Christ. That said, he talks about his faith in a non-“Jesus told me to kill these people” sort of way. This makes him suspect. The true anti-Christ will no doubt champion peace. It’s not the “Jesus told me to kill people” crowd we are worried about, it’s the leaders who can’t hear this obvious voice of God. And it bears repeating that he is handsome. He is very handsome.

    Why you shouldn’t worry: He’s almost too obvious a pick, and Obama doesn’t have enough political experience to be the anti-Christ. He can only be the anti-Christ if he ends up being nominated by his party, and the chances of that are slim. But if he does get the nod, he is back atop the list, we assure you, and he did get in.

  • 1 decade ago

    well to be Honest IDK if he is or not it is possible and not all christians will act like this and dude every one has sinned It is written in Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. so that means even non christians have sinned in one way or another well more then one now I'm not hear to put you down or any one else you or put you down I just want to help all those in need and before I go I want to say this God may have let Obama become president for our good because he will not let anything into Your life but that he chooses to allow it and it would be for our good and his glory and God might use his Wrath on us for disobeying him as pain to bring non christians even christians closer to him

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, if you got every American presidential candidate for the past 8 years, you'd probably find at least one site on each claiming they are the anti-christ.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of people are closet racists. They just can't abide a black man with any power over them at all.

    That was the hope of the Republicans: that in the end enough people just could not hold their nose and vote for a black man, no matter how outstanding he might be.

    This has nothing to do with information, logic or reason.

    It has everything to do with fear.

  • 1 decade ago


    Obama is not the antichrist -

    but I wouldn't be supprised to see the antichrist appear very soon !

    May God bless you as you study His Word


    Source(s): King James Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with SDA...i will add the world will end soon!

    they teach us that at church i am sda also!

    remember he USED to go to church...not anymore!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think it's paranoia

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he isnt, he belongs to a church...

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