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How should the new Obama administration distribute wealth?

I strongly believe they should set up an account where every person's pay check goes into, and everything in that account should then be divided equally among all citizens of the US in a monthly basis.


Ok not a lot of room to explain the details here, but people would have to meet a certain requirement, such as all those that work would receive a check, those who are lazy and do not work, would not receive anything since they are not contributing to the program.

Update 2:

To E. F. Hutton:

Well if someone is a surgeon just for the money that is wrong, in that case we would have surgeons who do it just to help others with their medical needs. Wouldn't it be better to have surgeons like that anyways, ones that truly care about the patient and not the money.

Update 3:

To Halo,

No, is rewarding everyone that goes out there and works hard to make a living. A lot of people, do to the oppressions their environment places upon them, cannot have a job making 150k plus a year like more fortunate people do.

Update 4:

To Christine m

Read the details section, I said that people who don't work a.k.a. sitting on your butt, would not be part of the program and therefore receive nothing, so they would not benefit from people who do work. Also have you ever been to Cuba? Cause I have and is not that bad. I have been to parts of the US that are a lot worse.

Update 5:

To E.F. Hutton

We all think and we all hold the right to think differently in this country. I think that there are people who have been oppressed and they can not make as much as a I do, and I would have no problem sharing my wealth with them. After all I do not need as much as I make to live and do not think they guy making my pizza is any less special or any less deserving than I am because he might not have been fortunate enough to have the opportunities I have had in life.

Update 6:

To stilldebuggin

I agree with your comment. However do know that wealth will be distributed. I am an Obama supporter who have been campaigning for him since the beginning, and have been in many camping meetings where it has been clear that wealth distribution will take place. I am in favor of wealth distribution and in everyone being socially equal, those who do not agree have just not been lucky enough to experience the greatness of Obama's words and the magic of his presence.

Update 7:

To E. F. Hutton

I do agree with you in certain aspects, unfortunately it seems to me that your logic has been affected by this matrix style surrealism that society imposes onto us on a daily basis. I am simply stating my beliefs based and for you that is illogical. I guess Dale Carnegie was right when he said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudice, and motivated by pride and vanity.”

Update 8:

To E. F. Hutton

I could see very clearly how you "continually try to distance yourself from reacting out of emotion and try to always use logic and reason." In the span of 4 paragraphs you referred to yourself as someone who thinks in comparison to me (who according to your delusional beliefs doesn't I guess). You referred to me as not being logical. And to Obama as a scumbag. Sure sure, there is no emotion there, there is no bigotry or no hate. For someone who says they didn't support McCain, you sound a bit like a bitter Republican.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That would be the equivalent of slavery. I strongly believe that you would design the most tyrannical government in the history of the world. The right to own the fruits of your own labor is fundamental to freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    They should not.

    In a classless society ALL are poor.

    When government will provide for you if you cannot provide for yourself, and if you have excess and are forced to yield to government, there is no incentive in bettering oneself. There is no value in hard work or seeking advancement. Why work that second job for extra money when you are forced to give it to someone else? Sorry, but brain surgery is worth more than rolling pizza dough. That's the way it goes. But when government steps in to level everything out there's no point in being a brain surgeon. The only way then to insure that society has all the services it needs is by government forcing people to complete tasks they are not adequately compensated for. Virtually all inventions, scientific discovery, and technological advancement is done for profit. When government steals that profit and gives it to others there's no advantage seeking this advancement.

    Making exceptions to exclude people that do not work is invalid. Again, certain tasks are more valuable than others. Where would you draw a line? If the requirement is one must work then you just get any simple job. I'll just get a part time job serving ice cream, the government will take of me. Plus, the whole point is to provide for those that have not. So you'd be contradicting yourself.

    Redistribution of wealth is socialism. Socialism cannot survive without an increasing population and inflating economy. Then socialism curbs these things and harms itself. It will fail. It always has.

    Add to this the fact that government is very inefficient and unfair at EVERYTHING it does. And the bigger the government the worse it is at it.

    And then Obama supporters wonder why so many are so strongly opposed. I hate to sound crass but it does come down to some of us think, others do not.

    additional: Sorry it doesn't work that way. Surgeons don't learn their skills simply for the money. They DO wish to help people. They learn their skills so they can perform their function. It's a special ability, endless schooling, very stressful, potential for lawsuits and making terminal mistakes, it's hard work. Yet they choose to do it. Why? because they expect to be compensated. If they just wanted to help people they could become personal assistants, dog walkers, or a Wal-Mart door greeter. Would that not be equally commendable? I love what I do. I'm a broadcast engineer. No matter how much I love the job there's no point continuing with it if I were not compensated properly.

    The beauty of freedom is that if you desire to share your wealth you may do so. The next time you have pizza delivered give the driver a big tip. Donate to charity. Those are all fine things. I agree with you. I tip, I donate to charity, I donate my time. I decide how much and to whom. Forcing me to be charitable is another thing.

    Sure there are those that are oppressed. That's why we have the rule of law, not of the people. And that's why we have charity.

    There is cause and effect in our world. Many people observe a problem, take a step and find a solution. But they do not look any further. They never consider there may be a reaction to their action. They never consider there may be more than one solution, more than one step, or that one is better than another. The right to one's opinion is not the same as using thorough logical thought.

    "...those who do not agree have just not been lucky enough to experience the greatness of Obama's words and the magic of his presence."

    Sounds like a messiah to me. You assume I disagree with him because I haven't experienced him. Obamaism has become a religion. Sorry, I've heard him speak. I live in Illinois. I know his history. He's a scumbag.

    I guarantee you, if he and his cohorts in Congress make good on their promises we will see more poverty and government oppression. History has shown this to be true.

    We already have an account where a portion of every person's income goes into and it gets divided among all the citizens, that qualify, it's called Social Security. And it's a disaster. That's how government runs things.

    No, I was not a McCain supporter.

    Dale Carnegie was right. Which is why I continually try to distance myself from reacting out of emotion. I try to always use logic and reason. I don't let guilt or wealth envy influence my decision making.

  • 1 decade ago

    It all sounds so dandy.and I wonder if you know any history at all.Ask anyone from Cuba or Russia. Millions murdered for the actions of the government you described.Why should a doctor that studied hard spent money for an education not get rewarded for his efforts over a person sitting on their butts.I don't give a hoot is a surgeon is in it for the money or not as long as he would save my life.Heck I'd give him extra.The greatness of the U.S.A. is the sky is the limit and we all have a shot.Your way would lead to the lazy robbing or killing you to get your crust of bread.Money makes the world go round.If not why do you think the world is in the mess its in now.THINK HARDER.

  • 1 decade ago

    You strongly believe in socialism. Do you not see a problem with this? So if you work, or get paid, your check is divided with those that do not. And nobody is going to want to run a business; running businesses takes quite a lot of work, and if your return as the employee is the same as the employer, what reason would the employer have for starting his/her company? He could stay at home and not do anything and make just as much.

    You believe strongly in a system of government that encourages laziness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe that Obama will distribute wealth. Wealth redistribution is not a good idea, because doing so does not encourage people to work harder. Many people are motivated (a lot!) by money, and I don't think that it is wrong for people to be motivated by money. (I, myself, am not. It's unfortunate in some cases, because offering me bonuses for better work does not get me to perform better. It turns out that I'm motivated by being told that I'm helpful, indispensable, and brilliant. Once people figure that out about me, they can get really good work out of me for no extra money. Eh... that's just how I'm wired I guess.)

    But, I digress. As it is, many people ARE motivated by money, so this kind of redistribution would be devastating for their will to perform better. I'm not saying that most people do things JUST for the money, but money is still a motivator. People want to feel successful, and getting paid more makes them feel successful. Think of it this way: a surgeon wants to feel that he's a good surgeon, and the money he makes is a tangible way to show himself that he's doing a good job. People are happy when they have tangible representations of their own success and prosperity. That's just how it is, and it's probably not going to change. I don't think this is a bad thing, really.

    That said, I do feel that it's important for people to pay their fair share. In general, people who make more money end up getting more benefits from government programs (per capita, at least). For example, the government pays for the police force that makes sure that peoples things don't get stolen. Wealthy people have more to lose when it comes to crimes and police react more strongly to the theft of large amounts than they do to theft of small amount, so wealthy people get more benefits from this government service and should pay more for it. That's just one example, but I feel that in general the wealthy people get more out of the government so they should put more in. Looking at the surgeon example, most of a surgeon's education would not have been possible without government programs. A surgeon has gotten more out of the government's programs than, say, a janitor so it would make sense that he would contribute back into it.

    I look forward to the time when I make enough money to really give back so other people can have the opportunities that I have had. I doubt that I'll ever be incredibly rich (because, as I said, I never aim for that) but I'll likely have a good salary with steady increases because I always strive to be good at what I do.

  • 4 years ago

    i like D and G-no longer because of fact they are scandals; yet because of fact they are no longer scandals, yet cons are peeing themselves in exhilaration approximately them. For D-the IRS "concentrated" some liberal communities too. there have been especially much 3 hundred communities investigated, and in easy terms seventy 5 had "tea social gathering" or conservative-leaning names. For G -Republicans in congress, including Saxby Chambliss, wrote a letter to Obama in 2012 asking him to place a stop to the leaks of nationwide secure practices training to the clicking. Then while the DOJ starts to do precisely that, Republicans cry "scandal". LMFAO!

  • 1 decade ago

    Increase odds of winning the lottery!

    Jeez, what do you guys think Obama is? A prophet to change everything in the span of 4 years??? Nothing will change. Don't you know politics by now?

  • Isn't that communism?

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