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Where did McCain go wrong?

I supported Obama. However, I have the utmost respect for McCain. That man was a warrior who served our nation for half a century defending it. It bothered me a little that people made fun of his age because this man fought for our country and soldiers like him paved the way for Obama to become the first black president.

What could have McCain done to have won. I have my ideas, but I just want to see what McCain could have done to win, if it was possible.

If you are an Obama supporter, what would you have liked to see McCain do and if you are a McCain supporter, what do you think he should have done to win?


I find it interesting that it is the women that felt Sarah Palin did him in.

Update 2:

Rainbow Armadillo - I gave you a thumbs up for being honest. However, Bush gave be all the education I needed thank you very much.

Update 3:

Good answers so far. Keep it up.

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Better selection of a running mate

    2) Step away from the mud-slinging

    3) Better focus on the core problems and not the opposing candidate

    4) Look less angry

  • 1 decade ago

    He went up against the Messiah

    He was in a losing position from the start

    je had to overcome being in the same party with an unpopular president and had to try to stop history and several political movement

    He had to defeat the Black empowerment and the influx of the youth movements

    It is impressive that he did as well as he did given the circumstances

    Those blaming Palin are proof that very few people actually paid attention to the candidates past the superficial

    his VP choice brought a lot of the conservative base back

    We recognize media hit squads when we see them

    Her mistake was allowing her self to be interviewed by enemies with no say in the editing

    She scared the hell out of Obie and anyone that denies that is either blind stupid or lying

  • emp
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nothing really.

    If he didn't go with Palin, the conservative base wouldn't have bothered voting.

    Let's be honest here....liberals were going to vote for Obama regardless on if McCain was running or not.

    The moderate undecideds were the ones that were in play. If McCain picked Lieberman, that would have definately gained alot of these voters (assuming they would vote as this group doesn't vote alot).....however he would have lost the base that consistently votes.

    Elections have never been about winning the's about winning the voters. The far end left and right vote religiously while the middle moderate doesn't. When you move too far center, you loose those far end voters in hopes to motive this middle moderate which is a huge gamble. The media reported this issue alot about McCain......but not at all with Obama. Curious that, wouldn't you agree?

  • 1 decade ago

    He was a escaping that.

    He chose Palin as running mate.

    Campaign beat dead horse...i.e Ayers.

    Old time Red Scare tactics...i.e "Socialism" but could not say "Communist" cause we borrow too much money from Commies...i.e China

    any FOOL could see that

    excerpt from link:

    China's investment in the global economy is huge — especially its investment in the United States. The U.S. trade deficit with China increases by $1 billion a day, and that has some people concerned. In the current issue of Atlantic Monthly magazine, correspondent James Fallows calls it "The $1.4 Trillion Question."

    Bush endorsed him

    Cheney endorsed him

    Claimed Obama going to raise taxes on middle class even though it has been said a thousand times that Obama going to take away tax breaks from the rich.

    Joe the Plumber....corny

    "my friends"...phony

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Kenneth....I appreciate an intelligent question without bashing the Republican party. Its a nice change of pace.

    My personal opinion is he was too busy trying to be bipartisan. He was so busy trying to reach over to the other side, he forgot that he was a conservative Republican. I DO NOT however think Palin hurt his campaign in anyway. His numbers went from 30% of America for him to to me she was a good choice.

    I do think McCain is a good man and I hope Obama realizes he will be a good asset if he looks to him for guidance.

  • 1 decade ago

    I voted for Obama but i did not have anything bad to say about McCain in till Sara Palin. After Hillary did not make it its like he just thought America wanted a woman in office so bad that we would vote for any 1. sara a nice as she may seem she is not qualified. I find it very insulting that he would think we would vote for someone based on gender

  • 1 decade ago

    He opposed Bush's tax cuts, saying we couldn't afford them; this was correct, look at the deficit. Problem was that when he ran for president, he decided that buying people with a tax break was more important than sticking to his principals. Similar with immigration; he said he wouldn't vote for his own bill. The big thing for me though was the war.

    He lost much of my respect with the position changes, but he got much of it back with his concession speech.

    Oh yeah, an unqualified running mate, that was big.

    I would like to see a source for the 75% voted for Obama only because he is black. I don't believe that for a second!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the place McCain went incorrect is precisely what Pres choose Obama reported throughout the time of the campaign. people are bored with an identical unfavourable campaigning of the previous. The polls undergo that out. The extra McCain and Palin stated Obama being a "terrorist" "Muslim" "socialist" etc. etc. the extra he grew to become into harm. It backfired on him. As Obama saved announcing:we are able to disagree without being unsightly. save in centred on coverage, etc. etc. He regarded a lot extra above the frey. Palin , additionally, grew to become right into a political stunt, user-friendly and straightforward. They picked her by using fact she is "warm" and extremely conservative. it backfired, too. thirdly, McCain in simple terms saved talking approximately why to no longer vote for Obama...and not often ever stated why vote for him? returned, the unfavourable campaigning is backfiring. If he could have spoken all thruout the campaign as he did in his consetion speech.....welllll....

  • prtending to be a conservative. McCain lost because republicans didn't vote. Look at past voting records. George Bush won 63 million to 58 million against Kerry. But only 60 million voted for McCain, only 53 million voted for Dole. When republicans don't vote, the democrats win. If the GOP puts a real candidate in the running, they will win.

    go to

    and see why democrats win.

  • He just didn't connect with the new world. Look, the republican party needs to understand that old time politics is over and DEAD!! its not about them and their bank accounts anymore the republicans all they think about is themselves never have I ever known of them that they totally had the best interest of the people at heart. Obama represented that change that most of America needs and want that's why McCain lost he just didn't touch the nation.

    Yes We Can, Yes We Did, And hell yeah!!, we gonna do it again!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    i also voted for obama, i have alot of respect for john mccain, but he ran a HORRIBLE campaign. sarah palin was ill prepared for the world stage, he should have gotten mitt romney as a running mate. the party said they picked sarah to reinvigorate the base. the base doesnt win elections,swing voters the ecomony was bad ,people are fed up with the republican party...the republican party is in trouble,they have no bench that excites me as a conservative,no minorites. joe the plumber and sarah palin doesnt thrill me....

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