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Will Ford's CEO get fired over GM and Chrysler's CEOs' incompetence?

There is a growing sentiment that for the auto industry to get a bailout, the taxpayers will want blood --- all 3 CEO's fired.

I think that is very shortsighted as Ford's CEO took over the company fairly recently after it was near collapse and has already sold off a bunch of holdings in anticipation of a downturn to help their cash flow through the coming year to allow them to reach their 2010 effiecient small car rollout. For this reason, they are in the best money situation of any of the big 3. In other words their CEO has already done what we would have demanded of him. Chrysler and GM's CEO's were the ones who totally did not anticipate this VERY predictable economic downturn.

As someone who beleives in Ford's CEO, so much so that I invested money in Ford shares in the last month (not more than I can afford to lose though :) ), I encourage my fellow investors to hang tough with our CEO. If GM fails in December, that will be enough to push the country into a pronounced depression. (Not another "Great Depression", but at least a honest to gosh Depression....I mean come on, what do you think happens if 10% of the workforce --- mostly middle-class ---suddenly goes on unemployment and welfare? Sales in everything will drop and more jobs will be cut. No one is loaning money, so that will just spiral down more and more.) At that point the voters will overreact and demand a gov't bailout for the surviving American Auto Manufacturers. Obama is for it, so you know it will happen. Ford would be the likely recepient of that overcorrection and could get $50B in government loans on their own and buy key chunks of GM for nothing in time to save a ton of American jobs. (Now mind you, a LOT of Americans will lose their jobs, car prices will spike up, part prices will skyrocket and many parts will become hard to get, and most new car sales revenue will go overseas, but at least the only competent auto manufacturer will be keeping some of those middle class jobs around long term.)

While I think I'll be fine in any scenario --- ford has cash to last another 7+ months and Obama has said he will bail out the auto companies when he is in office --- I would frankly rather see my fellow Americans who have the misfortune in having jobs that are even tangentially based on the health of GM and Chrysler still employed on Christmas day.

It is amazing that after letting Paulson give away 350B with no oversight and seeing the Fed spread a similar amount around, America is willing to role the dice on another great depression over a comparatively measley $50B. Crazy.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not believe firing the CEO's will accomplish anything- although I don't doubt that GM made some bad moves.

    On a different note- I don't think 50 billion dollars will be enough to keep these 3 companies afloat- especially considering the fact that Americans are tired of being whores to gasoline and that the automotive market is about to get much more competitive because of that:

    Even Honda has a zero-gas-emission hydrogen car available. Ask yourself : Will people will continue to buy american made cars when they can buy a zero-emission from Japan for less than a Mustang?

    Heres a zero emission that runs on natural gas. You get the point.

    To keep the big 3 alive but more importantly competitive, the government should loan them hundreds of billions- but push them each to develop a LINE of affordable zero emission vehicles with the excess money.

    This will not only free a large dependence on foreign oil, but help push a green agenda that could create millions of jobs, providing a completely new industry for american-made products. Since 1980, America went from being largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor nation--and from largest exporter of finished goods to largest importer of finished goods-- meaning we buy more than we produce at home. This is America's chance to become a supplier again, to set a world example, and to pull ourselves out of a 10 trillion dollar debt and a recession. How did America get out of the Great Depression? You guessed it- Manufacturing jobs.

    Will this raise taxes? Yes- probably by a good amount too. But were talking about a trade off that could save the country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look around the country, many companies were in the same type of spot as the auto industry after 9/11, many did not receive any type of bailout but either filed bankruptcy, and restructured and not only survived but totally turned their company around to earn decent profits. Now do I think bailouts are a good plan, no. It gives other companies no incentive to better themselves and allows greedy CEOs to continue to make bad decisions. A lot of the jobs tied to the auto industry also work for auto companies who are not failing in the US, many of the jobs have already been effected with the exception of those directly within the company itself. Companies who cannot react in a timely manner to meet the needs of its customers will fail, while those who use the methods within their ability to meet the needs will survive. Remind GM they once bought out a car that got 55 MPG, which they redeveloped into a car that got considerably less, until they took it off the market. Do not talk to me about re-gearing the machinery, if they wanted to it would have been done by now. Obama talks of bailouts, but guess what, you and I will be the ones paying for it not the companies.

  • Sure, Mulally hasn't been at Ford very long, but here's a boneheaded thing that Ford is doing RIGHT NOW that shows that they're still out of touch...

    At the L.A. Auto show that is going on right now Honda is spotlighting their 2009 Insight which is a gas-electric hybrid, and they're also focusing on the redesigned Fit, which of course is a small, fuel-efficient car.

    So, what is Ford putting most of their marketing muscle behind at the L.A. Auto show? er...the 2010 Ford Mustang, which won't be out for a year, gets terrible mileage and costs more than $30K!?!?!? WTF!?!?!?

    So, given our recent oil shock and the generally scary economic prospects which do you think is going to be an easier sell to more people: the least expensive hybrid available and a small, fuel-efficient economy car....OR a tricked out muscle car that gets 15 MPG and costs $30 grand?

    This shows me that Ford STILL DOESN'T GET IT!

    And it reminds me why my family's last two new cars have been a Honda and a Toyota, and why we'll continue buying them!

  • 1 decade ago

    Mulally did a good job with Boeing Commercial, so I would give him more time at Ford. The Big 3 have been a mess decades before he took that job. He's good but not a miracle worker.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't want their heads. I want them to fix their own damn problems, and do it without our tax dollars! There should never have been any bailouts eriod!

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