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Why do atheist always comment on religious matters if there is no God?

The word atheist means someone who knows that God does not exist. No one is forcing you to believe in God, so why does it seem that atheist are always congregating like a bunch of church folk on religious sites, blogs, etc.? Are you trying to set the captives free from belief, curious, or just lost? Be honest.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1 because they are hurting inside (thier soul)

    they want to be near even if its saying bad things.

    we need to give them scripture instaed of trying to answer thier funny questions that they themselves dont understand.

    2 because the devil has them to come here and try and throw chrsitians who arent grounded in the

    they use bible verses and try watever but sometimes i just say the bible..when its a bible question they want.

    knowing very well they wont but if they do...glory !!

    he is out there prowling.

    also i out most of the time is John 3:16

    so if u ever come across christians tell them to use scripture and not to lose thier cool as they need christ needs them.

    Peace !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do you think only your religion belongs here?

    You sadly lack any knowledge of what an atheist is!!

    ATHEIST - someone who does not believe in a God – any God – not just the Christian one. But that does not mean they do not hold strong moral or religious beliefs! They can follow any religion that does not have a god and there are a lot of those!!

    Great religions like BUDDHISM – Religious teaching from Buddha and his followers that by destroying greed, hatred and delusion (the cause of all suffering) man can attain perfect enlightenment!!

    Add christians and Muslims together and they make up only one third of the world population most of the rest is made up of atheist and non god religions.

    Therefore they have more right to be her than you probably!!!

    So what do you not understand about this being an open forum?!!!

    Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate - so feel free to leave!!

    But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because religion often affects my life in a negative way. I believe religion has caused far more problems in the world than it has ever solved. As others have said, if the religious did not try and push their agendas in political arenas , schools etc... then I would really not give a flip. But when laws are changed , school curriculum is dumbed down to accommodate the religious, people are ostracized killed etc... in the name of religion then I have a problem with it.

  • Allowing evil to go unchecked makes us just as much to blame so it is the duty of any sane person to counter religious zealots like radical Christians or Muslims so that reasonable people who are into spirituality or living good lives without dogma or even sensible practices like yoga and Buddhism know that they are in fact the truly enlightened ones. I don't think atheists have a problem when God is defined as a Higher Power -- what provokes them is when God is defined by a book full of errors and when radicals believe that they know everything about a God who is too complex for any man to fully know.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My dad is an atheist and if you truly don't care about religion you won't be interested. You wouldn't even be on the R&S. Why because you don't care. It also amazes me that they know so much about the bible. You know Satan always said: Doesn't God say or His word say.... that is exactly what most "atheists" on R&S use. I really believe that the troublemaking atheists are actually Satanists because they talk just like them. They attack just like them. They seem to know a lot about christianity just like satanists do. Not all the atheists here are but a lot of them I truly believe are Satanists using the guise as atheists to bring confusion to God's people and of course to stir trouble. Normally a Satanist would be ignored - totally by a christian so they pretend to be something else so that they can get a rise out of the christians. I'm on to them. I have studied satanism and I have met a lot of satanists. So to all the christians answer their questions but don't le them get a rise out of you. Don't attack, it's what they want

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Christians/Muslims were as passive as Buddhists and all of them could understand separation of Church and state, and not trying to forcefeed everybody else their beliefs through politics, atheists would not care about people's religious or superstitious beliefs.

    lol @ this question. Why not ask why Jews in Nazi Germany cared about the Nazis? I admit that's a different extreme, but the same concept.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gods may not exist, but religious people have an effect on my life. I have a stake in this. This is not rocket science to understand.

    "congregating like a bunch of church folk on religious sites, blogs"

    Did you manage to write that with a straight face? This is not a "religious site", this is a site for Q&A about religion and spirituality. Do you see the difference?

    Source(s): Example: people like Jen W.
  • 1 decade ago

    Because anyone who isn't a hermit is subjected to social matters (which is exactly what religious matters are). To say that those skeptical of such should simply be quiet would essentially leave us with a one-sided argument.

    I enjoy discussing conspiracy theories yet I never espouse them. Since I don't believe their claims should I refrain from speaking?

    Source(s): Not an atheist
  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1) No , that isn't what "atheist" means. It simply means someone who lacks a belief in any deity.

    2) I'm trying to make sure theistic nonsense is not the only choice for those who are searching and come to these sites.

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean, someone who believes there is no God, you put, knows that there is no God.We are here to utilize our freedom of speech just like you. We like to debate, express our opinions,...Take it how you want to, I doubt setting captives free or being lost is why we come.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one is forcing others to believe in god? You are from Mars?

    Anyway, it seems like those christians are trying push down their god into education, politics and all ways of life. That eventually will affect others, other gods' followers and no gods' followers alike.

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