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As a bi-sexual in a hetero marriage; am I a poor choice of adoptive parent, in terms of religious morality?

If you don't believe, on grounds of religious morality, that gay couples should be allowed to adopt - do I not morally qualify either?

If not, why not?

If so, how about a transgendered female-to-male and a female?


I am more interested in the rational content of answers than in making a point, and I hope you bear that in mind as you respond.

Update 2:

Labgrrl, I'm mildly glad that you feel it's irrelevant, but I'm wondering if religious people might worry that my impure whatevers might rub off on some innocenti.

Update 3:

For the few people who assumed, asked or implied - heterosexual, monogamous marriage.

Update 4:

Heterosexual, monogamous, unconfused marriage.

Update 5:

HETEROSEXUAL, MONOGAM...look, clearly the situation I described IS "led by a [sic] two parents, one of each gender where that couple are married to each other and faithful to each other".

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm saying this as an atheist.

    In the eyes of religious morality, whether you're bisexual or not, if you're in a heterosexual marriage you're a good choice of adoptive parent.

    They don't care that you're bisexual, because you're not a practicing bisexual. You're married. And although your sexual orientation would raise questions as to whether your personal morals are up to scratch religiously, the fact you've chosen to 'ignore' your 'sinful urges' and become a married woman, would be a good balancing weight in their eyes.

    Personally I think religion and sexuality should not be a deciding factor when placing children into permanent homes. Whether a person is religious or straight does not determine whether they will be caring, nurturing people. I think putting a child in an environment where religion will be forced upon them is far more damaging than having them placed into a gay/bisexual/transgender family. At least in the latter they are less likely to become homophobic, close minded and discriminative.

  • amada
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think every child deserves to be raised with love and deserves to be raised as an individual that the society readily accepts. A person can be gay, trans-gender and so on by choice, but it is a hard track. People are more ready to accept heterosexuals both because of religions and because of social reasons. The homosexuals, trans-genders and so on have to strive more to be accepted, and can only be accepted in a limited sense.

    The question is ' Will the child raised by you have as much chance to be straight as a child raised by straight heterosexual parents?'

    If your answer is a sincere 'YES', you can go on and adopt a child. The same holds for the other options you stated.


    As a moderately religious person, I can say that you should forget about the impurities.

    Assume you were a thief but never got caught. You are clean now and you help the poor and so on. Would this make you a bad candidate for adopting a child? Would some of your impurities rub on the child? No.

    Same is true here.

    The only question here is only whether or not you can give the child enough chance to be straight.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religious morality? Let's get real please. There's morality, or ethics which is going to be based on reason [valid] or superstition [invalid]. Religious morality, more often than not, is pure superstitious drivel. So enough of this nonsense! The typical religious fanatic in the name of God and Righteousness causes more evil than all the devils in Hell combined could ever hope for!

    The law in most states allow gay and lesbian adoption. It is a legal hassle and requires a lot of red-tape, but it is possible and I know two lesbian couples that have adopted children in my area, one from the states another adopted a child from Russia.

    So, if two gay men or lesbians can adopt, there should be NO reason why a bisexual person in a hetero marriage would be disqualified.

    The kinds of things that would disqualify you would be [and in the US they go into your background with a fine tooth comb] : felony convictions esp. involing sex crimes against minors, drug addiction, excessive debts and bad credit which suggests an irresponsible person, evidence of a violent or agressive personality, mental illness in any form.

    Those kinds of things. NOT that you are bisexual.

    Naturally, you'd be more likely to get a fair deal in CA or MA than Alabama or South Carolina or Texas. But the two lesbian couples I am talking about are also in the Southern USA and the ones that adopted a Russian child had the child's adoption finalized in 2 years. The lesbian couple that adopted a US baby from an unwed mother took 10 years and 25,000$ to finalize the adoption. Big hassle, but then that's the stupid US legal system at work. It doesn't matter if you are a straight couple or not, adopting a US born child is extremely difficult. Easier to adopt from Russia or China as my cousin and his wife did, and he's a COP and they gave him a hard time and all kinds of legal BS.

    So oddly enough laws meant to protect a child and prevent them ending up with pedophiles, actually ending up hurting the child and good parents by burying them in mountains of red tape. Tis a pity!

  • 1 decade ago

    1) To answer your question, I think that anyone should be allowed to adopt as long as they go through the same process (background checks, credit checks, visits from adoption agency/social worker, etc) as everyone else. In the US alone there is something like 120,000 children waiting to be adopted each year (stats from national adoption sight for last recorded year) and thousands more in need of foster parents. To cut down on the availability of potential parents based on an immutable character trait is ridiculous.

    I know a lot of people say that gays won't make suitable parents because they will corrupt children with their sexual preference and to that I have to ask, is it common practice in your household to have sex with your spouse/discuss your sex life in front of your children? Of course not! Homosexual couples are not going to either.

    In addition, I have heard the issue that it's hard because kids will get made fun of in school based on who their parents are. My heterosexual (adoptive) father has a big mouth and was always embarrassing me and my brother by getting kicked out of our sporting events. My friend was made fun of because she is black, but her parents are white. The point is, kids are always going to be made to feel badly by other kids. More important than a parent's sexuality is how capable they are of meeting a child's emotional needs.

    2) I think it's really telling that a lot of people assume that if you are bisexual and married you MUST be cheating. I think a lot of people just don't know (or don't realize they know) anyone who is LGBT and make these wild assumptions. They don't seem to get that LGBT people who want to marry are making the same commitment to a monogamous relationship as heteros.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What does religion have to do with adopting a child??? How ridiculous.

    I personally think anyone should be able to adopt initially – and be assessed on their individual situation. Who can say that a gay couple woulnd.t make better parents than a straight couple? Myra Hindley and Ian Brady and Fred and Rose West were both straight couples and look what happened with them! Whereas, for example one of my transsexual friends Louise would absolutely love to be able to marry and settle down with kids but unless she marries someone who already has kids then she’s got no chance. And it’s a shame because she’s one of the most sensible, level headed and caring people I know and she would make a fantastic parent. Whereas I know straight people who should never have been allowed to have kids because they’re terrible parents. People are people regardless of their sexuality and cases should always be assessed on a completely individual basis.


    I've just been reading some of the other answers. Most are spot on but i'm apalled at the level of discrimination from some people!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    "As a bi-sexual in a hetero marriage; am I a poor choice of adoptive parent,"


    Although I am not qualified to say who is and who is not ideal parent materiel (There are plenty of heterosexuals I would ban from breeding, hehe) I do not see anything you've stated that should be worried about.

    To your second question, as long as they are thoroughly vetted like a hetero couple would be, I think the more children adopted into families the better.

  • Glee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your sexuality has nothing to do with your parenting skills.

    If being straight made people great parents we'd have no children in foster care over being burned, beaten, raped and neglected by their straight parents. I find it ironic that we remove children from abusive straight parents, then refuse to allow gays to provide safe homes for those same kids because our society has deemed gays unfit to parent.

    It is hypocrisy at its worst.

    EDIT: Wow, I can't believe how many people assume you are cheating on your hubby and how many of those conveniently forget that even if you were, straight people cheat too and that over 50% of straight marriages end in divorce.

    I despise the willfully ignorant.

    Source(s): atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please don't get offended I'm just stating my opinion. I am a christian and according to our religion Bi and Gay people are going against God that being said I myself am a bisexual. I've struggled with this for a long time. I pray for God to take that away from me but no matter how much I try and pray I still love my ladies. [I'm a girl] If I ever married a woman that would not stop me from adopting just make all ur decisions with prayer. That's all I can do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The quality of a relationship is more important than who's in it.

    If you and your partner, no matter who it is, is willing and able to raise a child, go for it.

    I know that I'm an atheist and I don't qualify for this answer, but I just wanted to show you that not all people are bigoted as I'm sure some of these answers will be.

  • First: Let me say I'm so sorry because there are some ignorant punks who think that all bi people are sex-crazed animals...They're idiots, don't worry about them.

    Second: You'd make a perfect candidate from what I read. So what if you're bi? And so effing what if you were in a different marriage than yours now (Lesbian marriage). As long as you're a good person, you deserve to adopt a child.

    Good luck

    Source(s): 23-year old Gay Deist (Opting for adopting a child when I have a lifepartner)
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