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Arthur N asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Who is responsible for his death? Honest answers only please!?

The following is a true story, the names have been changed but the events actually happened. The question here is who holds responsibility for the death of John? Please note that any answer saying that John was fully responsible will NOT be considered.

Many years ago an eleven year old boy was travelling with his mother on a road trip around the country. At length they came to caravan park in a small town where sugar cane grew. The boy, Bret, was a trusting sort but also was not one to rush head long into unfamiliar situations and his mother, Emma, was a cautious sort who had been hurt by an ugly divorce and having to raise her son alone. They had depended on each other over the long trip and trusted each others judgement of the situations that were presented to them.

One day, a man from a caravan a few spots down struck up a conversation with Emma. He introduced himself as John and said that he was one of the few permanent residents of the park. Bret and she had organised a game on the ping-pong tables that were always in demand so the conversation could not last long. Two days later John approached Emma again and invited Emma and Bret over for dinner in his caravan saying that he had bought enough food for all three and that he would make fabulous dinner for the three of them. Emma however was cautious as always and said that she would have to talk to Bret. Walking back to their small car she talked to Bret and said that she didn't trust the situation, not that he seemed to be dangerous or anything just that a story from the news from two weeks before had been playing on her mind and they decided that they would say that they had planned to go to the cinemas instead. Emma told John of their contrived plan to go to the cinemas and he said that ‘maybe another night’, but he did not look like he meant it.

That night they went to the cinema but they did not enjoy the show. They were a good family and did not enjoy lying even if it was to get out of a situation were they felt uncomfortable. At length they decided that they would go over to his caravan in the morning and invite him out to a fancy restaurant in town by way of an apology, not that they could spare the money. The next day Emma and Bret went and knocked on his caravan, but there was no answer. As Emma was about to knock again a voice from behind them made them jump, it was the wife of the owner of the park telling them that he was not there. Emma asked if she could leave a message for John but the wife refused. Then Emma asked why, a question that brought tears the wife’s eyes. She explained that after Emma and Bret had said no to dinner John had locked himself in his caravan until after dark. When he did finally emerge he was holding a small blanket. Walking into the sugar cane field that surrounded the park he spread out the blanket and laid down, took his service revolver and put it in his mouth and ate a bullet. It was she who had discovered his body after going to investigate the noise of the gun shot as her husband was away at the time.

Emma and Bret were struck dumb as ice water ran in their veins at the realisation that they had been the last people to see him alive. The owners wife went on to explain how John’s wife had left him years before, lying about him abusing her and their children to gain sole custody over them, a move aimed solely at hurting him. The claims had been thoroughly investigated by the police and each one was proven false. But the stress of the divorce and the investigation had turned him to drink so when his day in court finally came he was ruled an unfit parent and once again denied custody and visitation rights. This spiralled had him into a deep depression. The only thing that brought any light to his life was his small dog who had died only two weeks before after being hit by a car. Bret and Emma realised that John was not only being nice by asking them over for tea he was asking for help, for someone to talk to, for someone who provide a shoulder to cry on. They realised that he had not meant them any harm and if they had accepted he would be alive that day.

To this day neither Emma nor Bret can forgive themselves for what happened that night, nor will they ever turn down a plea for help again, no matter where it comes from.

Who is responsible for John’s death? Bret and Emma, John’s wife and kids, the other people in the caravan park, all of them, none of them?

Serious answers only please!



I find it facinating that Elenchuskb and Sponge B want nothing more than to lay blame at the feet of the one person who I said could not be blamed. There was a very good reson for that, suicide is so often blamed on the one who dies becuase it is easy and requires no thought what so ever. It does not matter what pain and suffering the victim goes through so long as he does not kill himself to try and escape it. Most of the time those who are quickest to condem are the slowest to act to prevent suicide, this I can say from hard won personal experience. Is it not possible that the people of the caravan park hold resposibility? They knew him and his situation yet did not engage him socially. Is it not possible that his ex-wife holds responsibility? She through her selfish actions caused the first dominop to fall. The truth should be self evident to anyone who looks hard enough, we are all guilty is someone takes their own life, we are guilty of letting it get that far! We may not have...

Update 2:

pulled the trigger but we also did not take the gun away in the first place!

This is why I said that John could not be fully at fault, I am asking if he cannot be held accountable who can?

Please adjust your answers to meet the basic criteria of the question for them to be considered.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seriously. I don't think anyone is at fault. Both Emma and her son had been hurt by a divorce. Being as Bret's feelings toward people are a direct response to his mothers feelings toward the divorce and what she had been through.

    John Went through a similar situation. He was emotionally and spiritually scarred for the loss of his kids and his wife's cruelty. Though the drinking was the cause of the loss of his kids, he would not have started drinking if his ex wife wasn't such a *****.

    The fact that both were hurt is what cause the situation to arise. They didn't want to put themselves in danger by going to a strange persons house. And he didn't want to put himself in danger by being alone.

    In any case. Even if they did have dinner with him and give him that shoulder to cry on, it is likely that he would have committed suicide anyway, due to that traumatic events that occurred earlier in his life.

    Im still not saying that it was John's fault. If any fault could be blamed i would say it was the ex wife. If her intent was to hurt him through a divorce and take his kids away from him, she may have had an idea that it would ruin him and bring him to do what he did. Ultimately, it is a result of an unfortunate chain of events. Had the wife not decided to try to ruin him, and instead went about the divorce in a more humane manner, John may still be alive today.

  • 1 decade ago

    noone is at fault here. certainly not emma and bret they just met the man. the ex wife is not to blame either she did what she did and it was time to move forward. noone in the park can be blamed for his actions either. depression is at fault here and that is not necessarily something that can be brought on by human activity. it can also come from a chemical imbalance. the days of alcohol could be responsible for the imbalance. or it could have been there since birth. poor man. poor emma and bret. poor everyone. how sad.

    how could they be so sure he would still have been alive that night even if they had come to dinner? he may very well have been planning his final meal with the intent that it would be his last.

  • 1 decade ago

    By saying that you will NOT consider that John was responsible for his own death, you are closing yourself off to the truth.

    No one made him kill himself. No one took him outside and put the gun to his mouth. He did. He had the choice to not do that, no matter how hurt he was.

    None of the others in the story could possbily be held accountable.

    Open you mind - don't refuse to accept something from the outset, coz it might just be the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    John. Seriously, even though you won't consider it and seem to think that its a bad answer (which will NOT be considered).

    Source(s): The asker. He told me.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Next time keep it short.

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