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Whats the weather like in Great Lakes, IL during Jan?
My boyfriend graduates from boot camp in Jan and I just wanted to know what the weather would be like so i can be prepared now. if you can tell me that would be great?
also he just left a few days ago...what more should i expect while he's gone? i was really sad for that day and the next but my work helped me keep my mind off of it and now i'm feeling much better which i cant believe i bounced back this fast but i did...i know he wouldn't want me all depressed for 2 months. if you can tell me everything it would be greatly appreciated!!! thanks a bunch!!! i love my sailor!!
5 Answers
- MrsjvbLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
friggin' cold and windy. as in below zero wind chill factors for weeks at a time.
stepson shipped out for Great Mistakes the Monday of Thanksgiving Week last year and graduated the end of January. Gawd it sucked the whole weekend. Ice on the ground, wind all the time, bitterly cold.
LONGJOHNS. invest in them. even though PIR is held indoors there are a couple of fairly long walks outside between the visitors center and the Review hall and then they open the big doors to let everybody in and that's a good ten minutes of frigid air blowing into the review Hall.
- Fred KLv 61 decade ago
Dress warm expect a lot of snow if you Drive there check the weather 48 and 24 hours before you go and if its looks bad don't take chances it can snow feet coming of the lake all it takes is a cold front from Canada.go volunteer your time with the Holidays coming up there's lots of places you can help like toys for tots or a bell ringer for the salvation Army
Source(s): Retired Army NCO living in the North Country - Anonymous1 decade ago
Well below freezing with high Arctic winds from the north across the lakes Get some long johns, heavy sweaters, a very good parka , and some good boots and gloves. If you keep warm, you will enjoy it.
- 1 decade ago
i dont have an answers for that, my brother graduated from boot camp in CHICAGO, ILL too!
for the U.S NAVY
i think it's sooo cool:)
& stay strong<3
just out of curiosity, NAVY? AIR FORCE?
what is he graduating from?
Source(s): U.S NAVY lil sister<3 - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
- 1 decade ago
you can google how the weather is going to be, but when you go to visit you might wanna discuss marriage a lil bit, because when he goes to schooling, you can be probably kiss your relationship goodbye.. unless it was perfect before he went to boot camp...