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Why does God require worship?

I can understand, if not appreciate, why someone who created the Universe might have some sort of moral code they wanted people to live by, and some sort of standard for the people they accepted into their company.

What I cannot come to terms with is what his motivation could possibly be for demanding that you believe in him specifically, worship him specifically, and pray to him specifically.

What purpose does it serve, if all other virtues can held by atheists or devotees of other religions?

Why is belief in God a moral virtue in itself?


I understand that there are quiet and friendly means of worship, although since God does not respond directly I can't agree that it takes the form of conversation or dialogue in any recognisable form, unless you believe - and I do not intend this negatively - that it is more of a conversation with oneself about one's own beliefs.

It is also an integral part of Christian belief, I understand, that those who do not believe in Christ and in God are not "saved". This is the part that I take particular issue with, the part that states that belief in and worship of a particular deity is a moral virtue in and of itself.

Update 2:

Again, I didn't ask "Why wouldn't I want to?", I asked the serious question "Why is it absolutely necessary?".

Update 3:

Horoat, this question can apply more or less equally to all monotheistic religions - hence the capitalisation of God - as well as many others.

18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you are specifically referring to the God of the Bible and His commandments there are points that must be addressed as part of any valid answer.

    1. If God is, in fact, an eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being, then His reasoning would be beyond any comprehension of which a finite mind such as ours would be capable. This being so how could any of us possible know why He does anything?

    2. It is intrinsic to Monotheist cosmology that there is no other God, so it is not a case of "one particular god" but of the "only existing god". This being so it is not a moral issue, morality varies widely within and between cultures, but of acceptance or rejection of the only available option. In the minds of monotheists failure to accept their god means you accept no god at all, and thus the gifts of God are lost to you, making it not a question of God's wishes but of your own, causing you to get answers about yourself instead of your question.

    3. It is historically inaccurate to say that this question could apply to polytheistic religions as well, polytheistic cultures respected each others god, religious based persecution and bigotry are a uniquely monotheist phenomenon.

    All this said, the evidence of History suggests that it is not God but His priests who demand exclusivity, since they are dependent on the laity for their livelihood. Every person giving money to the Pagan priests is a person not giving money to the Christian ones, every atheist is a person not giving money to anyone, why wouldn't they, like any business operator, want to eliminate the competition? If you look at the world it's the clergy, not God, who are living like kings off of peoples belief in His word.

  • Rich
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God has nothing to do at all with religion

    the masks and the faces humans place on God are construct of our minds

    Our minds are not capable of perceiving God

    that is why Krishnas gave arjuna a third eye to see him

    That is why he appeared to moses as a burning bush

    Religions protects people from having a direct experiace by placing shades on you dont crack up

    Most relgions tell you there the only one because preists want Job security that is all

    nothing more fancy then that

    Good religions demands that you care for Orphans and widows keep yourself clean of the bad karma that makes you and others unhappy and speak up for the voicless.Then you will be free from fear

    there are churches mosks and temples that do this

    there are many that jsut want your money

    Religions should guide you past the masks

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually He is not demanding it. Because if you refused, He would have killed you by now.

    He is worthy of it. Being in a covenant relationship with Israel, it is His right because He is the stronger of the two.

    He desires fellowship also. He wants to be talked to, that is what He created Man, humans for.

    He wants to be recognized as the Great God He is.

    How can you not understand. You have the same emotions, made in His image.

    Do you mean to tell me, especially with the ego of man, and woman.

    If you created something great, you would not want to be ackowledged and praised for it.

    Men Humans put their names on all kinds of things they create, buildings, writings, books, creations, art, paintings.

    If you took dust from an earth you created, breathed life and thinking capacity into it, had your creation running around, you would want to be ackowledged, thanked and glorified for your greatness.

    Please , you know you would.

    We can't stand someone taking credit for our work ideas, especially if we get screwed out of the rewards for our insight, or our genius.

    More people should put themselves in God's position, for more understanding of Him. Then you will be on your knees, worshipping His Greatness, and praising Him for not destroying you sooner.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, you're generalizing Gods, not all of them demand worship.

    You need to point out which God you are talking about, it's something atheist here will never learn.

    Second, if I was a God, I would want people to worship me, and to be honest, feed my ego as well.

    Source(s): Theist
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  • 1 decade ago

    Worship is the highest form of respect. It is a matter of giving my creator what is due. Love the Lord, thy God with all your body, mind, and soul. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Love those that hate you. Bless those that curse you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about one question at a time, Plato !

    God does not require worship. This is from the Catholic Mass :

    Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

    we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.

    You have no need of our praise,

    yet our desire to thank you is itself your gift.

    Our prayer of thanksgiving adds nothing to your greatness,

    but makes us grow in your grace,

    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    In our joy we sing to your glory

    with all the choirs of angels:


  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, God never asked me to worship him (he never talked to me, in fact).

    For me, those who pretend that we should worship God are liars.

    This is a good question, anyway.

  • Rene
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To worship God means many things. You can worship him in prayer. You can worship him in music. Your life can be worship to him if you follow his leading. He honors our faith and worship in Him. He loves to connect to us just as a Daddy connects to his little child.

  • He is God 'We are His Creation which if we believe we will become the Children of God. Why would we NOT Worship Him

    Source(s): The Holy and Innerant Word of God.
  • actually thats the italian made god Jesus that required worship because if people knew the real god the romans would not be able to claim to rule the world and everyone in it including god.

    Source(s): my questions and answers.
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