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What's the association between (am) talk-radio and Christianity?

I just got new job a week ago and share a work-area with another guy who listens to Sean Hannity talk-radio (AM) ...

(and others like that ..luckily no Rush Limb)

there seems to be a "link" between hard-core Republican political thinking and and conserrvative Christianity.

The "word-picture" flavor is sometimes agonizing hard-heaerted spirit of "meanness" // ("the lib'ruls .... [insert favorite *bad* verb here]..." )

good grief!

it's like listening to delusional thinkning for hours at a time

delusional thinkning with malice toward disagreement points of view.

How can I keep this stuff from getting under my skin?

I was laid off from a 6-year job 2 weeks ago and feel lucky

to find employment fairly fast, but in this economy, I don't

think that it would be a good move to quit this job.

I have over 40 years of work history and get aloing with

coworkers ... but I feel a strain here.



ps: I get along ok with the guy .... just don't care for his choice of radio-content

Update 2:

pps: this is kinda serious. A person's ability to earn aliving is not trivial stuff

Update 3:

I *TRY* to ignore it, but the voice worms its way thru my filters

Update 4:

I-pod is on its way I guess ... sure hope I can drown out the sound. ... in a "temp-to-hire" situation, I don't want to mess up my chances to get on as "full-time"

economic necessity is a real thing

Update 5:

*trying* to ignore "blame lib'ruls" ...



like Obama is waiting to unleash a wave of evil upon the USA ??? this stuff sounds venomous.

"open mind?"

the "hate-venom" emo-content is

and half the commenrcials are about erectile-dysfunction drugs and "pay no money for life0insurance" and "remove your credit-card debt" [if over $10,000]

these advertisers say SOMEthing about the target audience ... and the mindset behind them

Update 6:


and *I DON"T FORCE ANYBODY to listen to PBS ...

this is at a work-site ...

Update 7:

FOX is "leftist" ????"

Update 8:

I don't watch "talk" anything except maybe Letterman ... and that is entertainment

Update 9:

and EVERYbody looks for the truth ...



find me a person who says "I want to be tricked and fooled"

we ALL want to know truth

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Invest in an I-Pod. Mine is filled with books on tape.

    EDIT-LOL@Ethan's answer.

    EDIT- I appreciate the seriousness of earning a living, especially when jobs are scarce. That's why I would just listen to the I-Pod and if he asks you about it just reply that you prefer books on tape of music to talk radio. I would not get into a debate with him. I hope things improve for you.

    LOL (((Solly))).

  • MSB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The connection is that the majority of other outlets in the media-- newspapers, television, movies, cable, etc.-- leans left. Conservative shows and articles are few and far between in other venues.

    If you think it is hate-spirited meanness, try watching afternoon or late night network talk shows through the eyes of a conservative, as virtually everything you believe in is openly mocked.

    Maybe you should consider having an open mind, and try not to react to what people are saying, but take the opportunity to listen to the other side.

    Believe me, I know what you mean to a point-- I am a Republican, but I am also Pagan/Unitarian Universalist, which are vastly, overwhelmingly liberal religions. In these circles I am active in, I am bombarded with liberal opinions on a weekly basis.

    Instead of assuming it is all coming from a mean-spirited place, I take it for what it is worth-- a passionate opinion of someone who thinks differently than I do. Rather than getting my dander up or letting my buttons get pushed, I take the opportunity to listen. I don't always agree (all right, I usually don't), but at least I learn something.

    I just remind myself that we are all well meaning and all entitled to our own points of view.

  • Conservatism and Fundamentalist Christianity are two peas in the same pod.

    You shouldn't be required to listen to the radio. Talk with your supervisor about getting either/both of you to use headphones.

    If that can't work, try to have lively discussions where you attempt to prove that Hannity's brain and a styrofoam peanut are similar in size and density.

    ADD: Don't sweat being "temp to hire." I've been a permatemp for over 5 years.

    Source(s): --yells at Michael Savage during his drive home
  • 1 decade ago

    I used to work with people who thought Country Music was the best thing since sliced bread. Other people have different views on things. Just ignore it if you don't like it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is probably some sort of statistical correlation between hours of conservative blow-hard talk radio listened to and religious fundamentalism.

    Buddy R: You use the term "truth" pretty liberally. Your brand of religious based rhetoric is certainly not my idea of truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Now you know how your co-worker feels when subjected to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, PBS, or other hard-core leftists purveyors of propaganda thinly disguised as news.

  • 1 decade ago

    hard-core republican thinking & conservative christianity (bad?)

    delusional thinking

    agonizing hard hearted spirit of "meanness"

    How can I keep this stuff from getting under my skin

    mean attitude huh.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is none. Other than that AM talk radio hosts tend to seek the truth rather than to be brainwashed with liberal looney delusional lies.

  • 1 decade ago

    To Gerty:

    He's trying to get away from delusional radio stations, period.

    As for you, buy an iPod. :)

  • Tell him to turn down the Radio!....I probably have very many of the same views as your co-worker...but I would never shuv it in others faces. God gave us freedom to believe what we want...why do people shove stuff in our face when we say no thanks?

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