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Serious question for Creationists, about the nature of the Earth and Heavens?

An earlier question got me thinking about this. What do Creationists believe about the nature of the Earth, and solar system? If you have specific scripture to justify your answer that's great, but not necessary. I'm really just curious to know where people are coming from. For the record, I'm not a Creationist, and tend believe number 6 (below), but scientists and theologians alike have believed each of these models at various times in history. Thank you, in advance! And Evolutionists, please don't flame the Creationists for their answers; I really want to know what people's sincere beliefs are. I'll post this again this evening when there are more people on line.

1) Do you believe it is a flat and immovable disk with a dome over it?

2) Do you believe that it is an immovable sphere with another sphere around it that has the sun and moon and stars on it?

3) Do you believe that the earth is the center of the solar system, and the sun, moon and planets orbit it, and the stars are an immovable sphere outside of this?

4) Do you believe in that the sun is the center of the solar system, the planets including earth orbit it, and the stars are an immovable sphere outside of this?

5) Do you believe that the sun is just one star in the Milky Way galaxy, and that all of the other observable galaxies are nebulae within the Milky Way?

6) Do you believe that the Milky Way galaxy is just one galaxy among billions of galaxies?

7) Do you believe something else entirely, or some combination of the above, and if so, what?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    (1) are kidding, right?

    (2) are gosh!...I need to ask you some questions.

    (3) No

    (4) No

    (5) No

    (6) Yes

    (7) I believe the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an Orthodox Jew and also a student of the sciences (sounds like a paradox doesn't it?). I am also a "creationist" as you would term it but I don't see science at conflict with my religious beliefs.

    I could cite lots of scripture (Hebrew Bible) and various great commentaries brought down throughout the generations by great sages to point out individual places that actually attest to modern scientific theories but this isn't really the place for it.

    I believe in the Big Band, I believe in six literal days of creation, and I also believe that the universe is some 13.7 billion years old. I also believe that science attests to both a simultaneous passage of six days and 13+ billion years. Just look at the General Theory of Relativity and current models of time and space and you can see pretty quickly how this fits in together.

    As far as the physical workings of the universe (which you focused on in your question), I believe that the Earth revolves around the sun, that the sun revolves around the center of our galaxy, etc. There is no conflict with my religious beliefs. Interesting to note, however, is that modern physics also attest that there is no single center to the universe and that every point and any point can be the center of the universe simultaneously.

    The problem comes in the scientific community categorically dismissing religious thought and the religious community doing the same to science. We aren't at war with one another. Interestingly, a Jewish sage and great kabbalist in the 12th century actually calculated the age of the universe as about 15 billion years using only biblical information.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, in order of above, let me offer a prelude that i am not sure if I qualify as a strict "creationist" but I do believe that there is a God which made the entire physical existence (earth, sun, stars, etc) and all the life in it:

    No, I believe that the earth is round, we've pretty solidly determined that it is not the centre of much of anything, HOWEVER, I have a belief that while we are not the centre axis of much, that if every cosmic thing wasn't exactly positioned how it is, our position and resulting climate, conditions, etc, would be shifted enough to make life as we know it impossible. Kind of illustrates for me (maybe not for you, but for me) that we are both tiny and powerless as compared to God (how much more powerful must the creator be if his creation is this vast??) and yet how loved and well cared for we are that our tiny little portion is not disturbed. I have no idea how many planets, solar systems, or other civilizations are out there: it would be arrogant and presumptuous of me to impose limits on this God who made it, so I will just be happy to have my place. As for the story of creation, I believe that most of our reference for age of things is vastly off, and i do NOT believe that the earth is Millions and Millions of years old. My primary argument is this: Since I believe the Biblical and other corresponding ancient text accounts of a "great Flood" that covered the earth, then I believe that all of the fossil records are discredited. My argument is that IF indeed the Earth was covered for an extended period of time by enough water to cover all the highest peaks on earth (so, what, say, a quarter of an inch higher than K2 or Everest) then, the resulting pressure and erosion and strata formations would wreak havoc on a timeline. So, who knows. But above all, please understand that to my belief system, it is important to acknowledge and embrace my own lack of wisdom, lack of ability to absolutely know, and be comfortable with that shortcoming because I have faith that God has it well handled. Kind of like someone wondering HOW the turbine engine on an airliner works, but having enough faith in the engineer and mechanic that it does and will function to enjoy the flight because a more well suited entity has that under control,

  • Amy R
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually, since the earth and stars are not described in the Bible as being flat or Earth- or Sol-centric, creationists do not believe anything different from anyone else about the actual physical construction of the Universe, typically. "Flat Earthers" were a sub set of conservatives that persisted after the initial proof that the world was round was presented.

    The Catholic Church did consider that the notion that the earth was not the center of the Universe to be heresy, though, and they tried to suppress that part of scientific thought in the Middle Ages. They did not mind the earth being roung though - that was not a problem since it was not considered flat in the text of the Bible at all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    7) The fact that science shows the universe has a point of origin points to a creator. i,e The universe was created.

    Where did this matter just come from?

    I believe it took God to make matter and you prolly believe it didnt take God for matter to exist. But If I were to ask you "why is there something (matter) instead of nothing" what would you say? And what makes that the absolute truth?

  • I also believe in #6, but I am not a traditional Creationist. I believe that God created everything initially, with not only the ability to evolve, but the desire to do so! The truth lies somewhere in between

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    form 7 And so if I chosen 7, I trust 4, 5 and 6 besides. it truly is each and all of the comparable theory truly. you're purely describing distinctive areas of it. you notice, our image voltaic equipment is the smallest area of all of this. outdoors our image voltaic equipment is billions of alternative image voltaic platforms with billions of alternative planets interior them. outdoors those image voltaic platforms is our galaxy as an entire. and our galaxy is largely a small area of billions of alternative galaxies. My question is this, is there something even better than galaxies, I recommend, besides the universe itself. Is there something or is it purely empty area?

  • 1 decade ago

    God created everything, and has not touched it since, this whole solar system can do as it pleases, as for the humans he created.

    until the day..

    "aliens" probably believe in god, If there are any.. and i'm also aware that i sound completely crazy.

  • Suzy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    6 also and I believe in Creation from a loving God, Jehovah.

    One of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • 1 decade ago

    6. Astronomy shows this.

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