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Why do people who claim to be "liberal" judge others so harshly?

I actually consider myself to be a moderate liberal. However in conversations with some who claim to be liberals, they say they can't stand the narrow-minded, judgmental people. I agree. But as soon as I say that I am a believer, I a mean a religious person, they start using words at me like "Hypocritical" and "Judgmental" I assure you, I am not but how can they say that they are so "liberal" and open-minded when they don't even really know me? Aren't they being hypocritical and judgmental toward me?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sounds like a contradition. they put all religious ppl inside a box and pegged them as hypocrits and religious nuts. you might just be religious but that does not mean you are narrow minded and all the other stereotypes they pegged you as i would say its contradictory of them

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm definitely biased here, especially on this topic (so you can take what I say with a grain of salt), considering the fact that I am a conservative republican. But I see the same trend. They are only open minded if you agree with them, kinda defeats the purpose huh?

    That behavior was actually one of the main factors that got me into politics and into my political position.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they have forgotten what it means to be liberal. True liberal may not agree with your speech, thought process or your stand on a variety of issues but true liberals will defend your right to say or express what is on your mind. Unfortunately, too many of today's so-called liberals simply don't understand this concept and will quickly attack or judge anyone who does not completely fall in line with liberal speech or thought.

    I am a conservative. I don't agree with the homosexual life style. I don't support homosexual marriage but, to me, the homosexuals have the right (as protected by our Constitution) to respectfully fight for what they believe is right. I simply choose to voice my objection by not voting for them or by expressing my ideas in other constructive ways. They have their freedom of expression and I have my. I respect theirs and I hope they respect my. Calling each other names simply won't solve anything. It'll only stir up more problems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They certainly are. Next time someone says that to you ask them if they know the real meaning of liberal.

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  • jz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i have wondered that myself. i always equated liberals with a kind of laizze-faire attitude, but i'm finding out that if you have different beliefs than the liberals your are talking with, you're treated like a traitor of sorts. it's really apparent when you visit the politics section of q/a. it's getting kind of evil on there.

    hey, just be yourself, believe in what you believe in and forget those who want to make you feel badly about your ideas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a lot of stigma that comes with being a believer of any religion in a world where science has pretty much decimated most of the supernatural. Being a non-believer carries with it the pride in knowing that the evidence points in our favor.

  • Amber
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every person is judgmental, whether they admit it or not. The difference for me between liberal and conservatives, is that liberals don't try to take away rights from others based on their judgments (ex- Prop 8. takes away civil rights from homosexuals. Passed by religious conservatives).

  • 1 decade ago

    I will be honest....because it feels good and to speak the truth is ice also. Like my aunt got twists in her hair and I said she now looks like a man...yes I did run for my life, but I judged her ugly style. I even judge disney cartoons and myself. Without us where would you be today?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    which is why, as a liberal, i dont really like many liberals. Most of my friends are moderates.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If they don't like you personally, then maybe they're being judgmental.

    But there's nothing wrong with them not liking your religion. There is plenty of reason not to, including the fact that Christianity has always been a tool used to justify intolerance against others. So if they don't want to hear about your beliefs, then just keep them to yourself.

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