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Wanting any documentation the Darwin allegedly repented on his deathbed?

We've all heard this claim. I'm looking to either substantiate or invalidate it in my own mind. Please don't just answer "He did" or "He didn't" or "It's a myth."

But watch the nimnulls file out to answer that way anyway.

I'm wanting only those people who HOLD and cite DOCUMENTATION that either favors or disproves this notion to cite where such documentation is to be found.


The reason I care, is that I do not wish to claim something that isn't true. If it IS true... then I believe it is useful. If it is not true... then we lose credibility if we set it forth as though it WAS true. Make sense?

Update 2:

Andy, I appreciate your faith. You have more than I do. I can't accept any "scientific" offering that violates their own laws... such as Biogenesis, etc.

Thank you to the one who referenced Lady Hope story. I looked it up and it's been debunked utterly by the best of sources (Darwin's family) for many decades. That settles it for me.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When asked about his religious views, he wrote that he had never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God, and that generally “an Agnostic would be the more correct description of my state of mind.”[142]

    The “Lady Hope Story”, published in 1915, claimed that Darwin had reverted back to Christianity on his sickbed. The claims were refuted by Darwin’s children and have been dismissed as false by historians.[143] His daughter, Henrietta, who was at his deathbed, said that he did not convert to Christianity.[144] His last words were, in fact, directed at Emma: “Remember what a good wife you have been.”[145]

    from wiki

    anyway, who cares?

    His religion is irrelevant to his work as a scientist

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate pasting large chunks of text, but can't find an area I can copy and paste. It's just all info. It's not the whole article though.

    Darwin's biographer, Dr James Moore, lecturer in the history of science and technology at The Open University in the UK, has spent 20 years researching the data over three continents. He produced a 218-page book examining what he calls the 'Darwin legend'.7 He says there was a Lady Hope. Born Elizabeth Reid Cotton in 1842, she married a widower, retired Admiral Sir James Hope, in 1877. She engaged in tent evangelism and in visiting the elderly and sick in Kent in the 1880s, and died of cancer in Sydney, Australia, in 1922, where her tomb may be seen to this day.8

    Moore concludes that Lady Hope probably did visit Charles between Wednesday, 28 September and Sunday, 2 October 1881, almost certainly when Francis and Henrietta were absent, but his wife, Emma, probably was present.9 He describes Lady Hope as 'a skilled raconteur, able to summon up poignant scenes and conversations, and embroider them with sentimental spirituality'.10 He points out that her published story contained some authentic details as to time and place, but also factual inaccuracies—Charles was not bedridden six months before he died, and the summer house was far too small to accommodate 30 people. The most important aspect of the story, however, is that it does not say that Charles either renounced evolution or embraced Christianity. He merely is said to have expressed concern over the fate of his youthful speculations and to have spoken in favour of a few people's attending a religious meeting. The alleged recantation/conversion are embellishments that others have either read into the story or made up for themselves. Moore calls such doings 'holy fabrication'!

    It should be noted that for most of her married life Emma was deeply pained by the irreligious nature of Charles's views, and would have been strongly motivated to have corroborated any story of a genuine conversion, if such had occurred. She never did.

    It therefore appears that Darwin did not recant, and it is a pity that to this day the Lady Hope story occasionally appears in tracts published and given out by well-meaning people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Elizabeth Reid, Lady Hope (née Cotton[1]; December 9, 1842–8 March 1922) was a British evangelist who is generally believed to be the Lady Hope who claimed in 1915 that she had visited the British naturalist Charles Darwin shortly before his death in 1882. Hope claimed that Darwin had recanted his theory of evolution on his deathbed and accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour.

    Charles Darwin's family denied the story, and insisted that Lady Hope "was not present during his last illness, or any illness." The Lady Hope Story is generally recognised, even by many Creationists, to be false — or at least unverifiable — and if true, probably exaggerated.[1] The story remains a popular urban legend, even though it stands in sharp contrast to Darwin's published and known views about Christianity.

    Similar claims are made using more easily refuted quote mining techniques. A recently popular quote was from a discussion involving ears and eyes. It discussed how it seems impossible for these to have evolved through random selection and would show obvious divine intervention.

    However it continued to explain how these structures evolved through a series of stages and closed with a statement about how something that seemed impossible to have evolve naturally could and would have done so through natural selection in a series of stages.

    Unfortunately I don't have a link to this article or any of the myriad of times it's been quoted out of context by creationists as saying that God must have poofed animals into existence with eyes and ears.

  • Jim W
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Darwin believed in his work. He would never have believed what others have done to it. In fact, in his work, Darwin admitted that the agent of evolution remained unknown. The problem is that it still remains scientifically unknown, but there are people who now believe that evolution is the cause instead of the effect. If you want to see the conclusions to which evolutionists have left, the best place to start is by reading Darwin's works: The Origin of the Species and The Descent of Man.

    There are those who would use the supposed deathbed repentance as evidence of his conversion to Christianity as well. However, Charles Darwin was trained in Christian schools and (at one time) was enrolled in a course that would have led him to the clergy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Darwin is quoted as saying, "How I wished I had not expressed my theory of evolution as I have done.” This is not a repentance of his belief in the theory, but merely an expression of regret in sharing it with the world. I cannot remember when or where I read this, and cannot find it right now, but Darwin and his family suffered greatly at the hands of religious individuals throughout the remainder of his life and beyond. He said something like he would have kept the information to himself if he had known what upset it would bring to the world and what misery it would bring to his family.

    Apologetics Press (who has been previously sited) has the best information I could find at the moment.

  • *****
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why does it matter?

    Are you attempting to suggest that Darwin's theory of evolution was somehow sinful?

    Science, the process of knowing God's creation - and by extension knowing something about God, is not sinful, but rather a fundamentally faithful act.

    I am sure that Darwin did sin in some manner in his life - all humans do, and like most people of his time undoubtably made a deathbed confession to his priest - but that is on no concern of yours - that is between him, Christ, and his priest.

    Perhaps learning to interpret scripture in a manner that does not conflict with reality might be of more value to you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a very long account somewhere on the net about the Lady Hope story, Someone investigated it in detail. I saw it years ago and you may be able to find it if you run it through Yahoo search bar, Alta Vista or Google.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This is a unbiased account and research on Charles Darwin's supposed conversion:


    The following is from a Christian Website that admits that he did not convert at his deathbed. Of course, like all religion, they label his non-conversion as a pitiful thing:

    Charles Darwin was a tragically mistaken man who drifted from a childlike trust in One who helped him run to school on time into an abyss of hopelessness and agnosticism. While the spiritual journey of a Christian is a journey out of darkness into Christ's marvelous light, that of Charles Darwin was a slippery slide out of Gospel light (although not saving spiritual sight) into the sheer "blackness of darkness for ever."

    Darwin's unbelief, like that of so many people today, had its roots in a mind which first rejected the revelation of God in the Bible and then was unwilling to accept the revelation of God which God Himself has given in nature. This religion of revelation, of the Bible, of the Lord Jesus Christ, will keep us tuned to truth, hope, and life in God, and away from evolutionism, humanism, and atheism, only as we allow it to exercise its power in our hearts. The tragedy of Charles Darwin is that he never did.


    And this is another source:


    Personally, from my research, Charles Darwin remains an Agnostic, even until his death.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If someone is dying they are not in the best of health!,whatever someone says on their deathbed is not really an indication of what they really thought due to lack of oxygen to the brain.I don't care what he did or didn't say,there is no god and evolution IS the process by which we got here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is a christian website that admits the Darwin story is a hoax.

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