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Lv 6

Could I give my son tylenol if he has a stomach virus?

My son has a stomach virus and he is 9 years old and I gave him tylenol and he said that he feels worse. I gave him water and gingerale. He does not want to eat anything because I know that taking medication on an empty stomach is a bad idea. So what should I do, regarding what I should give him? I tried to give him the pepto bismo tablets but that is not working.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Darling, why on earth would you give him tylenol or pepto bismol?

    #1: Tylenol won't help any...ESPECIALLY on an empty stomach.Please read the label.

    #2: DON'T give him peto bismol if he has a virus.You will only make the virus last longer.He needs to shed the virus via having a bowel movement in order for the virus to pass.If you plug him up, the virus will last longer.

    Don't give him anything.

    Try purchasing ginger ale and pedialyte.The ginger will help with any nausea he might have and the pedialyite with help replenish his electrolytes.

    Have him SIP the drinks instead of just drink them or that might upset his tummy even more.

    Don't let him eat anything for at least 4 hours after vomiting.

    Just keep him hydrated.

    Is he vomiting? is he having diarrhea? how many times has he done each? you need to provide more details in order for help.Perhaps it would be wise to call the advice nurse at his doctors.

    Sounds like he could have rotavirus or norwalk virus.If that is the case, be sure to clean any vomit or diarrhea with BLEACH.Lysol and other cleansers will not kill this virus.You should also wash your hands after dealing with soiled objects or surfaces so you do not spread the virus.

    Hand sanitizer will not kill it.

    Some info on noro:

    The Norwalk virus is known as the nasty 24 hour bug that causes and sudden watery diarrhea and/or vomiting.Usually non life threating but can cause complications in the very young,elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

    PREVENTION-Wash your hands before preparing food/eating food and most importantly, TOUCHING YOUR MOUTH/NOSE/EYES.

    The ONLY way to become infected with this virus is if you ingest the contaminated fecal/vomit particles through your eyes,nose and mouth.

    It is impossible to "breathe" in the virus BUT possible to become infected by breathing in aerosol "spray" droplets from someone vomiting right next to you.(the droplets settle within minuted but can still infect someone until cleaned with bleach)

    Even if your whole family breaks out with this virus, you can prevent it by washing your hands for at least 15-20 seconds with warm water and soap.Remember that you are not killing the virus, you are washing it down the drain even if you use an antibacterial soap (which only kills bacteria, not viruses) hand sanitizers are also not successful in killing the virus.

    If a member of your family comes down with the virus, let them know to wash their hands AFTER a bowel movement and vomiting.

    To clean infected areas, clean with BLEACH.Clean bathrooms (all infected areas) with a bleach solution as soon as possible and be sure to prevent cross contamination and wash your hands afterwards.Especially children! wipe down all commonly touched objects like door knobs, faucet handles, light switches, toilet flushers etc.

    People are STILL contagious even after 24 hours after their symptoms settle down so it is always important to wash your hands after the rest room (which you should do anyways!)

    The key to staying Norwalk virus free is to keep sanitary.Wash your hands after using the could prevent other peoples misery as well as yours!!


    It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get infected in any of the following ways:

    1. Being “near” someone who has it, including co-workers or friends

    2. Being on a plane with people who have it

    3. Breathing the same air as someone who has it

    4. Being in the same building as someone who has it

    5. Walking past a pool of vomit on the floor, road or sidewalk

    6. Through having sexual relations with an infected person

    7. Through a cut in your skin

    8. Through your rectum or genitalia (as in, on a toilet)

    9. Kissing someone who is not yet showing symptoms (note: it may be possible to catch it from someone who has recently vomited by kissing them, as viral particles may be in their mouth from vomitus. But the virus is NOT transmitted through saliva)

    10. Number 6, above, applies similarly to sharing cups or utensils with someone as well.

    TIPS:Do not share any cups/plates/utensils with an infected person and be sure to wash in a bleach solution to prevent cross contamination with the rest of your family.

    Good luck and stay healthy.:)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Tylenol Stomach Flu

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Flu type A just means she doesn't have "swine flu" or any other exotic flu, and unfortunately there are no medications that really treat flu. You really can't pass it back in forth once they have healed from it but when two kids have it it can take longer to heal. As long as the fever isn't severe (over 102) try not treating the fever, this will help kill off the virus quicker. If they are uncomfortable by all means try Tylenol or Motrin for their pain. Warm baths will help their symptoms as well, allowing for easier breathing (a great help when putting them down for sleep), don't underestimate the power of a vapor rub or the breath right strips either, every little bit helps! Also make sure used kleenexs get in the outside garbage, and that you clean off surfaces where they are playing, eating, sleeping with diluted bleach or soap and hot water. MOST IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are keeping them well hydrated, all liquids should be electrolyte enhanced (Juice and Pedialyte work great). And stick to bland foods that are dairy, fat-free, such as toast, rice, oatmeal, applesauce etc. I sure hope the feel better soon! Make sure to keep yourself healthy too, you might benefit from getting a flu shot now to help prevent you catching it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only give Tylenol if he has a fever, I'm afraid that it wont help much otherwise. Try some plain simple chicken soup and clear liquids to drink and that's it. If it's a virus, I'm afraid no medicine will help, it has to run its course. Just keep him in bed and a glass of orange juice will help kick start his immune system and help him get better faster.

    Source(s): Family Medicine Medical Assistant
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  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure he drinks plenty of clear fluids. Tylenol is not meant to be taken on an empty stomach, so please don't give it to him. If you're looking for something to give him for nausea, try Nauzene. If he needs something for pain, try Advil or something that doesn't require that he has a full stomach first.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please call your child's doctor!

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