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Fira asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Neighbor's whining dog; should I call animal control?

I just came back home from college, and my new neighbor apparently have a dog that whines incessantly during the day and at night. I think it's in a crate or something because the sound never fades. I've been told that the dog might be aggressive (it bit another neighbor's kid).

I'm not sure how they sleep through the whining, but I sure can't. My street's been quiet for the past decade or so, and this is the first time I've ever had an issue with a neighbor.

What do you think I should do?


Also, I think my family's not on the greatest terms with this neighbor. Hurricane Ike blew our shed (which we DID try to tie down) into their yard, taking the conjoint fence with it, and I have the impression they were pretty annoyed by that.

Update 2:

So basically, I'm debating between confronting them myself or calling animal control. I could give them a chance and confront them myself, but that runs the risk of ruining a long term relationship with them if their dog doesn't stop whining and I end up calling animal control anyways.

Or, should I just call animal control and NOT confront them, which would be anonymous?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would confront them first. Are you a very light sleeper? Go and tell them about their dog crying and keeping you awake at night and the constant crying through the day is distracting you from being able to live your life, basically, and if they don't do anything about it then look at your options like calling animal control or police about it and let them take control of the matter. If you confront them, it just shows that you are attempting to be as good a neighbour you can and if they don't take any notice of that then they don't deserve you trying to be friendly about the matter and you should report it!

    If they don't get along with your family because of the shed blowing into their garden during a hurricane, then that's their problem, not yours. Don't beat yourself over it, you can't control the weather and you did try you best to make sure the shed didn't blow away!

    My 3 boys used to cry at night but I couldn't hear them and my neighbours could which got me worries as I felt like a really bad owner and neighbour! My neighbours confronted me about it as they are light sleeper and Im a very deep sleeper, so I moved the dogs so they were further away from my neighbours and put them to sleep just outside of my bedroom and now they sleep right through the night and if they do cry, I can actually hear them and stop them crying before my neighbours can! Now my neighbours are happy that they can sleep through the night and I feel better as I know I can hear my babies crying and my neighbours don't!

    Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    You might ask some of the other neighbours if they are having the same problem with the whining then ask if they have any insight into the dog's temperament (Is it, indeed, aggressive?). See if anyone else would be willing to approach the neighbour with the suggestion that they either take the dog to a "doggy daycare" while they are at work. Or you can all suggest a trainer who can help with the problem. Try to approach the neighbour with a positive attitude and not with a threatening one. Keep in mind that there is an innocent animal involved here. You wouldn't want to anger your neighbour to the point where he either takes it out violently on the dog or become "the neighbour from he**.

    Crating a puppy or dog when you have to leave them alone is a common practise. It helps with housebreaking and can help with dogs who suffer from separation anxiety. It sounds that is what this dog is experiencing.

    Only contact the authorities as a last result. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    If the dog never stops whinning, call the cops and make them come out and check the dog. Since you are not on good terms with the neighbors, I would either do that or call Animal Control to make sure the dog is ok. It's animal abuse to keep a dog caged outside.

  • 5 years ago

    You need to contact animal control. They may want to come "see" your dog and the residence to verify there isn't any abuse or neglect related issues with your dog. Make sure your dog is up to date on vaccinations, is clean, and doesn't have any external or internal parasites such as fleas, ear mites or worms. If you can pass a clean inspection, obtain the report from animal control and file a complaint with your local police department. You can file a complaint for harassment and depending on what she says, maybe even a restraining order. For your dog, to guarentee she doesn't run out of water or food during the day, fill up a larger, heavier bowl of water. Like a bucket. Even the plastic storage containers they sell in stores. She won't be able to tip it over and she deffinately won't run out of food. Keep proper documentation of her living conditions when you leave every day to make sure the neighbor isn't maliciously coming over to mess with your dog. If you must, invest in a security camera. She's not allowed to tresspass on your property especially if you post no tresspassing signs. So knock out these steps and within a short period of time, you can have the law cease the situation.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Go speak with your neighbor. Tell them about the problem you are having. After that, there may not be much else you can do.

    However, if the whining reaches a major level, i.e, the dog sounds deathly ill, or something like that, you may want to call animal control and see what they can do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    talk to them, and let them know you understand that they love their dog, but you are having difficulty sleeping thru the noise. Ask if they can try to find a solution to the problem.

    Don't call animal control - that is for people who abuse their pets, and generally animal control won't respond to a noise issue. If you talk to the neighbors and they don't do anything to solve the problem, file a complaint with your local police dept about a noise violation.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Talk to you neighbor first. This is the best thing to do since it is your neighbor and you have to get along with them. Makes life much easier if you do. Do not approach her with an attitude, be nice. Just tell her the barking at night is keeping you awake. Then after a few days if it continues then make an official complaint out.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should definitely talk to the neighbor first. Calling the dog cops first is just going to start feud that will last long after that dog is a long memory. Try your best to work something out.

  • 1 decade ago

    try talking to that neighbor about this puppy and if it was aggressive then they should either train it not to do that or give it to your local humane society because what they're doing now is unacceptable and if they don't listen threaten to call the animal control and if they STILL refuse follow through on your threat!

  • DP
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Whining ? If you think they are abusing the dog, or neglecting the dog, call animal control. If it's just a whiny dog, try talking to the neighbour. Or better yet.. since your parents live there, tell them to talk to the neighbour. Obviously it doesn't bother your parents or they would have dealt with it already.

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