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Should I let my five year old daughter get her ears pierced? If not, what is a good age?

My wife says "yes". My daughter says she wants to, does not care that it hurts, and all her friends have their ears pierced.

She is my only daughter, and think she should wait. I think 13 is a good age.

23 Answers

  • siren
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my mom decided to wait until I was old enough to decide I wanted them, I got them on my 5th b-day. I plan to do the same with both my girls. I had a 2nd set of hole when I was 12, plus one top done.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you want to wait until your daughter is 13? Most girls have their ears pierced well before they turn 13. By then your daughter will probably be the only girl in her class who does not have her ears pierced. On the other hand, I cannot say that there is any magic age when piercing is right for every child. If your daughter's friends have their ears pierced and she wants hers pierced, I would let her have them pierced.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think 13 is kind of too long. You will want to be protective naturally, she's your little baby but 5 is a good age! I think she sounds very mature and ready. It is a small procedure, not even, and as you know the tighter you on the more they want to go. My 6 year old daughter got her ears pierced when she was 5 and my 4 year old daughter can get hers pierced when she turns 5 if she wants too.

    Source(s): Mommy of 3- Kayla-6 Olivia-4 Danny-3
  • 1 decade ago

    I had my daughter's ears pierced when she was 10 months old. I don't see a reason to wait until she is 13. Most women (I know not all) have their ears pierced and it really isn't a big deal.

    However, there is the possibility that your wife may take her without your approval (sorry, I don't know your relationship). Maybe you could all reach a compromise age of like 7 or if she can show responsibility for taking care of certain things as she will have to take care of the newly pierced ears.

    Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am 21 years old and I just got my ears pierced. First I want to say that there is never a "perfect" age. So to all the people who 13 is too do you know? What difference does 13 make?

    I am glad that I could decide on my own. As long as she is making a decision on her own and your not forcing her, (which your obviuosly not), then I guess why not? If you think that she shouldnt then have her wait. She wont hate you forever. And who knows, maybe shell change he mind. I just got mine done and they didnt hurt.

    The only thing I dont agree with is when parents get their babies ears pierced. They arent YOUR ears. How can you decide to punch holes in someone elses ears. I dont think getting your ears pierced should be considered a "norm" in society. Its a decision in life like any other one. Dont make it for your babies! And stop using the excuse that you dont want them to have to suffer through the pain when they get older. LAME excuse. Its doesnt even hurt.

    SO anyway, now that I'm done venting, you know the best thing for your daughter. Your her dad! She'll love you no matter what.

  • I have a rule in my house just for this and 5 is the age we allow ear piercing, I think that 5 is a good age because you can explain to your child and your child can fully understand at this point that having your ears pierced can be painful. My oldest daughter had hers done at 5, my twins did not, one just got hers done at 7 and the other says "no way". Hope this helps. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    My Ex-Wife is planning to get my Daughters ears pierced at 5. She hasn't consulted me at all and I think it's too young.

    I think between 8 and 10 is a perfect age. At 5 children do not have the life experience to make that kind of decision.

    You are her Dad, you have a say and your opinion should be heard.

  • 1 decade ago

    I got mine done when I was two months old. lol. But, you should warn her that she will have to clean out her own ears or else she will get an infection.

    Yes, I think that that is a perfect age. In fact, that it around when the majority or girls will get their ears pierced. 13 is wayy to old. I don't know any girl under 13 that doesn't have them pierced yet. That is the perfect time to go for the second hole.(if she wants it)

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend got her baby's done at 7 months. I personally think that is too young because i feel the child should have a say so in it. but to me your daughter is old enough to get hers done, especially if she is the one wanting it and on top of that she may feel a little left out that all her friends have theirs done... Now if it were her belly button or nose, or anything other than ears that is a different story. I got mine pierced when i was 7, because I wanted them done. And when my baby girl gets old enough to want hers done then that's when I'll let her. But you should do whatever you are comfortable with : )

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say it would be okay if she is capable of taking care of her daily hygiene such as washing her hands and brushing her teeth. Taking care of a piercing is not difficult. You just rub the liquid they give you one it once a day. I would just make sure she wears only small earrings until she is a little older. She may be cute in studs but hoops or dangely earrings look strange on young kids and they risk tearing her ears. In the situation she decides later she doesn't want to wear earrings she can always remove the earrings and nobody will notice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My 6 year old grandaughter had hers ears pierced for her birthday last March. As long as the hygiene rules are observed during the fist few weeks and the earrings are kept in there should be no problem. Her class mates of the same age seem to have their ears done as young as 5 years without any problem. If it becomes a problem, they can be taken out and the holes will close over quite quickly.

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