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Tamasha/Scenes Created by Politician?

All these politicians have gone insane, either the Modi offering 1 Crore as compensation for the Police officers died during the Mumbai incidence or the CM Deshmukh taking Ram Gopal Verma & his Film Star son to Taj during his official visit & Sanjay Narupam calling this visit but natural for a citizen of India to visit & see the diversity done by the terrorist as if the Security agencies there has opened some sort of exhibition for general public to visit these spots (Taj & Oberoi Hotels) or R.R.Patil Dep.CM calling Mumbai incidence as small incidences in big cities or the CM of Kerala visiting Maj. Unnikrishannan home so late after all his last rites were over & no representation was made during those rites by the CM or his representative. Every day some foolish act or words spoken is done by these politicians belonging to any political party. This is what we Indian have in stock the bundle of fools we elect as our representative & rule us. Elections are happening in few States & Very soon the general election will be there when all the eligible voters of India will be again choosing any of these fools as their representative for forming government in the state or centre. Can we not collect educated people from different fields, profession to come together, fight the election collectively & form government of sensible people who can handle the things properly? I know many of you will say Man Mohan Sign is very able Economist but what about the other Ministers & M.Ps supporting him are they as competent? Some will say Advani is a capable man & what about his Age & his rest of team where jokers like Siddhu exist? Can't we have 500+ sensible educated people to be representing more then 1 Billion people of India? Why we bring fools surrounded with goons to do this work for us?


Thanks everyone for the wonderful replies & sharing your ideas with me. I agree with most of you as it is high time tolerating these politicians but unfortunately we have to as we all cannot start doing their job, what I want is that now only educated, professionals & people from various field should take the job of politicians, yes definitely military professional, doctors, lawyers, engineers, I.T professionals, MBAs etc say only the guys who have knowledge of their profession should only come together form a government in centre as well in various states, so that when it come to policy making & governance their knowledge & experience help us to get the best. The happening like Mumbai Terrorist attack could be prevented if the Intelligence information was monitored in a better manner, if the top person who is the Minister in any ministry/government himself is an illiterate what you will expect from him to control his subordinate staff.

22 Answers

  • Kunj
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very good question u have raised.Thanks for it.

    an option should be on EVM to vote for none. If percentage of vote under none is greater than leader candidate, Election Commission should announce there new election with defferrent candidates and all defeated candidates of that election should be ban forever.

    good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    first and formost...if you are an illiterate, can you teach..?if you dont know 2+2 can you make a bridge like an engineer..? so you have to be fit and capable to do certain jobs..otherwise you will see disaster..same way our 30 to 40 percent population in india is illiterate an can'nt even read or write. can they decide who will make laws and plan security of the nation and devepoement of our people...?present rulers are elected by these unfit population which do not know what is democracy.. so we have a bunch of fools fooling around..the minority intelligent population do not count much because they are not majority.whatever may be any body's opinion(in any case most people have biased opipnion ) we are not fit for democracy. so better change.. we need intelligent and efficient rule.that will come only through selection and not through election..the present day polititians are an irrelevant not even bother to criticise which is not worth.less said better.military rule is good but it should be for a limited period (but who will ensure that..?). we also need a leader who is really effective and strong and young who could lead and do and not speak and do not talk of religion, region and class.india's biggest curses are-- one- lingustic based states, two - cast based / religion based politics, three - curruption at all level.if we can get rid of these evils india will be super power in the true sense.

    Source(s): own exp
  • 1 decade ago

    Politicians now a days are not at all interested in pblic welfare. Their main aim is to get maximum personal benefit. They even do not think for the party they represent. BJP spoksman has already ridiculed the offer made by Modi. I know how the intelligence works. The information gathered by subordinate staff is first given to his senior who thinks over its utility and takes further action what ever he judges fit. Ministers simply do not have that much intelligence to to think good for good and policy making on the subjects. What happened in our stock market was a handiwork of our so called top economist PM. Do you think that a sane invester will sell his hard earned fortune for nuts. I will not, even if I am under pressure of worst type . Future trading should have been banned on first day immediately to save the markets from collapsing and saving the individual invester from such man made losses. I compare this to the episode related to Harshad Mehta.

    Source(s): I am a retired Govt. officer. Econometrics was my prefferd field of study.
  • 1 decade ago

    yes sir i totally agree to ur views. In our country lot of the politicians are not educated properly for their post they hold. I don't know much regarding the politics and constituency but its high time to change the requirements for election candidates. these representatives should be properly educated and their age should be below their seventies. may be the party's old heads can assist the one in post regarding important decision by their experience but definitely cant hold the post. Sir i dint think this is gonna change and it wont change also. if india has to develop in a fast pace their should be well educated, confident,young leaders who should work not only for their party but for the betterment of the country. And also its high time that the indian media should influence the politics.The media should have to start to work independently. In india most of the media is influenced by some political party and they work for them behind scenes. We should look for the medias in USA and other countries where the media have the guts to change an entire political scenario upside down.Also the the way all indians look the politics should change. even well educated states like kerala doesn't have much to score when coming to politics,they have a bunch of fools ruling,either congress or communist.When Kerala's politics is like this with most people educated, then i don't think india is going to see any difference in politics in near future.We can enjoy all these jokes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i do agree with you Vijay on this , but the question is where are all the youngMP's who were elected in the last election?we all had great expectations from them,thought that the young blood infused in politics willl bring about changes or atleast take the initative to introduce change? they just dissappeared from the scene! looking at the present situation president rule seems to be the right option atthe moment , the present political scenario needs to be flushed out,ASAP, the lure of money will corrupt even an highly educated politician, the young are more prone to fast money, fools gets voted because those who can bring about change dont stand for election, theyjust talk, but no action! its high time peple rethink about their political affirmations based on their religous preferences, the EC can do its bit here, dont allow any party to fight elections based on caste, creed & customs, teir agenda should should reflect how they camake this country a better place for all its citizens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure why it is like this??? But all the reason you gave reflect true pictures of what foreigner think of India.

    I also don't know why people say "India is great"?? Must be in terms of corruption.............

    All the ministers are well over the age of 55 which is the age of retirement for these guy, therefore what else you would expect from these old horses to do? They can just sit back and give Speech on the democracy in India but would never take any action to strengthen it.

    What a Shame....

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Vijay... How about Military rule....I think they have educated officers in the army/airforce/navy... they will definitely run much better than politicians... Too much of democracy in india... ! Every galli has a political leader.... !! Each one of us directly or indirectly suffering with this kind of people. Our judiaciary system is also very bad.. people get away with all false allegations. 90% of the cases in india runs on false.

    Even the lawyers know that he has accepted a false case.. but just for his survival he will run the case for years...!! Finally the culprit enjoys most of the times... Truth may win sometimes.. but by then the truth will be old and sour.... Is this justied??? Are these lawyers not educated???????? I am just quoting an example here.. it it true with most professions like doctos, engineers, scientists etc. Even Military there might be corruption.. but may be much much lesser than politicians. People forgot jai jawan, jai kisan.... now its only jai political leader, your mother tongue, your cast, your region at the most........ Bharat Matha Ki Jai...

  • 1 decade ago

    Fantastic and brilliant opinions and observation of the present day scenario already expressed by many answerers and they are true . The stage we have reached in 60 years of independance is horrible but the question is how the country should attain back the character and gravity in people in general and leaders in particular. It is no doubt that most of the present day leaders cannot be changed to come to the right path with deep national feelings and become clean to serve the interest of nation with the sole aim of public service and well being of it's citizens and it is also right that if the nation is to servive it is high time that citizens of the country should be able to select 500 odd good citizens to represent in parliament to give the required direction to the country. Now the most important question is that who will vote and elect those 500 men? Again the same public which is in majority and which has learnt to be guided and lured for voting in their favour by the existing lot of corrupt politicians who will continue to exercise their right to fight for elections and manage to get supported and voted by the similar methods to the dismay of right type of candidates. Unless the right thinking people like you and me do not become majority , the change is very difficult to be brought. Hopefully the situation is gradually turning and people are realising with the passage of time .Mumbai incidents and fallout thereafter and leaders's recent irresponsible behaviour as narrated in the question will speed up the things.The strategy for mobilisation of sensible, educated and sincere people with zeal to come together with mass publicity to get support of people some how is to be worked out which has to be given serious thought by intelligentia before it is late to get rid of fools surrounded by goons.

  • 1 decade ago

    as a responsible human beig u have a fanta. notion about this all. actually u r right . In my notion politicians and sensibility are the

    OXYMORON . and instead of this exceptions are present everywhere.

    their mind are totally polluted. they people are only interested in the b lame-game. beleiver of nepotism , chronism and vandalism also. even i think the honoris causa which u give to him as a joker .Even joker also feel degraded if we compare with him ,these sort of politicians.Becoz there is a strong reason behind this ,what is mean by joker , who entertain people who fill all the env.frm guffa's. who make many faces for the smile. joker are the optimistic one . And instead of this these politi. snatch the what we have & our prosperity even they people snatch the smile what we have through their frivolious tantrums.

    so hw can they bcome joker . o the great thing C.M. of mha inspect the taj with R.G. VERMA. Is this havoced taj is the next movie set in which he offers's the role to MR. C.M's son .? i relly do not ged dit . what all this nonsense . 1 crore rs. reedem can gve back the one precious life . WHAT WE HAVE LOST? never expect any ans. from them becoz they hve a very philosophical ans.of it that is "SELF-REALIZATION." "apne prashno ka hul khud dhundo". KNOW-THYSELF.sir i am 20 yr old and i don't hve a profundity like u .but as

    a user of ADULT-FRENCHISE right i personally feel that politics is like a scatology'..

  • 1 decade ago

    There are always educated fools, and illiterates who are wise. You don't have to be an M-IT/IIT/Harvard/Oxford/Cambridge/... graduate to do things sensibly. Look at Lalu for example, he changed our railways into a gold mine. Do not judge a book by its cover, or for that matter which library its stocked in !!! People are not always smart during crises, and you don't know the most sensible thing to say even to a close friend when someone close to them dies. Similarly people who are on top have a problem, they feel they are constantly under observation by the rest of the world, like under a microscope. This is both an obsession and something that makes them nervous. So they feel they have to do "something", thats when they start doing stupid things ! What bothers u is someone being paid 1 Crore, and do you know what I feel was even worse ??? They did not even have bullet proof vests ! And if they had invested some money on that, they would still be alive !!! I mean most had wounds in their chest ! which could have been easily been a minor injury if they had bullet proof vests on. Let me tell you, I am not political, and I dont' care who is in power as long as they do their job right !. I think people should spend more on necessities. I think they should start spending on homeland safety. They think its useless to spend for internal defense, trust me ! I KNOW !

  • 1 decade ago

    hi vijay

    Anybody thinking like you and me can understand that this politicians are having only two motives-get more money and power.

    for this they will do any dirty things.How many national leaders can

    deliver a speech without the help of Private secrateries?

    how many of them actually know the key areas of development of

    our nation?

    How many of those can have discusion with a knowledgeable president like Dr.Abdul Kalam regarding any of scientific/research topics?

    As we all know may be we can count on our fingers.

    That means well educated people are not coming to the main stream of politics in India.

    Unless the youth recognises this fact and come forward

    with courage life in Our Nation will be ruined by this bad politics.

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