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vijay m Indian Lawyer
I am a 60 years old Senior Lawyer of more than 35 years standing in the legal profession. Practicing in Delhi/Gurgaon as well all India level, as an Advocate also provides PREPAID on line/phone legal counseling/advice for outstation clients. Free legal advice seeker please excuse. PLEASE don't send me direct messages from here or e-mails for FREE legal counseling/advice. I'm not giving any Free legal advice other then in Yahoo answers here only which I consider social service open for all the masses. My legal advice here is based on the latest legal provisions/statute & principle of law established by the various courts in India. I work on retainer-ship basis too for legal matters,for more details about pre-paid legal consultancy, Contact me on my email address:,
What Kejriwal and his AAP do next?
With election,2014 over, result out, Kejriwal lost his election in Varanasi, UP, although 4 of AAP members got elected in Punjab.
The party (AAP) had Rs30 Crores+ that got spent in the general election and no new or immediate source of financial help in view.
In such circumstance how Kejriwal and his AAP will manage the financial needs of the party?
Any suggestions for making money for the organisation by its members specially Kejriwal himself?
How about commercialising the slaps on the face of the members of AAP, specially Kejriwal by the general public whose money collected and was being wasted by these members in the general election,2014?
9 AnswersPolitics7 years agoWho is true secular?
There is lot of cry about whom or which political party is secular in India. There is different and conflicting opinion as all political parties show their positive side on this issue. What I personally feel that in India, because there are people of different religions each having inborn affection towards people of his/her religion and natural hate towards the people of other religion, yet everyone compromise to the situation and live peacefully with people of other religion, the secularism is matter of compromise for all Indians and no one can say that there is natural love and affection between people of different religions in India, may be this because the childhood upbringing on gets in the family.
To call all the people of India total secular by nature is not digestible however to keep peace in the society every Indian compromise with the situation and live together with people of different religion showing themselves as secular.
The same one can say about the various political parties in India, their mood and following towards people of one religion may change according to the situation and I do not see any natural secularism in any political party that one can see during the election time, most of the candidates of the political party never miss opportunity for indulging in their own religious ceremonies in order to please GOD to help them to win the election, if they were so much secular in nature than why do religious ceremonies of their own religion.
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years agoFuture of Indian Political System?
What happens if Arvind Kejriwal and his AAP with the help of Congress and other smaller regional party forms next government and he becomes the Prime Minister of India?
How long this government of convienience will continue, will it cross the 49 days mark which Kerjiwal's AAP Delhi goverment made or will it fail to cross it?
Where Kerjiwal sit on darna against his own government, will it be in the Parliament or outside? And who will get this darna stopped will it be opposition parties or some foreign government?
As seen the Kejriwal and his men are lair by nature, what will happen to the Bills that government get passed by the Parliament if are being protested by general public, will Kejriwal deny that his government ever got that Bill passed and it was the mistake of the opposition party who got it passed. because as always Kejriwal has to blame BJP for all wrongs done anywhere in India?
The people who have blind faith in Kejriwal would like to build temples of this man throughout India so he may be equated as GOD, will the AAP government sanction special funds for this venture as BSP goverment did for building complete part will lot of statues of Mayawati etc. in Noida, will not the making of Kejriwal temples throughout India be major milestone for this government?
Kejriwal being considered as the only honest man in India, will he be expempt from all enquiries relating to corruption etc for future?
11 AnswersPolitics7 years agoWhat is the future of the political party AAP?
With so many news reports coming about the misbehaviour, misconduct and unlawful activities of the members of AAP in various places in India what is the future of this political party that was named as Aam Aadmi Party or Common Man Party?
The main leader of the party, Arvind Kejariwal, was total failure as Chief Minister of Delhi and was unable to keep up to the expectation of citizens of Delhi is dreaming of becoming next Prime Minister of India with no political experience.
There is no fixed criteria of distribution of party tickets to the members for next Lok Sabha election, if some public figure joins the party is offered the party ticket while the grass level worker is being ignored, all these news one hear daily in media.
There are lot of propaganda against one major political party since the day the AAP got 28 seats in Delhi election, that show that this AAP is working as agent of the other major political party or in other words it is the B team of the other major politcal party.
What the general masses appreciated was the leadership of Anna Hazara for Lok Pal Bill and out of that media publicity, Arvind Kejriwal and few other leaders formed the AAP for which Anna Hazara never consented, it seems these few people stood with Anna Hazara just to gain pubilcity and to enter political life and not for any other purpose.
There one can see lot of goonda elements who have been made member of AAP in the name of General Public, but the real General Public is far away from the AAP and its unlaful activities.
The next General Election in India will show the real face of AAP and its so called leaders who pretend to be working for welfare of general public.
20 AnswersPolitics7 years agoI need this important information?
I look forward to expert opinion of any one with knowledge specially Web designer/administrator on the legal validity of the website :
I need the following information:
1. This website is official website owned by the Government/Court of the State of Indiana, USA and not a private run website.
2. This website cannot be hacked and its contents altered or changed by any outsider, in other words it is well protected website from outside infringement.
3. The contents in this website are genuine as being claimed and admissible evidence in any court of law anywhere in the world including India.
4. The website and its contents were made admissible piece of evidence in Indian court and the person replying it ever appeared in court of law in India to certify it and its contents as official in nature.
I shall be highly obliged for all these or any other information you can provide relating to the website in question.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoI need this important information?
I look forward to expert opinion of any one with knowldge specially Webdesigner/admistrator on the legal validity of the website :
I need the following information:
1. This website is official website owned by the Government/Court of the State of Indiana, USA and not a private run website.
2. This website cannot be hacked and its contents altered or changed by any outsider, in otherwords it is well protected website from outside infrigement.
3. The contents in this website are genuine as being claimed and admissable evidence in any court of law anywhere in the world including India.
4. The website and its contents were made admissable piece of evidence in Indian court and the person replying it ever appeared in court of law in India to certify it and its contents as official in nature.
I shall be highly obliged for all these or any other information you can provide relating to the website in question.
5 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years agoAnna Hazara 73y sits on fast while his young supporters enjoy mid-day meal is it fair?
Please check this video clip that I had recorded on 08.04.2011, when I visited Jantar Mantar, New Delhi in support of Anna Hazara for his cause for fight against corruption and what all I saw made be ashamed, as this old man for us sit on fast the supporters gathered there enjoying mid-day meals!
15 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoWhat do you think about CWG scam in India now?
The CBI is investigating the CWG scam and has been arresting officials involved in it,latest are Bhanot and Verma right-hand men of Kalmadi. Soon Kalmadi find himself arrested by the CBI. My question is who all be next, will it be Sheila Dixit, MS Gill, Cabinet Ministers who passed the exuberant bills forwarded to them for approval by the CWG Committee or the Prime Minister of India who ultimately took control of the whole affairs in the final days of these games?
My next question is how the billions of rupees made by all the culprits recovered by the authorities as by putting them behind the bars won't solve this issue of corruption in these games, which authority is looking for the recovery of the huge money pocketed by the various people involved in this biggest scam of all time in India?
My last question is with the Congress lead UPA government fully drowned with all these CWG, 2G, and other scams will be able to be forming next government in the centre, if not than who will do it and what is the guarantee those politicians will not be involved in similar or bigger scams like these where huge sum of public money is pocketed by them?
Don't we (People of India) need new set of honest people to take over the governance of the country and dump whole bunch of present politicians without exception in the Indian Ocean?
21 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhat is your opinion on this latest news?
Cabinet approves the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 to amend the Hindu Marriage Act
The Union Cabinet today approved the introduction of a Bill, namely, the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 to further amend the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to provide therein irretrievable break down of marriage as a ground of divorce.
The Bill would provide safeguards to parties to marriage who file petition for grant of divorce by consent from the harassment in court if any of the party does not come to the court or wilfully avoids the court to keep the divorce proceedings inconslusive.
At present, various grounds for dissolution of marriage by a decree of divorce are laid down in section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The grounds inter alia include adultery, cruelty, desertion, conversion to another religion, unsoundness of mind, virulent and incurable form of leprosy, venereal disease in a communicable form, renouncement of the world and not heard as being alive for a period of seven years or more. Section 27 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 also lays down similar grounds.
However, section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act and Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act provide for divorce by mutual consent as a ground for presenting a petition for dissolution of marriage. The said sections inter alia provide that a petition for dissolution of marriage by mutual consent, if not withdrawn before six months after its presentation or not later than 18 months, then, the court may, on being satisfied after making inquiry, grant decree of divorce by mutual consent. However, it has been observed that the parties who have filed petition for mutual consent suffer in case one of the parties abstains himself or herself from court proceedings and keeps the divorce proceedings inconclusive. This has been causing considerable hardship to the party in dire need of divorce.
Incidentally, it may be pertinent to point out here that such a legal proposition has been recommended by the Law Commission of India in its 217th report on ‘Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage – Another Ground for Divorce’. Further, the Hon’ble Supreme Court, in the case of Ms. Jorden Diengdeh Vs. S.S. Chopra reported in AIR 1985 SC 935 and in the case of Naveen Kohli Vs. Neelu Kohli reported in AIR 2006 SC 1675, has observed and recommended that irretrievable breakdown of marriage should be incorporated as another ground for grant of divorce.
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoTamasha/Scenes Created by Politician?
All these politicians have gone insane, either the Modi offering 1 Crore as compensation for the Police officers died during the Mumbai incidence or the CM Deshmukh taking Ram Gopal Verma & his Film Star son to Taj during his official visit & Sanjay Narupam calling this visit but natural for a citizen of India to visit & see the diversity done by the terrorist as if the Security agencies there has opened some sort of exhibition for general public to visit these spots (Taj & Oberoi Hotels) or R.R.Patil Dep.CM calling Mumbai incidence as small incidences in big cities or the CM of Kerala visiting Maj. Unnikrishannan home so late after all his last rites were over & no representation was made during those rites by the CM or his representative. Every day some foolish act or words spoken is done by these politicians belonging to any political party. This is what we Indian have in stock the bundle of fools we elect as our representative & rule us. Elections are happening in few States & Very soon the general election will be there when all the eligible voters of India will be again choosing any of these fools as their representative for forming government in the state or centre. Can we not collect educated people from different fields, profession to come together, fight the election collectively & form government of sensible people who can handle the things properly? I know many of you will say Man Mohan Sign is very able Economist but what about the other Ministers & M.Ps supporting him are they as competent? Some will say Advani is a capable man & what about his Age & his rest of team where jokers like Siddhu exist? Can't we have 500+ sensible educated people to be representing more then 1 Billion people of India? Why we bring fools surrounded with goons to do this work for us?
22 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDid you get such Spam Mail from Yahoo Data? It can be an act of Terrorist,don't you think so?
Terrorist have been using the internet facilities & have been hacking the mail accounts of genuine account holders of any of the internet service provider such as yahoo, google, msn etc. I got one spam mail from Yahoo Data <>
Wherein I have been asked to disclose all the security information such as my password, date of birth etc to them, as this information is most important to steal my yahoo email account & this information will be sufficient for any terrorist group to send email using my account to any government or non-government agency of any terrorist attack or activity, thus putting me in trouble later on, as the US person staying in Mumbai got involved for sending email from his email account regarding Ahmedabad bomb blast although he never did it but some hacker used his account for doing all this. I forwarded this Spam mail to Yahoo India team for taking necessary action so that in case these mails are being sent to many or all Yahoo India user none may by mistake disclose his or her important security information to the person seeking this information & the such person hack and misuse the email of a genuine yahoo mail user .If any other Yahoo user got such Spam mail should not disclose his or her security information to any unknown person. Hope Yahoo India will take necessary action against such person sending such Spam mail to yahoo user.
2 AnswersAbuse and spam1 decade agoIs this news true regarding Yahoo India employees?
Yahoo India sacks 40 in re-alignment
BANGALORE: Jerry Yang’s ‘‘strategic work-force re-alignment’’ has started in India as well. Yahoo! India on Wednesday sacked 40 of its employees in Bangalore, many in its R&D division.
"We don’t have any comments. But it should be part of Yang’s global downsizing target," said an official at Yahoo! India. In an earnings call on January 29, Yang, CEO, Yahoo!, said the company would cut 1,000 jobs globally starting mid-February.
"It’s just the beginning, more heads are likely to roll in India," said a source. Yahoo employs around 1,500 people in the country; the Research and Development division itself has around 900 people.
"It was a graveyard atmosphere in the office throughout the day. Most of us were constantly checking our e-mail to see whether we were among those asked to go," said an employee at Yahoo! India, adding, "The management simply told us that this was being done for business reasons."
Another employee said those asked to go were middle management and entry-level employees, mostly in support, maintenance and development of Yahoo! properties globally. "It was based partly on performance. Also, some groups are being closed down, and some jobs had become redundant," he said.
6 AnswersAdministrative and Office Support1 decade agoDoes the result of Gujarat election means slap on the face of Congress?
BJP returns back to power lead by Narendra Modi with good majority. What about the punters who had given no chance for Modi victory, I hope they must be down with millions of rupees now.
27 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoMost paying profession?
Which is the most paying profession that requires no educational qualification, no professional qualification, no experience, no age limit, no approach or pull required to work in it? The person can make unlimited money & maintain big bank balance without paying a single penny Income Tax/wealth tax. No particular working time or place & it can be carried out from any where any time. No dress code, no electronic gazettes or equipments required carrying it out, no investment of any type & just enjoying it as a leisure pastime job? Any guesses?
31 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoMarketing Concepts?
A Professor at one of the IIMs was explaining marketing concepts to the Students:
1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to
her and say: "I am very rich.
"Marry me!" - That's Direct Marketing"
2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a
gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and
pointing at you says: "He's very rich.
"Marry him." -That's Advertising"
3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to
her and get her telephone number. The next day, you
call and say: "Hi, I'm very rich.
"Marry me - That's Telemarketing"
4. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up
and straighten your tie, you
walk up to her and pour
her a drink, you open the door (of the car)for her,
pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and
then say:"By the way, I'm rich. Will you
"Marry Me?" - That's Public Relations"
5. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks
up to you and says:"You are very rich!
"Can you marry ! me?" - That's Brand Recognition"
6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to
her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" She gives you
a nice hard slap on your face. -
"That's Customer Feedback"
7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to
her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" And she
introduces you to her husband. -
"That's demand and supply gap"
8. You see a gorgeous girl at a
party. You go up to
her and before you say anything, another person come
and tell her: "I'm rich. Will you marry me?" and she
goes with him -
"That's competition eating into your market share"
9. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to
her and before you say: "I'm rich, Marry me!" your
wife arrives. -
"That's restriction for entering new markets"
18 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoIndian hell is the best?
A man dies and goes to hell. There he finds that there is a different hell for each country.
He goes to the German hell and asks, "What do they do here?"
He was told, "First they put you in an electric chair for an hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the German devil comes in and beats you for the rest of the day."
The man does not like the sound of that at all, so he moves on and checks out the USA hell as well as the Russian hell and many more countries... He discovers that they are all more or less the same as the German hell...
Then he comes to the Indian hell and finds that there is a long line of people waiting to get in. Amazed, he asks, What do they do here?"
He was told, "First they put you in an electric chair for an hour..Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the Indian devil comes and beats you for the rest of the day."
"But that is exactly the same as all the other hells---so why are so many people waiting to get in here?" asked the man.
Because maintenance is so bad that the electric chair does not work, someone has stolen all the nails from the bed and the Indian devil is a former Govt. servant, so he comes in and signs the register and then goes to the canteen!
37 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoDiwali or Deepawali festivel of lights & sweets?
As we all celebrate this great festival of lights & sweets, what we find that in the name of lights we explode crackers thus increase both air & noise pollution. The sweet we eat is made from adulterated milk which can bring innumerous harm to our health. We go out for purchasing new items for ourselves & our home but get struck in big traffic jams apart being cheated by the local merchants who sell out of date & spoiled articles at expensive rates. We distributes gift items to friends & relatives, which actually happens to be exchanging those pieces which we got from them, just the giver & taker get changed. We buy gold & other ornaments at higher rates just because it is auspicious to do so as being advised by holy priest & astrologers, which on any normal days we could have got in much lesser competitive rates. This festival means visiting of Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth at our place of living & work, but when the festival is over we find the balance left in our accounts will not be enough to carry us till the end of the month. We love this festival & pray to God the almighty to give us peace of mind & prosperity for the whole years so that next year we again repeat these things during this great festival of light & sweets. A Happy & prosperous Diwalli to all!
11 AnswersDiwali1 decade agoProfessionals interested in formation of KPO/BPO/LPO in India?
I was looking for MBA, IT, Legal professionals who are interested in formation of Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Business Process Outsourcing, Legal Process Outsourcing in India. As what I can see that the scope for these are increasing every day in India. I find most of the people are looking towards the latest methods of communication through net for any such transactions. This gives wide scope for professionals to get easy employment & source of income. I have observed that Legal consultancy & advice is now more in demand through online communication through out the world as no one is interested to contact a lawyer/advocate in person for this. I have been a part of the legal professional for more then 24 years & know the basic legal issues which people look forward through out the world are some what similar to those which people in India face. The difference in the legal statues in different countries is no doubt different but basically all these provisions are similar in nature. The various international laws dealing with the international transactions between people of different counties are well followed by India too under the various conventions & forums etc. My purpose for posting this question here is to motivate various professionals to give a though to this issue of formation of such organizations which will be run by all of them as partners according to their status, experience, knowledge & labor they put in running these organizations rather getting a fixed salary from any of such already formed organizations where the big bag of money/profits is carried by businessmen who invested & formed them although themselves had no professional degree or experience but on the basis of these professional built their empire. My vision to form such organizations is on lines which once Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy of Infosys did when he collected IT & other professionals & formed this organization or Mr.Subrata Roy who formed Sahara India. All those professionals who read this question may not reply but at least give a thought to this idea, may be some day they can all sit together & workout such organizations. I will be too happy to be in touch with all those who think in my lines & are interested in such venture. Lastly a humble request to all those who reply this question, in case you are not interested in what ever I have stated here please don’t reply rather giving your views of such projects going for total failure, such things discourage others who may be interested in all this, after all those people who are already in such business too started from scratch. Thanks.
10 AnswersCorporations1 decade agoHe's 16, she's 40; they're married?
Read this link >>>>> What is your assessment with regard to this case? Are our teenage children safe in this society? Please give serious thought & reply.
33 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoDid to ever get such program notice in your company?
To: All Employees
Re: S.H.I.T.
In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity
employees, it will be our policy to keep all employees well trained
We are trying to give our employees more S.H.I.T . than anyone else. If
you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T., please see your
supervisor. You will be immediately placed at the top of the S.H.I.T.
list, and our supervisors are especially skilled at seeing that you get all
the S.H.I.T. you can handle.
Employees who don't take their S.H.I.T. Seriously will be placed in
Those who fail to take D.E.E.P.S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to
Since our supervisors took S.H.I.T. before they were promoted, they
don't have to take S.H.I.T. Anymore, and are all full of S.H.I.T. already. If
you too are full of S.H.I.T., you may be interested in a job teaching
We can add your name to our BASIC UNDERSTANDING LIST of LEADERS
Thank you,
18 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago