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Cabinet approves the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 to amend the Hindu Marriage Act

The Union Cabinet today approved the introduction of a Bill, namely, the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 to further amend the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to provide therein irretrievable break down of marriage as a ground of divorce.

The Bill would provide safeguards to parties to marriage who file petition for grant of divorce by consent from the harassment in court if any of the party does not come to the court or wilfully avoids the court to keep the divorce proceedings inconslusive.

At present, various grounds for dissolution of marriage by a decree of divorce are laid down in section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The grounds inter alia include adultery, cruelty, desertion, conversion to another religion, unsoundness of mind, virulent and incurable form of leprosy, venereal disease in a communicable form, renouncement of the world and not heard as being alive for a period of seven years or more. Section 27 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 also lays down similar grounds.

However, section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act and Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act provide for divorce by mutual consent as a ground for presenting a petition for dissolution of marriage. The said sections inter alia provide that a petition for dissolution of marriage by mutual consent, if not withdrawn before six months after its presentation or not later than 18 months, then, the court may, on being satisfied after making inquiry, grant decree of divorce by mutual consent. However, it has been observed that the parties who have filed petition for mutual consent suffer in case one of the parties abstains himself or herself from court proceedings and keeps the divorce proceedings inconclusive. This has been causing considerable hardship to the party in dire need of divorce.

Incidentally, it may be pertinent to point out here that such a legal proposition has been recommended by the Law Commission of India in its 217th report on ‘Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage – Another Ground for Divorce’. Further, the Hon’ble Supreme Court, in the case of Ms. Jorden Diengdeh Vs. S.S. Chopra reported in AIR 1985 SC 935 and in the case of Naveen Kohli Vs. Neelu Kohli reported in AIR 2006 SC 1675, has observed and recommended that irretrievable breakdown of marriage should be incorporated as another ground for grant of divorce.


I fully agree with Phil D. The term 'irretrievable' is very vague, this being an adjective meaning that cannot be retrieved, recovered, restored, or recalled, in case of adjudging the extend a matrimonial home is broken that it cannot be retrieved, recovered, restored, or recalled has to be well defined to avoid any confusion in the mind of all.

I fully agree that any married man or woman will walk to the nearest Family court seeking dissolution of the marriage on this ground but unless such a person knows the exact meaning of the irretrievable broken down matrimonial home that will be sufficient for him/her to get any relief from the Family Court, it will be just burdening the Family Courts with more divorce cases.

Legislature in most of the cases use such vague terms but do not specify what all acts or omissions will amount to these, similarly you find the term "Cruelty" ground for divorce but what all amounts to acts of cruelty has not been specified in the Acts.

Update 2:

The Legislature just do not want itself to burden with specifically stating the actual meaning of the terms it use , and this job is left for Judiciary to do.

It has been the Supreme Court of India and other High Courts forming the exact meaning for these terms such as Cruelty and desertion etc. since the time these terms were introduced in the Act by the legislature thus we find so many years to understand what all these terms connotes for getting relief from the courts. I feel same will be even after introduction of this new ground.

Update 3:

Here let me give example of the Singaporean law with regard to divorce as provided in the Women's Charter, there it is stated "Irretrievable breakdown of marriage to be sole ground for divorce" what all amounts to this is further is further stated as " The court hearing any proceedings for divorce shall not hold the marriage to have broken down irretrievably unless the plaintiff satisfies the court of one or more of the following facts:(a) that the defendant has committed adultery and the plaintiff finds it intolerable to live with the defendant;(b) that the defendant has behaved in such a way that the plaintiff cannot reasonably be expected to live with the defendant;(c) that the defendant has deserted the plaintiff for a continuous period of at least 2 years immediately preceding the filing of the writ;

Update 4:

(d) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for a continuous period of at least 3 years immediately preceding the filing of the writ and the defendant consents to a judgment being granted;(e) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for a continuous period of at least 4 years immediately preceding the filing of the writ.

Update 5:

Yes for getting rid of long pending litigation in court this will be right thing to happen, specially where blackmailing by either of the parties happen and large sum of money sought for agreeing to divorce by mutual consent, even one of the Family Judge told me that this provision will help him get all the long pending matters disposed off easily.

But what I personally feel that not every young couple go in for this legal provision to dissolve their marriage, if there exist some misunderstanding between them than try resolve this by mutual discussion and compromise rather going for divorce. This is just a parental advice I will give to all youngsters.

Update 6:

For Saurav: It is not clear how the new ground being introduced in the marriage laws for obtaining divorce will be inserted in the Acts will be one of the ground as available for unilateral divorce as provide in section 13 HMA or section 27 SMA, or will be entirely new section specifying how this will work. It can be possible that this may be extension of the divorce by mutual consent where a joint petition is filed by both parties. As far determining the issue of divorce immediately in divorce by mutual consent without waiting for six months may not be possible as this six month is breathing time given to parties to rethink their initial decision for dissolution of their marriage, everyone has right to change his/her mind but this should be genuine change of mind not coupled with ulterior motives to blackmail the other party. As held in Anil Jain V/s Maya Jain case by S.C.

Update 7:

"In the instant case, the respondent wife has made it very clear that she will not live with the petitioner, but, on the other hand, she is also not agreeable to a mutual divorce. In ordinary circumstances, the petitioner's remedy would lie in filing a separate petition before the Family Court under Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, on the grounds available, but in the present case there are certain admitted facts which attract the provisions of Section 13-B thereof. One of the grounds available under Section 13-B is that the couple have been living separately for one year or more and that they have not been able to live together, which is, in fact, the case as far as the parties to these proceedings are concerned. In this case, the parties are living separately for more than seven years. As part of the agreement between the parties the appellant had transferred valuable property rights in favour of the respondent and it was after registration of such transfer of property ..

Update 8:

…rights in favour of the respondent and it was after registration of such transfer of property that she withdrew her consent for divorce. She still continues to enjoy the property and insists on living separately from the husband."

What all weighed in the mind of the Hon'ble Judges in this case that here this wife was determined to trouble the husband even after being fully paid financial compensation, such attitude shows irretrievable broken marriage but since this provision was not available the Court under Article 142 Of the Constitution provided relief to the Husband and dissolved the marriage.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Vijay sir,

    interesting amendment to Marriage act after long gap. One point i would like to share with you that i have come across no. of divorce matters in Andhra Pradesh they are very silly, due to incompatibility between boys and girls it is happening and they do not know the significance of marriages. In olden days both husband and wife lived happily without going for drastic step of divorce. Now a days with ignorance some of the parents and relatives of both sides are encouraging for Divorce spoiling the career of boys and girls.We con't help our society is like that so my personal opinion is this Amendment is better for getting Divorce fast without waiting for years.

    Source(s): I am a practicing Advocate at Hyderabad come across no.of family cases
  • 1 decade ago

    Vijay Sir,

    I am one of the victims of 2 years of seperation till date. I tend to agree with you for the fact that it took us so many years to interpret terms like cruelty, desertion etc, so it may again take so many years to interpret the term irretievable. Only thing is for divorces under mutual consent, there might not be any waiting period now and the divorce may be granted immediately.

    But having said that, it is hard to imagine that this new ground for divorce would ever mean, that the boy also on his own can apply to the court for divorce and to has to justify the irretrievable marriage to the magistrate. If boys can get divorce like this without involving the girls consent, then that might not be protection of the interests of women, which is like the back bone of HMA 1995.

    So the only change in the HMA after the introduction of this new ground applies to Mutual Consent Divorces only and nothing else. It would not be wrong to put it in this way : 'Mutual Consent Divorces made easier' than saying 'Divorces made easier'

    Vijay sir, correct me if Iam wrong.


    - Saurav

    Source(s): Times of India Economic Times DNA India
  • 1 decade ago

    Respected Vijay Sir Namaste,

    I've been watching your answers from the year 2007. You have answered one of my question regarding divorce and suggested me some points. But, I couldn't make it. You are very helpful to many people. And this law is very useful for many sufferers. But, I need to understand this law more.

    Anyways I need to contact you personally to take your suggestions regarding my case. I am from Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. If you tell me when to come I am ready to pay your fee and come to your place.

    Thanking you Sir,

    May God give you a healthy long life.



  • 1 decade ago

    To protect these immature married couples who wants to get out of the wedlock; being milked by cunning and money hungry judicial system of India which includes women cells, men cell, police, lawyers, judges and obviously last but not least women's families.

    You don't need a lawyers or need to study/master law in western countries to get divorce when compared with Indian divorce law.

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  • 1 decade ago

    At first blush my answer is that these grounds should be added. However, I have no knowledge of the law-suit "notice" procedures in India. Would this create a situation where someone gets divorced without ever having known that a divorce action was commenced? Addionally, I'm uncomfortable with the use of the word "irretrievable". It's so subjective. It gives a party the opportunity to fight the divorce claiming their willingness to go to any length to satiate the petitioner, which a court may allow a good deal of time to accomplish. California, USA, makes available grounds of "irreconcilable differences". Your legislature may want to reconsider its terminology.

    Source(s): Retired New York lawyer.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Obama and McCain are United States Senators. They should both be in Washington providing whatever help is necessary in addressing one of the most serious crises in American history. Hopefully, McCain goes to Washington regardless of Obama's response. The debate is secondary at this time. This country needs its government to address this issue and hopefully put the economy on the right track.

  • Good day Mr. Vijay

    I would say all reasons for divource must be incorporated so that the escape route for protracted and will full delay can be eliminated. We as layman will not know much about what to comprehend "irretrievable breakdown". Anything and everything will call for examination and cross examinations.

    Ahhhh with regard to that six6un, from the way his response reads it is a confirmation that he a retard and frustrated and hence request you to ignore. Anyhow what amazes me is that some people cant sit quiet if the question does not suit them.

  • 1 decade ago

    it should have been done earlier, as this will save everyone time,once a couple (or either of the spouse) files for divorce that relationship is over, there is no point in dragging the cases for ages, 498a & DV has already contributed to the mass extortion racket by scrupulous wives, in fact i agree with stanley, this clause should be introduced across the board in all the divorce acts of all the religions , the indian divorce act meant for the christians is one of the toughest ,introducing this clause will help our christian fellowmen, keep it up Vijay sir!

  • 1 decade ago

    well we all have to accept the fact that society is changing.peoples mentality has also changed irretrievable break down of marriage as a ground of divorce will definitely do good for our Society.

    Source(s): sir no man or woman like to be traped in a dead marraige. if one partner is irrisponsible why other suffer. marraige does not gurauntee happyness.
  • 1 decade ago

    it will skyrocket the divorce rate in india for sure.Many will spell the D-word on impulse.

    but will it make a foreign decree valid if it's on the same ground as no-fault divorce even if it's an ex-partee decree?

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