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Lv 7
-RKO- asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Can You Believe what Harry Reid Just Said?

I just caught a 'snippet' of a segment on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric where they featured the new Capitol Visitors' Center.

Harry Reid had the audacity to say somethinng to the effect that members of Congress would no longer have to "smell sweaty tourists" as they toured the nation's Capitol!

Mr. Reid: we "sweaty tourists" OWN that building, and YOU are our servants! For you to say such a despicable thing is outrageous and the american people deserve an apology for your calloused remarks.

Perhaps it's time members of Congress worked up a little 'sweat' of their own working for the American citizenry instead of cuddling up with big business, lobbyists and special interest elitists who don't know the meaning of hard work and sweat running off one's brow.

I'm an Obama supporter, and pretty much lean toward Democratic politicians for the most part. But your comment was crude, vulgar, uncalled for, rude, insulting and demeaning. It only goes to prove how arrogant, calloused, full of themselves and totally disrespectul our so-called 'honorable' elected officials really are. You should be ashamed of yourself! You've just showed your true colors, you contemptible cretin!! The only reason this got posted on Yahoo! was because I couldn't access cbsnews, but I find the stench of your insolence to be a helluva lot more offensive than the "smell" of a few "sweaty tourists"!!! May you rot in Hell, where it's so hot you might even start sweating!!

Ron Oetting

P.O. Box 1

New Haven, IN 46774-0001

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As an old newspaper man, you may appreciate what they used to call members of Congress back in the 1940's: Congresscritters.


  • 1 decade ago

    Well stated. Our politicians are arrogant and forget who they serve. Its good to see people who are fed up and won't take the garbage lying down.

    In my opinion, until public servants become a little afraid of the public, they will make the public their servants and the public will be afraid of their government. When that happens, our American system has truly failed. Too many people are afraid to show their outrage and too many people are afraid to take action.

    Glad to see at least one person isn't a sheeple.

  • That is because ole dingy harry does not wipe his a*ss and you can smell him coming from a mile away.

    We should all call ole harrys office and let him know it is OUR building not his.

    And if someone made that joke to him he would be all over the news pissing and moaning about it.

    He is such a loser.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amazing how his quote gets switched around. He said:

    "In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true."

    It was probably a time when he should have kept his mouth shut, but he wasn't saying anything that wasn't true.

    I'm thinking that you could perhaps think about putting your outraged energy into something that matters.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You seem easily offended.

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