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I love communicating with people and enjoy this sight for not only the information I find but also for the interesting people I meet.

  • If it's 5:00 Central Time, what time is it Mountain DST?

    How many hours ahead is this? Mountain DST is the same as regular Pacific Time, isn't it? I have an on line class at 5:30 central. I don't want to miss it by getting time zones mixed up.

    2 AnswersTrivia8 years ago
  • What to do if a female dog has too much milk?

    Do you think her puppies are dead somewhere?

    I found a stray dog who comes begging every other day and she is heavy with milk. Is anyone nursing with her? Could she get an infection? What should I do?

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What does it mean if a lactating female dog is dripping milk?

    I found a stray dog and her **** are too full and milk is going everywhere. I suspect her puppies have died and no one is nursing. I don't know what to do for her. Do you think she only had one or two puppies but is making enough milk for 8 or 9? Will her **** get infected? They are hot to the touch. What should I do for her?

    She isn't my dog but is very loving and comes to my house to beg. I've been feeding her IAMS when she comes around and she was coming around every other day or so for the last month. I'm making sure she doesn't starve but I worry about her. I don't want to get too involved financially. I can't afford too many dogs and there are too many strays where I live.


    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What is the difference between a cafe and a restaurant?

    Are they the same thing with a different language of origin? In Europe, a cafe is a coffee shop but in the U.S. are they actually the same thing?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What is a good FREE computer program to help students learn to read faster?

    I don't mean speed reading. I just mean silent and fluent reading.

    I remember as a child there was a video that only put up a few words a minute on a screen and would measure how fast you were reading and then push you to increase that.

    What are the names of some programs that do that on computer?

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Why are intelligent people more likely to be atheistic liberals?

    I think I have an idea but what do you think? I'm not saying there aren't intelligent theists but generally speaking, the more intelligent someone is, the less likely they are to believe in any religion.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Can a person cross country ski without an ACL attached?

    I had a hiking accident about 5 years ago and completely tore my ACL but I LOVE cross country skiing and the snow is great this year. I want to go skiing but can I do it with a torn meniscus and an ACL that is completely severed? The doctor says he doesn't think so but not absolutely. Has anyone done it?

    My ACL has healed but was never reattached. The doctor says the muscles do what the tendon used to do but can muscles in the Knee be strong enough to ski? I hate to think I'll never ski again.

    2 AnswersSnow Skiing8 years ago
  • Which dogs gain the most weight after surgery?

    Females after being spayed or males after being neutered?

    Right now it seems the girl is gaining more weight and has grown into a little piglet. Our boy is still think but is he going to catch up? He's still active but she became very sedentary and loves to eat. What should we do?

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is it better to debate a revision of mental health care in the U.S. or gun laws?

    The massacre in Connecticut is hopefully going to bring about some change as how things are done in this country. Which do you think is more important? Stricter mental health care or stricter gun laws?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can anyone be an EX Muslim and stay alive? Are there any Ex Muslims out there?

    Muslims don't seem to allow freedom of religion and I know they don't allow freedom from religion either. Don't Muslims hunt down and kill anyone who abandons the organization like the Hells Angels do?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why does a stray Chihuahua I found cough like he's going to break a rib?

    The vet I usually use and is affordable is out of town for a week and I found a little dog a few days ago shivering and very hungry with tail tucked hard. He was frightened and sick. I brought him home and fed him chicken and rice. I kept him warm for the night but he coughed like he was going to throw up or break a rib, but didn't do either one.

    I'm worried about the little guy. Is there any home remedy for this? I've always had huge dogs and this is my first tiny, less than 5 pound dog, ever. I need advice!!!

    It breaks my heart to see and hear this little tiny dog heaving so hard. I'm sure his chest must be sore. Could he have the flu? Upset stomach? He's just skin and bones and he ate pretty fast the first day but its three days later and he's still struggling with that cough and I'm concerned!! He hasn't gained weight in the last three days either although I've given him good Science Diet for Small Dogs. He won't eat much at all after that first meal of soft cooked rice and canned chicken.

    How do I care for this cute little fellow without a vet. I bet he needs pennicillin but that will have to wait if possible...unless he gets worse. He doesn't cough continually but just occassionally.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What is the author and title of this coming of age story?

    A 17 year old boy's father joins the military during WWII and the mother and boy must move from Louisiana to New Mexico where the boy meets seedy type folks. The story is narrated by "Josh" in a tongue in cheek type manner, much like Catcher in the Rye.

    Any English Teachers on this site? Please no web sites where you have to already know the title and author. I'm working backwards here.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What is the title of this book?

    The main Character and narrator is a guy named Josh whose father has joined the military during WWII and he and his mom and permanent border must move from Louisiana to New Mexico. This is a book commonly read in High School and similar to Catcher in the Rye. I can't remember the title...drawing a blank. Anyone know?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How many people were on Noah's Ark?

    Noah and his three sons, their wives and children. But how many wives did Noah have and how many did his son's have. Also, did Noah have any daughters. In the bible, daughters aren't very important and are often not mentioned. How many children and grand children did Noah have? Did they all go on the ark?

    Some Christians say that there were only 6 but I don't think so. I think the ark would have been a pretty big family reunion in addition to all the animals. Besides, how would they have fed and cleaned up all those animals for 40 days and nights with only 6 people caring for all the animals in the world?

    10 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • What does DEF mean as in DEF jam poetry?

    I showed some youtube def jam poetry to kids and the kids asked if everyone on there was DEAF. I said no. DEF isn't the same as DEAF but I didn't know what it meant and neither did the kids. What does DEF mean?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What does it mean to hang out your dirty laundry?

    I've dreamed twice of dirty laundry.

    A few nights ago I dreamed I was taking my laundry to a laundry mat but tripped and fell and all my laundry went on the side walk. In my dream I was too tired to pick it up so I went to sleep on top of my dirty clothes. Police came by to wake me up and ask if I was okay because they thought I was a bum asleep on the sidewalk. I told them I was just resting and would finish my work in a minute but I went back to sound sleep in my dream. In my dream, I was so tired, I couldn't work.

    Last night I dreamed a funny one. I went to sleep with the t.v. on and dreamed I was tutoring/homeschooling ROSEANNE's kids, Darleen, Becky and DJ. In my dream, they were so nice to me and ROSEANNE had many great school supplies in bookshelves and cabinettes so it was so easy to work with the kids and we had fun.

    In my dream, ROSEANNE gave me meals and did my laundry and everything in exchange for homeschooling her kids. I went in the kitchen and there were piles and piles of dirty dishes and laundry and the kids were all arguing about who's turn it was to do the dishes. I said since everyone did so much for me it was the least I could do to do their dishes and laundry. When I went to the kitchen to start I found dirty clothes and dirty dishes all piled to the ceiling. No dishes or laundry had been done for months! I started working by myself but asked a lot of questions, like "where's the dish soap?" Where's the sponge? Where's the laundry detergent Do you separate the darks and the whites? Where do the cups go? "I found roaches! Where is the bug spray?" and on and on. It was over whelming and fortunately, Instead of answering all my questions, everyone started helping and the job got done but I just watched. In my dream, I felt guilty because everyone was doing everything for me and I didn't feel like I deserved all their service. In my dream, I felt stupid and worthless for not knowing how to do anything. Everyone always waited on me at Rosanne's house and I wasn't able to repay. So helpless. So many dirty things I couldn't control.

    I keep dreaming about dirty laundry- mine and other people's. What does it mean psychologically to "hang out" your dirty laundry? I'm really pondering this. It's sort of a fun puzzle to try to figure out my mind.

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How should I move to a new town with two cats?

    I'm a dog person but found a large gray cat in the rain one day and brought her in and fed her. She stays with me now.

    Then a few weeks ago there was a snow storm and there was a small kitten crying in the snow and started to pick her up and take him home but was afraid the big cat would eat it up.

    Fortunately the big cat ran out in the snow to the little one and started purring and licking it and the kitten ran in my house without my picking it up. I think the big female is the mother.

    I've only had both of these cats for about a month but now I have to move and I'm thinking of keeping the cats although I'm really a dog person. I've never moved with cats before and don't know the first thing about what to do. I'm slowly packing my furniture, pictures and gathering things together and the cats act so nervous when I do that. I think they are going to freak out when I try to put them in crates and put them in a moving van with me.

    I've googled about feliway but don't have any and don't know where to get it.

    Any cat people want to advise me? Do you think I should find another home for these guys when I move or try the harrowing experience of trying to move with cats who think they are in control and own everything in my house? They will freak out when they realize they are not in control and I will freak out if they do.

    Dogs are easy to put in the car as they have given up being in charge but cats...I just don't know.

    HELP! :)

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What will happen to American schools when U.S. Department of Education is closed?

    I'm voting for Ron Paul and one of the first things on his agenda is to close the U.S. Department of Education and let individual states handle education in their state. I agree with that smart savings but what do you think will be different with education? Can you see a better, less regulated system? How has Bush's "No Child Left Behind" been working for your so far? Won't that program be automatically closed with the closing of U.S. DOE?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago