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Extreme nationalism, corporate welfare, religous zealotry, & hypocrisy; what else characterizes what the GOP..?

has become?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Closet homosexuality, White Supremacist music, Early onset Alzheimer's dementia (with behavioral disturbance), Garth Brooks, inbreeding, Guns N Jesus, pencil skirts, overpopulation, verichip implants, fear mongering, rampant STDs, extreme lack of compassion for the working poor, the disabled and the elderly who really should be working and not looking for a hand out, gated communities....

    I could go on and on.

  • 5 years ago

    Let me see for there are so many words to describe them: Hypocrisy- saying that abortion is murder that should not be permitted but supporting a stupid War in Iraq as well as convicted criminals getting executed. Racism as well as intolerance for any religion besides their own- despite the fact that there are conservatives from a whole variety of backgrounds, many happen to despise people who aren't WASP. Anti-intellectualism and Anti Modern- does not tolerate the teaching of evolution in schools or any comprehensive sex education. Instead, they would rather teach Abstinence Only and Creationism. Sexism- does not think women should work outside the home or even receive as equal pay as a man. Also, does not think that women have the right to control their own bodies, especially if they're pregnant and should not have access to birth control. Pro Censorship- will create contraversy if they happen to object to a certain show on TV, certain movies in the theaters, album or song on the charts, and a book on the shelves that they deem morally objectionable even though they have not seen listened or read it. Basically ruins any form of good entertainment imaginable. Anti Environmental-thinks that global warming doesn't exist and that the Earth was made for us to take advantage. Anti Immigration- thinks illegal immigrants should be criminalized and be denied citizenship. Hawkish and Nationalism-supports any form of war the United States enters in and will call anyone who disagrees with US policies unpatriotic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Corp welfare? Seems a dem policy as of late.

    Hypocrisy?!? Dems had the lock on that for years.

    Nationalism? Keeps the country the best in the world. Course, you prefer socialism, Marxism, communism?

    Hey 'boss':

    1. Irrationalism and rejection of scientific principles and reason sounds very democratic when confronted with criticism of your candidates!

    2. Social Darwinism perfectly describes most dems.

    3. Blind patriotism AKA nationalism, so you have no pride in your country? How 'bout a ticket to Cuba, bub?

    4. Glorification of the state and militarism, if the dems don't gorify the state, nobody does. Bigger govt for all!

    5. Leadership principle- the individuals owes absolute loyalty and respect to the President? What's your reaction to criticism of the chosen one?

    6. Racism- elevation of the Chosen race of the Christian God, and denial of any benefit from civil rights reforms. The dems over history are the worst racists and tramplers of civil rights (such as gun control freaks).

    7. anti-communism, obviously we see where you are here.

    8. cultural arrogance? Democratic elitists want to rule all, having govt intrude into every corner of our lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have got to stop watching keith olbermanna and that new guy right after him...I think its called rachel maddow or moron or something....You are just another out-of-touch tree humping liberal that seriously needs a dose of reality and to be put in your beloved demoncrats are the fathers of hypocrisy and treason I might add......they run their campaigns on no new taxes and telling you that they have no intention of taking away your 2nd admendment rights but as soon as the little devils get elected the first thing they do is raise your taxes.....and try to force gun control where the sun don't shine.....

    The demoncrats are weak on defense..they think just harsh words are enough to deter the terrorists from blowing you and I to pieces.......

    As for corporate welfare, I have no problem propping up corporations that employed thousands of Americans....thus injecting the economy with life and money......the demoncrats want every woman barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with no idea who the fathers are of their numerous children..leaving the burden of raising these bastard children on you and I the tax payer......Sorry pal I make damn good money and I pay thru the nose as it is..I don't need more begging hands and bleeding hearts crying out for more of my money....

    Now bailing out the corporations does come from taxpayer money but at least with big business the taxpayers can at least hope for some return on their investment....with socialist welfare it's just a big drain where the money goes down and NEVER EVER comes back.....

    The religious faction of the GOP I don't see eye to eye with...but I've had my own personal quarrels with God since the early 1970's so I don't wish to get into that....

    And please tell me what is wrong with a little extreme nationalism????

    pride in your people and your country..albiet a bit overboard is really not such a bad thing.....the demoncrats HATE America, they hate religion and they hate the AMerican you tell me what the demoncrats have to offer....they haven't had an original idea since JFK was killed in 1963......not one new idea......

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  • Boss H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. Irrationalism and rejection of scientific principles and reason

    2. Social Darwinism

    3. Blind patriotism AKA nationalism

    4. Glorification of the state and militarism

    5. Leadership principle- the individuals owes absolute loyalty and respect to the President

    6. Racism- elevation of the Chosen race of the Christian God, and denial of any benefit from civil rights reforms.

    7. anti-communism

    8. cultural arrogance

  • 1 decade ago

    Characterizations? Seems more like over generalizations to me... but then I guess that happens when people don't look at the whole picture... :/

    Does a thumbs down to my view characterize the close-minded intolerance of a Democrat?

  • whimsy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    NASCAR - driving around in circles, endlessy, getting nowhere while everyone else progresses ahead...

  • 1 decade ago

    Extreme homophobia and self-loathing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like an idiotic stereotype of the kind that only small minds can grasp. Or think up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    assault rifles and moose chili

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