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Do you think my boyfriend might be cheating on me?

My boyfriend started college this fall, he had this short class that all the freshmen have to go to and he met a girl there that needed help with her computer because it wasn't working right. Anyways that class ended like 6 or 7 weeks ago and he still sees her twice a week (that I know of) and is still helping her with the computer. According to him there have been a lot of problems that are making it take so long. I told him I was worried that he was getting involved with her but he says nothing is going on.


Do you think he is telling the truth and I'm just paranoid?


Do you think there is something going on between them?


He's not going to her dorm room, neither of them live on campus, they live in neighboring towns. He says they meet in the cafeteria all the time.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I dont think you are paranoid at all. If you were truly paranoid, you would have been posting this question the first second you heard he met someone 7 weeks ago.... so dont ignore your feelings, they are trying to tell you something.

    When people lie (and are not good at it) they sometimes give off subtle clues that your subconcience catches but your conscience mind attempts to override. You are left with that "cant put my finger on it" uneasy feeling. This is also sometimes called "woman's intuition" ...

    It MAY not be the worse case scenario: (that he is dating her) ... but it's possible there is still something being hidden from you: (that he and this girl are starting to become a little too close of friends, for example).

    I agree with the people on here that say there is something not right if he is going over to her dorm twice a week for months just to look at her computer. There is absolutely MORE there than just the computer issues that keeps him returning week after week.

    But the REAL question you want to know is: WHAT? What is keeping my boyfriend going over to this girl's dorm room every week?

    Is it innocent friendship? Maybe. If so, why is he hiding it from you with the tired "computer excuse"?

    Is it something more? QUITE Possibly.

    Is it what you are afraid it is, that he is outright cheating? Can't really tell.

    Has he ever given you a reason before he left for college to think that he is the type of guy that would like to hump every female that gets in his path? If the answer is yes, he is a major horn-dog, then honey, you already know the answer....

    Let me end with this: My daughter started college last fall and made several male (and female) friends during orientation that she hung out with often whom she never dated, messed around with, engaged in sex or otherwise... they were all just new friends that hung out together. Since everyone is new (freshmen) and everyone is experiencing an all new living enviroment, they all kinda clung to each other for the first several weeks until they adjusted to the college life and started meeting new people.

    But none of that doesn't mean that he isn't screwing around... He is a very young man out on his own away from his parents (away from his girlriend) for the first time and has found himself completely surrounded by temptations of every caliber on every level every day. His hormones are at an all time high and he's definately horny! If this computer girl even thinks that she might give it up to him, he's going to hit that...

    I'm sure this didn't help you but those are my thoughts....

    Source(s): LIFE!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    7 weeks on a computer? No way. I hate to say it because I am sure it is not what you want to hear, but I think there is a real possibility that he has an interest in her. He is your boyfriend so you should be able to have a very honest conversation with him and say that you are happy that he is making new friends in college but that it seems like there is more to this. See what he says. If he insists it is innocent and they are just friends and all that jazz, I agree with the person who said you should join them some time. Tell him "Well in that case, I would really like to meet her!" If he gets all wigged out, something is up.

    Good luck, I hope it all works out!

  • 1 decade ago

    Something doesn't sound right to me. He shouldn't need to work on her computer for more than 7 weeks. That's a little ridiculous and I would say he is lying. If she honestly has that many problems with her computer she should bring it to the on campus computer techs. Every campus has a place you can bring your computer and have them look at it and fix it. I would throw that idea at your boyfriend and see what he says. If he makes up some lie about how she can't bring it to the on campus techs, than you know he is def cheating. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think that something might be going on i mean come on theres been a lot of problems are you kidding me what kind of computers have that much problems. I mean gosh get a new 1 then. No one needs to see someone especially a girl twice a week to fix or help" with the problems. I think you should break up with him, but make sure you have concrete evidence. but if yo u feel that you dont like him as much, the nno prob. find a new guy and leave him. He'll prob. realize how much he missed u

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so srry 2 say this bcuz I wudnt wish it upon any1 .. he mostly is. if her computer took more than at least 2 weeks to fix she shud have gotten professionally help. & it doesn't take 7 weeks to fix a computer that is insane .. I hope you guys work this problem out & let him know how you feel & make him see things from yur point of you .. if he's the one he'll understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    He can be her new friend.

    I don't think he's cheating on you unless his behavior/reaction is odd or never happen to you before. It probably he did cheat on you. For example, he don't really pay attention to you and reject your sexual activity.

    If you do worry about him so much, it will causes your relationship have difficult. You need to show him that you're trustworthy person.

    Here's opinion and advice. You aren't the only one who is worrying about boyfriend.

    Honestly, if I'm there and I would love to help and solve your problem, but I can't solve your problem because I don't hear his side story. Try my best to help you :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if he says nothing is going on then they must be just friends right? Yeah right! Twice a week babe, anyone that friendly would be annoying as fuc. What is he going round there on chrismass and new years too? Oh and what is a freshman please?

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always felt that a woman knows when a man is cheating on her. You just know. So, if he is still seeing her, you might have reason to be suspicious. Tell him, you had rather he not have such a close relationship with her because it threatens his relationship with you. If he still insists on seeing her, you might have your answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    hmmm... i had a friend as a freshman in college who would lie to her bf about hanging out with me. nothing was going on between us but she lied because her bf would get jealous. maybe something like that is going on

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trust him. From the sound of it, they are just having chance meetings in the cafeteria. ^_^

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