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We bailed out wall st with no string attached yet we arre unwilling to bail out the auto industry WHy?

The auto indusrty suplies many more jobs than wall st & the banks do If the auto indutry faile It means millions of lost jobs 7 lost tax revenue from these jobs The government give money to the banks etc & What do the banks do with it Give there CEOs a big raise & paid vacations. I hapen to work for a company that supplies parts for Ford & Chrysler Our compsny is barlely stayg afloat nowe If the auto industy fails our company is done for this means 500 people out of work 7 we are just a small company There are a lot of other that are much larger that will shut down also Let alone other industries that will be effected by this such as steel industtry Tire companies Dupont Johnson controls Plastics manufactureing companis Tyhe shipping industry & many others Tyhe efects of these job losses will affect every indusry there is even the basnks If people have no job they have no money to purchase anything with So that will have a negative effect on all bussineses not just autmotive ALL bussineses Think about that before you say let them bail themseves out It was the Banks & other finanical Institutions who should have been forced to bail themseves out of their own mess they created by thre types of loans they did & making bad investment but No goverment bails them out & they jack up the pay scale of the very same people who got them into tjhe mess they found themselveds in If we did as poor of job as they did we would be out on our asses But No they get a raise The CEO's of theBig #3of the auto industryt offered to take a pay cut down to $1 per year Did Any Bank CEO offer to do this?? Hel No The took the goverment's (OUR0 money & gave themseves an all expese paid vacation & the Feds said here we wil give you moe Yet the Feds want the auto industy to jump through a;ll kinds of hoops & kiss los of backsides to try to stay afloat Why???

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We bailed out Wall Street with no strings attached because we HOPED that doing so would enable them to give out loans again and stop them from needing to foreclose on people's houses to stay afloat. Thus fixing some of the housing problems. We also assumed that the bankers and CEOs would have learned from the Lehman Bros. and Fannie and Freddie and would use the money to correctly give loans, and as you said, they didn't. They spent it all. Now the government has learned not to trust these people so much and are treating the auto industry loan with care despite the fact that they employ so many people.

    P.S. I hope they get a loan.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel for you.I had to go through the same thing back in 2003.It hurts a lot I know that. I loved that job!!!!!!!!, but back then all these greedy company's that wanted to save money by moving production to Mexico and other lower wage paying countries are one of the reasons that we are in this recession . Sad to say is that the rich still don`t realize it or they know it but don`t want to admit it.You are so right when you say that if we can`t buy things anymore because our income got either reduced or stopped completely that they screwed themselfes.They don`t get it.We the regular workers are the foundation of a healthy economy.If we can`t spend they are screwed. It should not take much longer but shxxxxt is hitting the fan.It`s just so sad that we have suffer for their stupidity.The Oil company's are the next to blame.I think it is so ironic that all of a sudden everyone of these idiots are realizing that we are in a full blown economic breakdown.Now they lower the prize of oil but look what else they did. The prices of everything have tripled.Income hasn`t changed at all for us.Yeah it helps a little that the gas-prices have went down but I don`t see everything else going down or my pay going up. They should bail out the Auto Industries but they still don`t get it.It is so sad. They think that we are stupid because we are just little so called uneducated people.Little do they know.All this is really going to suck once this recession is going to turn int the next depression.We are just about there.I just read up a little about it and it`s strange.Look up The Great Depression on Wikipeda.The first one started in 1929 another followed with the collapse of wall street in 1939.Now we have both in one .What a record Hah Hah.Next year end with a 9.Maby hopefully this time it will mean that somebody is going to do something.I don`t think that people today would tolerate having to stand in line to get food ration.I think that if all of us workers that are left now would decide to just on one and the same day not to go to work would maby make them see.I really think that a global strike would do the job.I would love to hurt them as much as they hurt us.Oh I could go on and on about this but I would get to upset and they are not worth that.All in all They don`t care about anyone else but themselfs .We keep asking WHY,but the answere lies in their own GREED.

    Source(s): Hold you`re head up.Don`t feel to bad.We are all with you.
  • 1 decade ago

    Remember BushOilCorp is still in charge! Bush's friends are in the making money off of money business. (Those millions in the auto industry are working for a living making things.) When the bailout started, BushCorp began handing out the $billions to those big money friends with no oversight from anybody. Nobody knows where the money has gone so far! Typical Bush Family shennanigans. Little money has gone to the vast number of hurting taxpayers for whom the bailout was supposed to be for. (Remember Katrina, the $12 billion in cash that disappeared in Iraq, Cheney/Halliburton's no-bid contracts,etc.) The public still has not caught up to the fact that they are being fleeced. This is Bush's final plunder before leaving office, for the Bush Family Motto is: "If God did not want them sheared, He would not have made them sheep!"

    As for the big 3 automakers and their millions of workers and suppliers, they are mostly blue collar workers, for whom Bush holds no concern. And the carmakers themselves have badly failed to make cars that meet the needs of the public or the 21st Century. That is why they have been going into the "tank." Pick-ups, low mileage suvs, and 8 mile a gallon Hummers may be cool for those who can afford them, but the decisions to continue down that path with the likes of Toyota, Honda, etc. breathing down their balance sheets was just arrogant and stupid management. It is not unreasonable to expect them to show how they intend to meet these challenges before lending them the money, for if they are not really intending to change their management plans, they will go under and put millions out of work. They will get help from the Democrats, but don't expect anything from the Bush Republicans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    During the Bush Presidency, there has always been a separate set of ethics for the white collar and blue collar people.

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  • 1 decade ago

    lets face it people remember the power of the Auto unoins pulling in twice what the avge pay was,causing cars and trucks to be price out of reach of many people who would have liked a new ride,management at all three cos. were warned years ago that they were heading for disaster let them cry in their beer,they should have saved for a rainy day,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This was all planed start geting ready for a complete culapse of civilization.

  • 1 decade ago

    Makes ya' sick doesn't it!

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