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Obama now says no more pork barrel spending by congress, isn't that what McCain campaigned on? ?

Obama now says the days of pork barrel spending is over. Now I am certain that was one of McCain's talking points, but I guess this is ok because now its change. How do the Obama supporters feel now?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Their individual records speak for themselves. McCain has fought against it for his whole public life. Obama has never done anything that didn't have pork barrels involved. And... it's not the only thing BO has lied or changed.

  • Well, he soent nearly a million dollars for every day he was in office up until he began running for president. This tells me that he did what was politically expediant for him at the time. People are creatures of habit and he was in the habit of spending.He is also in the habt of doing what is politically expediant for him.

    My guess is he will continue to do both. I expect his spending to be record spending on pork barrel that he and the liberal dems want and what they think will buy them votes and power.

    I also belive that he will bankrupt businesses, and most average working people and small business.

    I belive he will operate as a centrist for the first four years hoping to get a larger majority in congress. Then if he has the majority and wins a second term he will go sharply left and lets us have it with both barrels.

    It will be an interesting and devistating time for us.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Are you severe?! Do you particularly have self belief Republican congressman by no skill placed an earmark on a bill to assist out their ingredients of their living house state?! this is the deal. the final ingredient Bush can do as a lame duck President is discover his veto skill. he isn't approximately to make provides in his final state of the union handle that he won't be able to fulfill interior the quick while he has left in place of work. for this reason he ideas an anti-beef stance to make a fact on account that's one ingredient he CAN accomplish along with his veto, despite if the beef comes from a Democrat or Republican. sparkling sufficient Einstein? How approximately you decrease back up that seventy 5% kind with some chilly complicated information? Or are you in simple terms making stuff up? this is the deal: The Dems weren't applauding by using fact they understand the Republicans bypass in simple terms as lots beef and for this reason understand the fact made via Bush became not something yet a thinly veiled, baseless political attack. The final 2 republican congresses exceeded greater beef than the different...wager who signed all that beef into regulation? next time, particularly of in simple terms firing off numbers you do not understand or understand, do a splash study.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just because he is saying it, doesn't mean that he can do anything about pork barrel spending. The dem house will never get off of the pork. Most of obamas financial supporters are expecting pork.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If this article is any indication of that I would advise no long term breath holding.

    No one can accuse Barack Obama of being tight with cash.

    In the final weeks of the campaign, Obama spent $147 million on,

    among other things, aging rockers, temporary tattoos and Google ads,

    the New York Daily News reported.

    The Daily News cited federal records that show Obama hired Jimmy

    Buffett and the living members of the Grateful Dead for a fund-

    raiser. The campaign spent $4 million to get its message across

    though ads on Google.

    And those 400,000 temporary "Obama" tattoos? The tattoos were sent to

    66 different Obama offices around the country in late October in time

    for Halloween, the Daily News reports.

    Obama also dropped $62 million on TV ads, $9.4 million on additional

    online ads and $4.4 million more on print ads.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he thinks he's being stealthy, even hitler went moderate for 2 years before invading czech, it's a way to placate enemies

    Trevor Loudon has got hold of a fascinating analysis of Prez-elect Obama’s administrative appointments by Mark Rudd and Jeff Jones, two former Weather Underground terrorists (chums of Obama’s old ally/chance acquaintance, the unrepentant former WU terrorist William Ayers).

    The two of them are now on the board of Movement for a Democratic Society, in turn the parent body of Progressives for Obama, the leading leftist lobby group behind Obama’s presidential campaign. And waddya know -- just like me, they believe Obama is practicing stealth politics with a degree of sophistication and success with which "even Lenin would be impressed." As they say, Obama knows that he must be subtle and reassure even the most conservative of his opponents if he is to achieve his radical goals. Mark Rudd writes:

    "Obama is a very strategic thinker. He knew precisely what it would take to get elected and didn't blow it... But he also knew that what he said had to basically play to the center to not be run over by the press, the Republicans, scare centrist and cross-over voters away... What he's doing now is moving on the most popular issues -- the environment, health care, and the economy. He'll be progressive on the environment because that has broad popular support; health care will be extended to children, then made universal, but the medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance corporations will stay in place... The economic agenda will stress stimulation from the bottom sometimes and handouts to the top at other times. It will be pragmatic... On foreign policy and the wars and the use of the military there will be no change at all. That's what keeping Gates at the Pentagon and Clinton at State and not prosecuting the torturers is saying. And never, never threaten the military budget. That will unite a huge majority of congress against him."

    "And I agree with this strategy. Anything else will court sure defeat."

  • 1 decade ago

    No Obama supporter I know was for "wasteful" spending. Obama promised to go the federal budget "line by line" and eliminate those infamous pork barrel projects.

    Sounds like he and McCain wanted the same thing in this instance.

    Source(s): The Force!
  • Irish
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes and it's a good thing, but Obama is planning on doing a lot of spending which will eventually increase our debt to 18 trillion. We have to stop spending and pay our bills.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pork barrel spending has always been a bad idea. Why do you have a problem with both McCain and Obama recognizing the fact?

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama ALWAYS agreed with McCain regarding pork.

    HOWEVER, McCain wanted to stop ALL pork barrel spending, which is something Obama doesn't want to do because not all is pork.

    CASE IN POINT: Our aid to Israel is technically pork barrel spending.

    So, Obama has always wanted to reduce it, but understands that there are some good programs that receive funding that way.

    Source(s): I read.
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