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what does this mean for the USA?

Press Release 12/08/08: U. S. Supreme Court asked to issue an injunction to stay electorial votes on December 15, 2008 until Obama proves he is "qualified" to be President as this is the largest "HOAX" in 200 years.


This ourt case was Done by a democrat.

not a repblican so its not on there heads.

but on the Democrats being rats and fighting over something that Obama could have fixed by providing proof.

Update 2:

This court case was Done by a democrat.

not started by a republican so its not on there fault.

but on the Democrats being rats and fighting over something that Obama could have fixed by providing proof.

Update 3:

just do a search for "U. S. Supreme Court asked to issue an injunction" and there are 1000 of them out now.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's probably about the birth certificate Obama's lawsuit. It all started from the Democrat lawyer who supported Hillary Clinton, then according to the news, there's about 12 lawsuit about his long form birth certificate that he haven't shown yet. Instead of showing the original copy of long form birth certificate, he hired 3 law firms to blocked it. We will see what happened, after Dec. 15, if there will be a case about president elect Obama.

    It's not about the Qualification of Obama as President, it is about his birth certificate. It's constitutional (I guess) that an American President should be a Natural born American,not a foreign born.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It means that the Supreme Court is doing it's job, admittedly, it should have done it earlier so as not to undermine the Federal Court System further than it has undermined itself already. Is it a hoax, I don't know yet. If they take away the presidency, then it definitely is leaning that way and they will have to have ALOT of proof that he wasn't natural born. I don't see it meaning a whole lot, in reality.

    If they aren't taking the case, it means ABSOLUTELY nothing, but I can't find any media coverage saying anything eiter way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have it from a very reliable source, that the Electoral College, will not be giving their votes to Obama, on December 15, 2008. So Obama being a citizen, is now irrelevant.

  • Math
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The fact that no news network cares to report about this, including foxnews only shows that this case will be thrown out the way a trash can content is thrown into the dumpster.

    It does not mater what you think, because your source of info are bogus links on net.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It means the obvious.. it's a hoax. What does it mean for the US? it means there are a lot of people who think they can change the outcome of the election by scaring people into buying their BS. It means very little more than that.

    What's really amazing is that I watch most of the national news channels on a regular basis and have not heard one word about this. So the credence I give it: zilch, nodda, zero, zip, none whatsoever. it is in fact a hoax and nothing more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will use short words. His mom was born and raised American. He is therefore, by law, an American citizen from birth.

    This case is so thin the Court will never waste a second on it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Supreme Court, nearly entirely nominated by Republicans, and who voted Bush into office for no legal reason, refused to here this case and all the others.

    It means nothing to the USA.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do believe that the Supreme Court threw it out. I could be wrong.

    But this is something they could have done this a while ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    It means that when we say the following....... we actually MEAN it!

    I pledge allegiance to the flag

    of the United States of America.

    And to the Republic for which it stands.

    One Nation, under God, indivisible

    with liberty and JUSTICE for ALL.

  • 1 decade ago

    It means some sore losers are throwing together any desperate action to prevent Obama from becoming President no matter how groundless it is.

    Just out of interest - why don't you show us who's press release it is?

    Source(s): Trying to play on Berg's status as a Democrat to give this credibility is true desperation. Berg may be a Democrat - but he is also a raving looney. This is the guy that tried to sue Bush for 9/11. He has asked the SCOTUS to rule - doesn't mean they will. This case was summarily dismissed in PA as completely groundless. As for providing proof - Obama did (as every court that has heard this or similar cases has agreed). Whatsmore the Hawaii Dept of Health confirmed Obama's certificate as valid.
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