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Why do Republicans always?

Get their "facts" from right wing blogs? I don't think I've ever seen one cite a reliable factual source in my life.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Always" doesn't fit into valid questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    A) You posted a statement, not a question. This is yahoo answers, not "yahoo vague, biased, conceded, stereotypical comments"

    B) Republicans ALWAYS get their facts from right wing blogs? Really? can you give an example of how all republicans always get their facts from right wing blogs? Using your logic: Before there were blogs, there were no republicans?

    C) You either have not lived very long or don't know very many republicans. On that note I shall be the first to cite a reliable factual source for you: "Democrat Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich arrested, accused of corruption and conspiring to sell Obama's Senate seat"

    There is your fact. Here is my source:

  • 1 decade ago

    How ignorant of you. What a loaded, and biased-by-nature question that is.

    It is actually democrats who are largely uninformed about the issues. There was an independent study done following the 2008 election that found that 70% of voters were uninformed about the election and about the topics of the day.

    Zogby polls showed that more than 57% of Obama voters didn't know which political party was in control of congress.

    Only 2% of Obama voters scored "perfect or near-perfect" scores on the poll/survey questions, which asked very basic questions about civics and the 2008 election.

    Congratulations, Jimmy. You're the one who's getting his facts from "unreliable factual sources."

    Source(s): Zogby polling of Obama voters in the 2008 election cycle
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think your info is unreliable because I am a "conservative" and do not get any information from conservative blogs. I read the paper and watch a little tv, but I form my own opinion based on the values and principles I was brought up with.

    Why would you show such contempt for Conservative blogs, when the entire ether is filled with liberal wack job blogs and Huffington Posts for liberals to use as a platform for thier ideas.

    I wonder why liberals get all their information from the daily show sometimes but I know it isn't completely accurate...Some people do not ascribe to the same views as you and hold different principles as more important, that does not make them wrong or uninformed it just makes them different from you.

    Instead of acting as though the other side is completly wrong and unjustified, maybe assume that one side is right on certain things and one side is right on other things.

    I for one am conservative, but I believe that our environment needs to be protected. I don't believe in cowering to enviromentalist lobbies and letting their special interest effect legislation, but I do believe that we as a people are responsible for taking care of our environment. That would be considered a "liberal" ideal.

    Most Americans agree with conservatives that they would like to see more of their paycheck and have less go to taxes, that is a conservative principle...but liberals generally want their own money just as much as conservatives do.

    Treating the other side like a bunch of uninformed fools who get their info from unreliable sources is predjudice and foolish. The Palin "Africa" comment came from a false claim on a liberal blog...The claim that Joe The Plumber was related to Charles Keating was a false claim stemming from a liberal blog...But after the Joe the Plumber fall out I saw hundreds of liberals identifying Joe as a Keating relative even though the allegation was completly false and fabricated by a leftist blog...

    Thinking outside the box is the only way for both sides to make progress. I will not abandon my beliefs as I am sure won't either, but their is common ground to be found, and calling the other side "Stupid and Wrong" is neither a mature nor effective way of communicating.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Republicans I caucus with don't depend on blogs for our information. We just have to listen and read what Liberals say and that is what's scary. The only consolation in the whole matter, if there is any, is the old axiom, " If a Liberals lips are moving, they are Lying".

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a republican & I don't get my facts from any blog.

    How do you define a reliable, factual source? The NY Times?

  • KylieV
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Same way on the left. I challenge you to show me a reliable, factual source that claims Obama has provided his Long Form Birth Certificate to anyone. Not the Certificate of live birth on factcheck, the long form that is in question.

    Everytime that subject is brought up all the Dems start providing links to factcheck and Snopes. Show me a reliable source that states he has provided the long form birth certificate.

  • 1 decade ago

    The coin has two sides here...Why do liberals always get their information from uninformed celebrities and comedic commentary sources, not to mention the left-winged media outlets. I choose to get my information from my own sources...the same as you. It just seems that my sources are more insightful and less likely to tain to truth for a specific agenda.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those republicans that still support the right wing remind me of the Nazis that continued to fight after the war was officially over. Somehow their minds won't allow the obvious to sink in and they continue to believe that they hold the truth as was told to them. There are all types of mentalities, else-wise Hitler would not have gotten those loyal to him to the bitter end. There is just no explaining some mental disorders.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here's one that's being carried everywhere, take your pick of sources:

    U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald on Tuesday accused Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich of participating in a "political corruption crime spree" that was a blatant effort to sell the state's U.S. Senate seat in the latest "pay-to-play" scheme in Illinois politics.

    Fitzgerald described the alleged behavior by Blagojevich, who was arrested Tuesday morning along with his chief of staff, John Harris, as "appalling." He said his "cynical behavior" reached "a truly new low."

    "He has been arrested in the middle of what we can only describe as a political corruption crime spree," Fitzgerald said in a news conference to announce the charges against the governor and his chief of staff. "This is a sad day for government. It's a very sad day for Illinois government. Governor Blagojevich has taken us to a truly new low."

    The arrest is part of a three-year probe into the governor's administration. The criminal complaint by the FBI says each man was arrested on two charges of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I would bet you get your facts from CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc, right? They are all left wing news media stations.

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