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Why do the pre-teen and teen set not wear coats?

I have 2 step-girls (ages 13 and a half-got to get the half, and 11) and they have yet to come over to the house with a coat and it has been cold. My hubby asked them if they had warm coats that fit them-they say yes. And then the next visit he picked them up at school-no coats. They both have hoodies-both seem to be chilly at all times. My hubby is ready to chew thier mother out and ask why she either hasn't used the child support money to get them coats or isn't making them wear coats. She works at the school the younger one attends and knows what they are wearing.

I calmed my hubby down a bit and I got them each a polar fleece jacket in a color they like to keep at our house or (hopefully)take with them to school, but my question is why are kids opting not to wear coats? They say they have them and chose not to use them? Is this the new trend or something? The oldest is in high school now and because of were her locker is she carries all her books and things with her all the time rather than use a locker and maybe be late to class-so I am thinking she may not want to get bogged down with a big coat plus books to carry. I have asked friends who have kids in this age range and it seems that none of them are using the coats they have. So is it a space issue at school or is it not cool to have a big coat anymore? I asked the girls and they just shrug and say they just don't need big coats. I have five heavy coats and use one daily. But I work with college kids and since I started paying attention to this issue I do notice the freshmen tend to have either hoodies or no coat (and it is cold here) and the upper classmen have gone back to using a coat. Is it an age thing? Just very curious about this issue since it is just such an afront to most parent's to have the kids go out without a decent warm coat on. And yes-my toddler looks like a tick about to pop whenever we leave the house even on a short trip.


LOL- this is informative. So I guess the girl's are normal. Hopefully the polar fleece (form fitting style) and scarves will be to thier taste. I used a coat in HS but it was my letter jacket so maybe that is why it never crossed my mind not to use it. But now at 34 I don't leave the house with out one.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well im 15 and at my school we aren't allowed to wear coats so my view point is that why should we bring them if we only wear them for just in the car... because if we wear them at school we'll get a detention...

  • moyer
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Coats For Teens

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hoodies are easy to to put on, move around in, and to a lot people, look better than just a big winter coat. In 30 degree weather kids in my school wear shorts. It's just what they like to wear. Just because they don't wear a huge coat doesn't mean they're cold. Also if your only gonna be outside for 5 min at the most, like walking to a bus stop or going from the car to the house, why would you need to wear a coat? They're just wearing what's comfortable and what is really needed for being outside for such a short while.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a teen thing. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm in my 20's and opt not to wear a coat at times because they are so bulky. I personally like to wear a scarf, hat, and gloves with my hoodie. Maybe suggest that to your husband.

    Now when it's REAL cold and snowing I'll wear my jacket. Or if I know I'll be outside for awhile.

    Hope this helps!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't wear coats when I'm going to school.

    In high school I never used a locker, and it would be too much to have to carry around a coat all day.

    In college I'm inside most of the time, so a warm hoodie works well enough.

    In my opinion, they're just inconvenient.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I can't stand wearing big heavy winter coats, but I wear them because I want to stay warm when I'm outside during cold weather. I also always wore a coat during cold weather when I went to school.

    Source(s): Sorce: Common sense
  • 1 decade ago

    Because they aren't "cool". Coming from a 22 year old, it wasn't that long ago since I was in that stage. At that age, girls are boy crazy (and they don't seem any better at my age). They want to flatter their shape and want boys to notice them. A frumpy Winter Coat hides their figure. So that is most likely why. They want to look hot. Now at my age I'd rather be warm and look a little bigger, than freeze my butt off so a guy will notice my shape.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    whiile most of us are in high school that don't wear coats during the day..i tell my parents that i only have to walk to and from the car & the school is warm so there is no point in wearing one. but when it;s really cold i wear one to school now and i'm 14 years old.

    it's like the same way with boots. i used to think they weren't cool but now i wear them if its cold so i don't get sick. and thats why most kids dont wear coats, because their friends don't and they think its not cool too.

    hope i helped:D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm 15, and I hate wearing a coat.

    I just don't like them. What they look like when on, how heavy it makes you feel, carrying it around at school. I prefer not wearing a coat - you are more free.


  • Bridey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I never wore one when I was a teenager and I don't really wear one now at 33 years old. I wear a hoodie. :) It's too much to keep up with and gets in the way of everything you're trying to do. are you supposed to show off your outfits if you're covered up in a coat? Alot of schools now aren't allowing coats inside the classroom. My best friend's daughter just got in trouble for wearing her coat while sitting at her desk. And that's in Minnesota!!!

    PS: With teens...pick your battles. It could be alot worse than not wanting to wear a coat. If they want to freeze their behinds off, let them. They'll learn.

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