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Hoping for a 1000 point loss Friday!?

I hope the people that made me lose my job at Chrysler lose a lot of money Friday.I will lose my job,house, and pension thanks to a lot of ignorant Americans.The UAW isn't the cause of the auto companies failure,it is the trade laws and tax laws.Japan can import all the cars it wants and gets a 19% tax break or a 19% profit before the car is sold.Detroit exports a car to Japan and there is a 19% value tax added and we can only have 3% of the Japan market,free trade?

So please if you have any stocks sell them Friday because they will be worthless after 1 or more of these companies go belly up and unemployment is over 10%.


Hope you lose your job soon too!Won't be long with the depression that is coming.

Update 2:

Let's see I believe Toyota builds gas guzzling trucks and SUV's too.GM builds more models that get over 30mpg then Toyota does.

Update 3:

Oh that loan in the early 80's,the taxpayers made a profit of $400 million on a 1.5 billion loan.How much will you get back from the 700 billion bank loans?

Update 4:

Oh here we go back to the 60's and the union is run by the mob.We don't make much more then US Toyota workers,UAW=$50 wages and benefits,Toyota=$45.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it will be a big loss for our TECHNOLOGY for sure, a large majority of americans only know what the media tells them about unions. no other country would ever switch trade agreements with us. they would consider it a act of war. but we are a special group we are lol... see you at the bottom!

  • robe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. People lie - markets don't.

    2. Economics are what they are. Focus on what you can control.

    3. I'm sorry you and anyone else has lost their job. Yet, you must adapt to the market we have, not the one you want.

    4. The UAW leadership is asleep at the wheel and demonstrated it by walking out of last night's talks. They are not adapting to the market we have, they are riding a sinking ship into the ocean depths, and attempting to drag the resources of most Americans with them. This does not mean we shouldn't help the auto industry. It does mean that to help them with a simple "dole out" is no help at all - and that's irresponsible to everyone involved.

    5. Without the bank loans, the entire world financial system would have risked meltdown. This was not a choice. It was an emergency. Providing this money without any standards is also irresponsible. Yet, the magnitude of the fear, and the potential impact on the American people, remains very real. If the financials go, all goes. It's like attempting to farm without a water supply. We can all attend agriculture classes, learn about animal husbandry, meteorology and fertilizers and crop rotations - but without a fluid, consistent water supply, it would all be for naught. Best to handle first things first.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your's is the typical arrogant attitude of a UAW worker. It's not the fault of the union or management. You refuse to make any changes. Hey let's just keep on doing business as usual. Who cares if our company has been spiraling downward for 20 years.

    Now that you've managed to bankrupt the company. Now you're looking for the next sucker with deep pockets. How about the American taxpayer?? We cannot fund every money losing business in the u.s. I for one hope you do not get your money. If the market takes a 1000 pt hit, so be it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry for the loss of your job but you can't blame "ignorant Americans" for choices that Chrysler made. I believe they have already been bailed out once, right? Toyota and Honda may get a break but they also manufactured gas efficient cars when they say the economy headed that way, not gas guzzlers the GM and Ford made to make big bucks.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You know what no one has said... what about all the frigging Unions. Those bastards aren't cheap, think of all the money they take out of peoples checks that could be being used as a nest egg for the companies. Instead, Unions suck companies dry all in the name of the people, when really it's about the inner workers of the Union... hell, they were started by the mob, what do we expect, but really folks! Call a spade a spade, if we're throwing dirt around, the Unions certainly deserve their share.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, just think where the union would be today if they'd faced reality in 1980. Your predecessors didn't leave you a good future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im so glad you did lose your job, given your attitude it was going to happen either way! good for you!! you will lose any job you get simply because you are a born loser and will die a loser.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i smell a sour loser...get over your job and look for a new one

  • ill keep that in mind...

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