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Christians, a question about evangelism...?

Ok, as Christians we've all heard about the importance of evangelism. My question is this. Should evangelism be something that is "pushed" and something that requires hard work, and planning/strategy sessions and things like that? Or should it be something that just comes natural and really doesn't require extra effort on our part because it is God/ The Holy Spirit working in us and through us all of the time?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it should only come from the heart and out of love when you feel you should do it, not forced.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I believe it depends upon how God leads the one who has a heart or vision to do some evangelism. Those evangelists who are connected to a denomination will normally have the local church or churches of the same denomination do the leg work. Of course this would be in cooperation with the local pastors of that area.

    If it is a ministry like song or dance or play churches can be involved with that work also. They may have Christian agents who help with advertising in different places and churches.

    If it is one church going out to evangelize in the neighborhood they may just share the gospel. I recall one Christmas time long ago when I was a youth we sang Christmas songs during that holiday season and passed out tracks. That was our ministry then.

    I'm sure there are more ways and I've just mentioned a few. But for the disciples the message was clear. Go you into all the world and preach the good news of Jesus Christ. Each of us in our own way can be an evangelist for Jesus.

    God bless.

  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    well i attend a christian university and i took evangelism last semester and we had to evangelize to people and write a paper on it. they taught us the techniques and the strategies to do it. yes it was helpful but its never the same when your out in the real world. for the assignment i never evangelize...i just made the paper up.(i got an A by the way) to answer your question i do not believe you should be pushed to do it. but as Christians it is our responsibility to tell others about Christ. it does not necessarily mean you have to be an expert in the Bible but you should have the basic concepts down b/c people are going to question your beliefs. it does require effort tho to evangelize.

    Source(s): God Bless
  • 1 decade ago

    I've done personal evangelism before, in college I used to go out with some friends on friday nights downtown to where people were getting drunk at the bars. We would go up to people and just have a regular, easy conversation with them, share the Gospel with them, answer any questions they had, and that was it. We just followed Biblical guidelines for sharing the Gospel.

    I never had a bad experience while doing this. Contrary to what you might read on R&S, everyone we talked to was always friendly and interested in hearing what we had to say, or sharing their beliefs with us. I had so many good conversations, it was great. If you want to learn more about evangelism, this is a really good video on it:

    I don't agree with Ray Comfort on a lot of stuff, but when it comes to evangelism, he's dead on.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It should not be pushed ( shake the dust from your feet), I prefer a more relaxed informal setting. If your church is having a "focus on evangelism" or any other special should include some communication and planning.

    There is no need for one household to receive 10 initiations to a service and 50 households to go uninvited.

    I personally think the real "key" is not to miss the chance when it presents itself. In my own personal experience, just saying, " Thank You Jesus" has served to start several conversations. ( though they did not always happen immediately ).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure what you mean by pushed but I would leave a person alone if they said they were not interested.

    the bible says if they want you to leave then leave and shake the dust from your feet.

    you have done all you can do the rest is up to them.

    the only way to prepare is to know your bible and pray for guidance.

    yes the Holy Spirit will do the work.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus laid this command upon his deciples ALL of them I regularly try to teach people about God & the Bible

    (Matthew 28:19-20) 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. . . .

    This is NOT a suggestion, but a command.

    Source(s): Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a Christian's duty to plant seeds in the minds of non-believers. However, only God can make that seed grow.

    Just make sure if you do tell someone about Christ that it is what is stated in scripture. The teachers and pastors are judged first because it is by what they say that others will be convinced.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has to be pushed on the church all the time or nobody will ever go. Jesus said: "lift up your eyes and look, the fields are ready for the harvest, the harvest is ready but the laborers are few".

  • Achmed
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God has given us the freedom of choice. This is why you have to step out and make an effort to bring people to Christ. But, fear not, he is with you always, even till the end of time.

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