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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicRock and Pop · 1 decade ago

Metal Contacts, APC, Jackie, Gem, and Stone, Gig BQ?

I am going to just leave this here and go to bed but I thought I should post this and say Thanks for all the kind words and support that you have been giving me the last 7 months. I will drop in here and there and I will let you know for sure when I have something complete I will let you know because more than anyone I think you would want to hear the final. Other wise the Backstabbing, Back talking, people making fun of me for showing hospitality when if the did that to my face there would be a while new meaning to Negative Hospitality. And if you guys missed it the Gun thing this Morning was A JOKE LOL

hehhehahah SO I hope lololol YOU got a laugh out of that LOL. Any especially to Gem, Jackie and APC and Peaches you guys are like my brothers and sisters so Goodbye this is official until I come back with a product for your ear things have just gotten far to nasty around here. now I am going to bed and well look at this tomorrow if there's anything here lol. ANY CRAP will be reported on the spot


Good Night

Update 2:

Beatles Girl Thanks Sweetie I dont care if I get made fum of that for saying that but you are a Sweeite. I will miss you hun

YOU TOO STW, you are one of the most bright people we have your metal knowledge is HUGE you know a lot my friend

Update 3:

Your Welcome RA any time I will e-mail you my youtube address and you can drop me a message any time you ned help, You are a great Kid

Update 4:

And remember this is not a perm goodbye I jrop in on acasion as FOR SURE when I have new music done because I know you guys will apreciate it

Update 5:


Update 6:

lol Paperbag for a college student you are the most PROFOUND RETARD I have ever seen Drop Out of school and save your money for a shack you can retire in

Update 7:

thanks sweetie I apreciate that goth

Yes Nil I know who you are Thanks!

Update 8:

Zack Do you have one shred of proof it was me? NO YOU DONT so until then IT WAS NOT ME and untill you have PROOF I dont apreciate the finger pointing

Update 9:

You were Nil and if I star coming back on a reg basis I all add them again including you

Update 10:

Fairwell AFJ xoxoxo

Goodye Gem like I said we will be talking down the road if your still here I asure you =)

Update 11:

Ouch S&D that really broke my little heart boo hooo hooo hooo your be dead next week TRUST ME and the world will be a much better place your words mean SH** to me YOU ARE FU***** NOTHING!!!

Update 12:

I have a soft spot for a few RandP females Stab, FAIL, and others but with you Jackie I have had crush on you for a long time but now its more of a lil sis kind of thing because you are so young and I am far too old for you lol. and its not just because you put that one acoustic song of mine up there with Mike and Opeth as far as how good it is or any other of my music I just love how you are so positive and soft spoken and Indipendent. I THINK THE WORLD OF YOU JACKIE and I am going to e-mail you my youtube link so we can stay in touch. I will be back here and there like after a long break and I will keep everyone posted on my music.

Thanks Peaches, APC, migh, Lil, EVERYONE!! You will see me again later if I am still breathing. Cheers

Update 13:

Sorry about the blow up man my temper sometimes ouch

17 Answers

  • Jackie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bye Shred... :'(

    I'm gonna miss ya

    But I must say, this place is stupid now. Everything seems to focus on this drama bullshit, and not on the music, which is the primary reason why I even come to R&P, for the music. I'm about ready just to quit this site and go to a Metal forum where this drama doesn't exist. I have to deal with drama **** at school, work, etc. now on the freakin' internet? >:(

    Anyway I wish ya luck in life and getting your band together and everything. Take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Goodbye Shreder

    You probably don't remember me but I added you as a contact about 4 months ago, I also removed all my fans recently but I should be in your fan list somewhere.

    You are by far one of the most helpful persons I have come across in R&P whether it be for band recommendations or helping people with guitar problems. I enjoyed your songs that you posted, you are a killer musician man.

    Good Luck with your future music projects.

    EDIT: I see you have removed your fans... oh well I was in there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i thought you were cool man. but sending those emails and removing everyone from your contacts except the people that are backing you up on creating multiple accounts to TD people isnt cool. and those emails are especially uncool, they're not funny at all.

    and if you arent doing that then im sorry i take that all back, but its looking more and more like you are doing it.

    and honestly even though i thought it was a little weird you calling every girl hun i didnt really care i still thought you were a pretty cool user and i just thought it was you being nice. so whatever man, you just alienated like half your contacts in 2 days by acting like this.

    Source(s): like i said, idk if its you or not man and if its not i take it all back and say sorry and dont even expect you to accept it. but i dont see why you'd remove all of us from your fans and post this question unless you felt we are all out to get you or something. and you gotta admit when I put it all together *from my point of view* its looking like you did it, unless someones going to extreme lengths to frame you or something over an internet website
  • migh
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    hello Shred... i don't think i could put it any better than Killer Peaches did (that's the best thing i've seen said in all of this sorry business... kudos Peaches...)... so i'm not going to say much more...

    ... except that thanks for the cool answers you've always given me and cool bands you've introduced me to... and that i hope this eventually blows over and that you one day come back as the more chilled out side that i grew to like of you...

    ... like everyone has said in the various q's about this business, this place is for music and opinions... and not drama...

    take care of yourself man... keep up your projects... your passion for your guitar is admirable.

    i hope we cross paths again in more peaceful times... laters dude ;)

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  • Adam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hey Shred,

    Even though I'm a little annoyed about the stunt you pulled last night in the chat, I will miss you and your music knowledge dude. Please take care and I wish you the best of luck in anything that you do.

    And by the way, I wish you would have kept paperbags answer a little longer just cause I love to see him making an a** of himself. I'm sure I will have another chance to cause he pretty much does it daily.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hey shred I hate to see you go bro, but do what you have to do, you have always been straight up cool with me on here. I wish you a lot of good luck on your metal project and I can't wait to hear the music. Take care bro.

  • It's a darn good thing you added me in the details Shreder!!!!!

    Woulda been pissed to no tbe in the list to hear your stuff when you get it done. Heck, I 'm still pissed you are leaving. I been yakking to Darth about it and telling him that most of it was lack of communication. And Gothicus (whoever the heck she was) certainly didn't seem to help things playing the "Phantom Reporter". Guess I figgered if you and me, and me and Xach could bury the hatchet, I was hoping you and Darth could too. Anyhow, I guess just like in the real world, certain folks just can't get along. It sucks though, cause I like getting input from both of you. :/

    To me, this place is solely to share music, bands and to have fun. Too many people take it way too serious. If comments are nto direcctly slanderous, or racist or something, I just don't get people reporting stuff. When someone say "What does this have to do with Rock or Pop" I always figure...if ya don't like, move on and don't answer. There is PLENTY of other stuff out there they can answer, instead of folks resorting to little covert wars of who can out-report who, who can TD who, etc...... that stuff just gets on my last nerve. If folks cannot chiollon here, have fun, share knowledge and opinions, and yet respect other peoples opinions, they should be the ones leaving, not regulars like you Shreder.

    Anyhow dude, like I said, sucks you ar eleaving, but I'm glad you plan on keeping in touch. Make some good music dude, and enjoy life.

    *AS for the speculation the Shreder and Gothicus are the same person... IDK, it's possible, but one thing sadly lacking form all the comments about that is any proof. So as far as I know, thats still speculation. Show me that it's from the same IP Adress, and I'll call it proof. As for some of his antics, I cannot and do not condone them, but have also long know the man to be severely Bi-Polar (something I deal with daily myself, though mine has recently been reclassified as Aspergers with sever anxiety Disorders) and prone to majorly erratic mood swings. I even saw the latest one coming, becasue he had been on a major manic cyle for a week or 2. They are invariably followed by an even more severe depressive/destructive cycle.

    This is the internet. I try not to judge anyone here without actually knowing what they are truly going through. I don't as I said condone his comments in regards to T.S.R. or Darth. I have just long overlooked things, knowing he is dealing with issues.

    Honestly, I have made amneds with everyone in R&P i had issues with (Shreder, Holy River, Zach, etc) with the exception of Smiley and Paperbag. And Smiley was not for lack of trying. As for Paperbag, if he ever stops blocking everyone who has a different opinon than him, I would be happy to make a truce also.

    So..whatever. Drama is not something I enjoy. Shreder, go, get yourself took care of, do what you gotta do, and enjoy yourself man. I'm sure most of us will still be here when ya visit.

  • S>T<W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    See ya later Shreder.

    You've been an awesome member of this community and I can't wait til you get your project finished. I wish there weren't so many douches on this site, but I can understand why you would get fed up with it.

    Thanks for introducing me to so many awesome bands like Born Of Osiris, Fates Warning, etc.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey shred! You always helped me out on here. We got off to a bit of a rocky start, but we quickly got past that. I'll try out Born Of Osiris sometime. When you get your project done, please notify me. I'd love to hear it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally missed whatever happened on here..... :(

    So I really don't know what is going on....

    but, I wanted to say that you have been a contact of mine for like 8 have always been a great friend on here and I wanna thank you for being there for me.....

    This place is going downhill :(

    Bye will be missed :)

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