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Why do people believe that Jesus wasn't real?

I mean whether you are a certain religion or an atheist, I don't understand why some think Jesus, as a man, never lived. Even though it has been documented in other sources besides the Bible, why do you think he didn't live?


There are ancient documents in the UK, Germany, and the middle east. Sorry I can't post those but you can find copies in theological libraries. They just don't promote these other sources as much as the Bible, Koran, etc.

Update 2:

Where is the prrof he didn't live? What absolute proof do you have that he didn't? I doubt if many naysayers have traveled to other countries and read any other documents. Or read anything much actually. Smart? How smart it is not to look at all material available before deciding? And I never said I was religious so the comprehension must not be great either. Therefore, it would be moot to ask you to read anything else.

Update 3:

Queen of Killers???? LOL!!! Apparently you don't know what my user name means!

57 Answers

  • JuRU
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think that people doubt the existence of Jesus, but the stories of his resurrection (Jewish and Islamic faiths don't believe in his resurrection) are what cause so many questions by non-believers.

    Was he just a prophet, as the Jewish and Islamic faith believe, or was he the savior of the Christian faiths that rose from the dead to open the gates of heaven.

    I believe that is the point of contention.

  • 1 decade ago

    why do you think that he did? do you have any actual proof? do you have a skeleton you can show me? until there is actual archaeological evidence that jesus was a real person, most intelligent people will most likely consider him to be a fictional character. goku from dragonball z could've been a real person, he's been documented in TONS of sources. why is it any more likely that jesus was real?

    another thing is that the people who wrote about jesus in the bible were writing about him almost 100 years after he'd already died. that's even directly explained, in the bible itself.

    maybe he was real. maybe he wasn't. what convinces you that he actually was real? faith? come on, dude. i'm not religious by any means, as you could've probably already guessed, but i still think it's likely that someone like jesus did exist at one time or another. but until i have actual proof that he was real, it's nothing more than speculation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i do think he lived. but im not 100% sure.

    firstly there is the obvious one of 100%....i didnt personally see him.

    but also there isnt much documented about him. not till long after he died. i mean, if there was a guy like jesus going about doing all the miricals he did, i wouuld have thought there would have been more written down about him at the actual time. lots lots lots more.

    having said that, word of mouth was more important back then. but i find it hard to believe that word of mouth would be THAT important.

    on a whole, even if jesus didnt exist as we are told, he probably did exist, like robin hood did (but was more than one person). that what he had said or done was made somewhat more didactic than jesus actually was. meaning that he did exist, was made to sound better than he was, but either way, its the spirit of jesus and all that he now represents that people follow and love.

    which makes sense to me why people have different religions. its the connection with god and all that it rightious and good....whatever you want to call it.

    its just that religion fks it all up.

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider myself apatheistic and wonder this all the time. I believe he lived, I mean besides the Bible isn't there scientific proof? Who knows if he was born by immaculate conception. Who knows if he really was a savior and healed so many people and whatever else he did -- walked on water, turned himself into food, etc. Just because one doesn't believe he was the Messiah, doesn't mean he never existed at all... I mean c'mon even Jews believe that Jesus was an actual living person.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    genuinely, the jury remains out on besides the fact that if Jesus grew to become into an rather individual, and not an amalgam of a number of center eastern preachers of the comparable era. there is not any concrete information that a guy observed as Jesus lived and preached in Palestine on the time reported interior the Gospels. nonetheless, i've got not got a issue accepting that a guy observed as Jesus could have lived. He additionally died and grew to become into buried. end of tale. He grew to become into not the son of god nor grew to become into he divine. that ought to require the style of information no person has ever been waiting to grant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you really think if a god had been born on earth and performed miracles in front of large audiences that we would be arguing over whether he really existed or not?

    There is plenty of evidence for the existence of much, much more insignificant characters dating further back in history.

    EDIT: You are basing much of your life on a belief that Jesus existed. Remember, faith is a wish, it is believing in something unproven. That's your prerogative, of course.

    However, the vast majority of historical accounts point to there never having been a Jesus, while nothing serious or substantial points to his existence at all. This, at the very least, should make you question your beliefs. If it doesn't, it should serve to show you the extent of brainwashing you have suffered.

    After all, if you're right, then no amount of information should prove you wrong, right?

  • 1 decade ago

    Answer me this, what proof except from documents do you have ?

    The bible is contradicting it self and i believe that God and Jesus are just a lie. People will believe that a man can preform miracles but things like ghosts and ghouls aren't real. I will never believe in God and i may be judged one day, but i don't care. The bible is just a big book of lies and false hope promising afterlife and faith. I don't mind and don't care people believing in God if they don't force there beliefs on me and others.

    Source(s): My beliefs
  • 1 decade ago

    because people just refuse to believe.

    They believe when later writers write about the city of atlantis but when it comes about God they reject it out right and demand extraordinary proof.

    If it were required for them to have the same proof that they had a grandfather 1000 years ago they would not have one because they could show no documented proof they had one.

    So by their own burden of proof they never had a grandfather that long ago because they could not come up with any documents at all.

    It just shows the proof they demand can never be met so it relieves them of any responsibility to make a choice about God, or so they believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    i totally believe he lived. But people tend to think history is abstract or it didnt really happen or was exaggerated thats just how humans are they make the bible like a book of fables which is sad.

    On the other hand others are just sad to see a person who doesnt preach hate and the stoning to death of women they cant deal with the freedom and liberation Jesus brings

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unless they are truly blinded, most people accept that a man named Jesus did live once

    but everyone who knows this, with the exception of Christians, realises he was a normal guy, just a great, charismatic leader, but no special miracle worker

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